Russian artist make suicide online. This is performance, but this is installation also (her hanged body stay few hours on the facade of the building ).
How the Western artists can even compete with this?
Russian art
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Not art, just extreme narcicissm
i would suicide to if i were ugly like her.
She is nice. So sad accident really, such beautiful lips has been lost to humanity forever...
Nah he's right
1.What she did to her face already indicates she's insane.
2.I saw no proof of death.
She made herself look like a blow up doll.
2. By Russian laws i'm can't spread photos of her hanged body.
this is Sup Forums just do it.
She looks better than your mommy anyway
another trap but this time ugly af
She is artist and even from own death she make art. How Western castrated art can even compete with this? Only Japanece artists make equal things in the past.
Who care about Turkish beauty standards?! Kek
you forgot to take your meds again son
t: mom
Again, not art, extreme narcicissm
Clearly she found herself ugly and probably wretchedly poor
So rather than continue on, she chose to do something she thought would give her shit life meaning
Protip: it didn't. No one cares or will remember.
>Again, not art, extreme narcicissm
this tbqh
What a pretentious attention starved cunt. Good riddance and I hope she burns in hell.
I'm talk about him. Only Japs are equal to Russians, Western weak pussies can't even compete
Murican Hillbilly do want teach us about art
>she found herself ugly
she beautiful, 10/10in Russia
>probably wretchedly poor
she is rich girl
>10/10 in Russia
Wew lad.
We need to hang people who do lip injections
Thank god she killed herself
She ugg
...and nothing of value was lost.
not as ugly as your fat whorish mother though
Fuckin nasty
On the photo you can see a heart tattoo on her breast with a word "me" in Russian inside. That bitch was so narcissistic that the thought about the attention over her suicide was more precious to her than her own life.
>By Russian laws
I'm surprised you're still allowed on non-Russian sites desu.
Her name is not Nastja
Poor alone girl, nobody understand her
I really envy her.
Wish i had the courage to hang myself too.
Should've shot up some KROKODIL before hanging herself
Mishima would put you in camps again you russian subhuman.
Hanging yourself ain't no big deal. If millionaires who have lived in extreme comfort and luxury for decades like Robin Williams, Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington can do it, then so do you.
Her art is nice
It's real lose for our society. Such talented artist gone...
>millionaires who have lived in extreme comfort and luxury
Never seen this cunt before but I'm glad she offed herself
its not that good desu
I created better """art""" even I was 8 years old fucking around in Ms Paint
Thanks my brother. I always loved Russians. They are strong, tough and proud but always respectful.
Maximum attention whoring
> some mentally deficient duck face cunt
> art
just fucking end yourself like she did
>attention seeking troll just compared glorious Mishima to some dumb attention seeking whore
>you're my greatest ally!
She really epic! Just watch to this!
ITT: brainlet virgins who think chinese cartoons are art because they never got an education
by russian laws your existence is illegal, please kys to comply
who are you referring to?
He wasn't wrong with Vysotski tho
The ones who call her attention whore and narcissist.
But I shouldn't blame them. They probably went to public schools which only trained them for a life of service.
>i'm can't
dumb russian subhuman piece of dirt. why is russhit scum so fucking dumb?
She is my Ideal now.
Дa пoхyй нa этy пиздy-внимaниeблядь. Eщё нapoжaют тaких, нe ccы.
what does that post have to do with chinese cartoons?
and what does it have to do with public suicide?
explain me your logic.
Those """"""""people""""""""" think chinese cartoons are the pinnacle of art because they never got educated on what art actually is, and thus can't comprehend the artistic value of her suicide.
what is art then, enlighten us please.
Go to school. There are things you can't explain in a single post.
you are the first one who came up with "chinese cartoons" itt. are you sure that you on the right thread?
>and what does it have to do with public suicide?
and what does art have to do with public suicide?
Look at Freedom-of speech perfrmance of this Russian artist and answer - this is art or not?
Sorry about your cognitive state tovarish.
It was pretty cool when he lit the door of FSB HQ, but the balls on the concrete thing was weird.
It's Jail subculture. When prisoner deny to obey to administration he hailed own testicules to the bed and sutures mout. It's message, strong image, he make art from own body.
>live in oppressive frozen shithole
>decide to end wretched existence
>make it into ''''art project''''' for extra attention
It's a good idea tbqhwy
>live in oppressive frozen shithole
Do you describe the Murica?
Nah, the frozen parts are much better than the non-frozen ones.
He art publicated