Sup Forums has ruined this board

Sup Forums has ruined this board


lazy threads like this have

your lack of dubs has

No, you have

not as much as Sup Forums anyway

>Sup Forums has ruined this board

Sup Forums is a board of peace
he good boy
he dindu nuffin

if you don't like rap, you're racist and a russian bot

you DONT think kendrick is the voice of our generation? whoa bro, i didnt know you were a nazi. what the fuck? hey everyone, this guys a nazi.

If it makes you happy its mostly south americans living in slums that call people nigger on most threads. Its the only thing that makes them feel less inferior.

check em

Nice white fragility

(you) are probably a nazi, yes. What do you get out of defending Sup Forums if you're not a nazi? PS not liking hip hop is a preeeeeeeeety good sign you're a racist. there's really no reason to dislike such a varied genre besides the fact it's black music.
>cuck memes
Grow up

Everybody from Sup Forums who comes here has listened to Death Grips once and now think they have a better music taste than everybody here. Also combine that with the extreme case of aspergers everyone on that board has


That's great and all but how about you faggots get some taste before you start voicing your retarded opinions

>this is your brain on soy

A NAZI would say that. I guess you don't believe in welfare either fascist?!?!

>pol hasn't ruined this bo-

>A NAZI would say that
I don't think you know what you are talking about

you don't even know what i listen to buddy. i don't even post political posts on this board because that's not what it's for, even if i use Sup Forums to catch up on the news. hell, i used this board long before i started using Sup Forums. around 2013 i started coming here and it's far worse today.
nibba you are on Sup Forums the entire site has aspergers

You ARE racist if you’re the person posting Kendrick fuck whitey threads. You’re that poster aren’t you


why dont you taste my dick in your mouth
lmao rekt boom goes the dinamite
how user would ever recover?


I can't listen to this black-hating racist anymore

Both extremes are shit tbfh.

Centrists are the worst though


But the people on the left arent hurting anyone.

no i'm just a guy who thinks kendrick is overrated. only rap i like is kanye.

>having an impartial political opinion is worse than having an extreme political opinion


Don't act like lefties don't shit this board up with their politics too, I see a lot of (legit not meme snarl world tier) communist debate and discussion almost as much as I see poltards. Just yesterday there was a huge thread that was basically a thinly veiled commie circlejerk under the guise of "rec me communist music" that got a ton of replies before it got deleted. All I'm saying is if they can post their stuff, why can't Sup Forums? Either ban both or allow both.

Imagine being this autistic

glad you agree

communism is ok tho because it's not based in hate and it's the most artistic ideology. many great artists were and are far left. NO great artists are far right. far right is built on hate and close mindedness left is built on creativity and love and openness.

The elections ruined Sup Forums

which is why the soviet union banned all art that wasn't social realism and sent all artists that didn't want to indulge in it to the gulags

Hahahahahahaha oh my god stop hahahaha

>impartial political opinion
Whatever that means.
If you have an opinion you're not impartial, you've already made up your mind and decided that this is the best way of things. Just because it's the prevailing orthodoxy of society doesn't make it neutral or something, it's just another ideology that happens to have the backing of the status quo.

If the Germans won WW2 neo-Nazism wouldn't then be impartial, it would still be neo-Nazism. Only now neoliberalism would be the radical fringe belief while Sup Forums would be the centrists.