Sup Forums at Christmas
Sup Forums at Christmas
Not enough pictures of little girls on the walls to be Sup Forums.
Those guys are all friends, plus the camera man.
I thought we were friends
wrong pic
We are.
>me on the left
This makes me feel uncomfortable
nice squat
nah, that's Sup Forums on Christmas
I think that was the intent.
Sup Forums is neo-Sup Forums
it was a terrible fate
>me on the top right
aww, he married his sister
>daughters and baby got mom's nose, son on right got dad's nose, and son on left is the product of adultery
the modern family.
what is this? post the rest
Man, the rest of the lemonparty shoot is weird as fuck.
i dont like any of this
These guys do a lot of these weird photo series
They might be geniuses.
>tfw you start laughing but progress to crying because its true :(
>when you see it, you'll shit bricks
the distinction between genius and incomprehensibly weird does not seem to be that great
Posted all I got
her genes really pussified their kids. they look like they all have social issues.
>pussified their kids.
they are kids, what kids don't look like fucking pussies?
some of them are adopted, it turned out the husband/wife are like super hardcore Mormons or Jehovahs where they go to other countries and help build schools and dig wells
>having a good times with the lads
mmmmm which should i pick?
Who is this semen demon
but we're your lads ;_:
Nigger kids, Which is why they bully white kids/are more retarded
at least they look happy and thankful for what they have
i luv you all ;*
why couldn't i save her bros?
>spoiled rich bitch who has a really important job thanks to daddy and his goldman sachs connections
Ill give her my gold man sach if you know what i mean lol haha
>Ill give her my gold man sach if you know what i mean lol haha
what did he mean by this?
Threads like this make me really thankful that, even though things are kind of rough right now and could always be going better, I'm super happy I actually have a family I can spend Christmas with. It puts into perspective how much worse things could really be. I'm sorry some of you guys don't have people to spend the holidays with, and I'd invite you to come spend them with me if I could. If I was rich I'd fly you all out here and we'd have a Sup Forums Christmas. Maybe someday. I hope things get better for any of you that don't have someone right now and I hope you realize that you always have your Sup Forums bros in spirit and we love you.
kys srsly