>Christmas movie
>They open presents on the morning of the 25th
Christmas movie
I don't understand , do americans really do this?
thats what youre suppose to do
>outside of
>christmas movie
>family hosts big christmas eve party with at least 30 family members presents and a big endless banquet
Yep. Pretty comfy. Open presents have a nice breakfast and take a long pre-noon nap.
no you open presents on Boxing Day, hence the name "Boxing Day"
if you're a fucking peasant
We used to stay up til midnight and it was so fun.
Now I have to go see my family and be the only single one there and try to avoid anyone asking questions about my life or why I'm not on facebook.
I opened my gift on the 23erd.
that's the way you do it you dumb frog
>not secretly opening your presents in advance
>user posts something normal
>"do Americans really do this?"
Of all the stupid memes on this site, this one trumps them all
at least you don't live with your parents
presents are opened on 24th kys
a lot of other countries open presents on christmas eve
I remembering opening our presents at 12 am on Christmas when I was really young but when I turned 14 I started waiting till the morning of Christmas Day. The feeling of waking up on Christmas Day to presents is an amazing and warm feeling, opening them any other time is just blasphemy.
>falling for the festive jew
>his parents didn't let him open 1 present on Christmas Eve night
Just an appetizer before the main course
Doing it wrong. You're allowed 1 gift on xmas eve like says
Can white people stop forcing this shit here? This is an international board, you are a minority.
that's an american white trash tradition. believe it or not, different countries and cultures have different traditions. I hear they don't even build snowmen in south america.
Is it weird that I'm 34 and my parents still buy me like 15 gifts for Christmas?
I bet you thought Boxing Day was for having fights in a ring, didnt you Americhub?
thats fucking dope
no, Autism is quite common now. 1 in 40 people I think.
>Day called Christmas Eve
>Christmas doesn't start until the 25th
You really can't make this shit up.
How many gifts do you buy them? You do buy them gifts, right?
Look it up if you don't believe me. It's literally welfare christmas.
>family has christmas "DINNER" any time around 12-2
>same shit with thanksgiving dinner
Anyone else? This has always bothered me and every year it still does.
what the fuck
>family isn't shattered into a million pieces with everybody spending Christmas alone eating TV dinners and getting drunk
>Christ is over 50% of holiday's name
>Santa Claus is the symbol of Christmas
You can't make it up
It's only weird if you don't buy them anything
Dinner is the largest meal of the day. It's not based on time. At the farm we always had dinner at noon and supper in the evening.
I got them two gifts each.
>late night Christmas Eve
>Dad snaps and murders entire family
Enough, Hollywood.
my family does that. It always annoyed me because i'm a NEET who sleeps until noon everyday and don't like having a massive holiday meal for breakfast.
Not weird at all. I'm 37 and both my dads buy me multiple presents.
small family?
mine just buys it for the kids under 18.
We do that too, but it's mostly to just get it over with and retreat to our lives.
>both my dads
>tfw im the only one of my cousins who still gets money every year because i'm a pathetic NEET
I'm not sure how i feel about this
>didn't know what to get my parents for christmas
>put off forcing myself to figure it out and/or just buy some shit
>I'm a NEET getting presents but have nothing to give
I've been thinking about gifting them my dead body so we all don't have to live through the shame anymore
It's not weird to get a few presents from them still but that's a lot. I'm 28 and I usually just get a bit of cash, chocolate and a few small things like socks and random cheap gadget toys.
I... uh... skeptical frog, are you attempting to play mind games with me?
Dinner on the 24th, presents the 25th in the morning, then long-ass lunch until 4 pm
Murkans fucking shits
9/10, subtle
>or why I'm not on facebook.
Do most people have interesting enough lives to validate publishing it on the internet?
America invented Christmas.
Show some respect you asshole.
Not just any old person can go on holiday or have a baby user.
pls we invented America AND Christmas and all the other Jesus stuff
>children check the milk and cookies left out for santa in the morning
>each cookie has a bit taken out of it, and the glass is half full
My family has a tradition where you open presents using scissors that you have to have purchased yourself. Literally one store in walking distance sells scissors and I can't buy them because the owner was told by my dad that I am mentally ill and unstable with sharp objects.
Usually have to buy my brothers sisters at the end of the day for like 100 dollars to get my present. fuck my family
>family gathers around the tree
>everybody opens their presents
>everyone wishes each other Merry Christmas
>Christmas dinner
>everyone goes about their business
Seriously, are Americans retarded or something? Why would you wait until the morning when everybody wakes at different hour.
tfw get nothing for christmas because I already have whatever I want
do you have a gf, user?
99% people in the world open them on 24 at night you fatfuck
the fuck?
Because Santa comes over night, dip shit. How are you this bad at Christmas logistics?
Not true btw
Only in the shitty half of the world you dumbo
>St. Nicholas
St. Nick comes on 6th December and brings small presents. Baby Jesus comes on 24th and brings the big presents. How the fuck did you mix those two up? Americans confirmed for retarded.
This made me spit rice everywhere and im not even eating anything.
eyy nonna get offa the internet capisc'??
>be Eurocuck
>want to practice Christmas because it's my favourite holiday
>have to do it in secret to not offend Muslim refugees
Joke's on you, I'm not Italian
>St. Nick comes on 6th December
And Santa Claus comes on the night of the 24th, fuckhead. Learn your holiday lore.
>that satisfying feeling of setting up christmas presents for kids
>have a niece and nephew
>stay at sister's house on chritsmas
>set up an air hockey table two years ago
>had to download all the updates on the xbone last year at my house so the kids won't have to wait to play games
I get excited so I lose sleep for a couple days usually from the 23rd to Christmas night. Hearing the kids gasp at all the presents at 4am feels pretty good. This year I'm setting up a gaymin PC for them. The rig is decent too. GTX 1080, i7 cpu, 16 GB, and 1 TB SSD with a cool looking case. Only bad side is the windblows 10 OS.
No, he is right. Baby Jesus brings the presenets on the 24th. Because it's his birthday you know
meant to
>falling for the jew, king of
This is the only reason I can think of to have children.
Being an uncle is great I suppose, all the fun and none of the shit.
>tfw this is my biggest aspiration in life
>he actually celebrates christmas
>he actually gives others presents
>he actually has a christmas tree in his house
Kys yourself, normieshitter.
I always opened gifts on Christmas morning you foreign fuckers. It's maximum comfy.
Not if you finger your mum
>Christmas eve
>the protagonist's parents aren't fighting and/or drunk
>the protagonist doesn't really feel anything anymore since nothing matters anyway
>the protagonist doesn't feel like Christmas comes faster every year and that he again achieved nothing special last year and that he has nothing to look forward to in the new year anyway
Shit movie, completely ruined my immersion.
Yes it is, you fucking manchild baby. Someone over 30 shouldn't even talk to them and should live a few hundreds miles from them, preferably in another country.
That sounds depressing
How? That's how the real world works.
>be martsharter
>be 56% white despite defining white to include Jews, Arabs, North Africans, Greeks and Italians
>laugh at Europeans for letting in the equivalent of 0.2% of their population in refugees
>be eurocuck
>get run over by a truck
You literally can't make this shit up.
not really dude, reconnect with your parents
>be Americuck
>become minority white
this is the festive cheer i need
Boxing Day is when you get a box from your employer.
Maybe the shitty modern world where like 1/5 of people are on anti depressants. Movies aren't lying to you bro. Family is all you got.
Except it does, past a certain age you need to prepare your parents will die, it's much easier to deal with their death when you haven't talked to them in a few years, so you just put them in the ground and forget about it.
> believe it or not, different countries and cultures have different traditions.
>fucking stupid shitty goddamn americans how dare you have different culture or tradition i wish I could kill you all, ALLAH ACKBAR
fuck off yuropoor
>>the protagonist doesn't feel like Christmas comes faster every year and that he again achieved nothing special last year and that he has nothing to look forward to in the new year anyway
If you're in any white country, you best prepare for loads of brown immigrants. Nowhere is safe.
Also the Fathers job is something low-mid income that would earn maybe 40k a year at best.
>He doesnt celebrate 'christmas' on new year's eve
Why the hell would Jesus spawn at some retarded date 6 days before Jan 1
>mfw I'm 32, own my own house, my parents live across the country from me and fly in for the holidays, and they still make me take gifts from them
They're rich and retired too so they give me lots of good stuff. Dad's drunk and fell asleep on the couch downstairs, mom's asleep in the guest bedroom, and I'm in my office posting on Sup Forums because I woke up before everyone else. Later the fiancee's parents and her brother and sisters are coming with their kids and the men are going to watch handegg and drink even more while the women cook and the kids go do whatever it is kids do nowadays. (Shitpost on their tablets? Fuck if I know.) Then tomorrow we'll all open presents around noon and eat ham until we vomit. I dropped over $4k on Christmas this year and I still wouldn't have it any other way. It's the perfect setup.