What is the psychological reason why so many grown ass men love capeshit?
What is the psychological reason why so many grown ass men love capeshit?
For the same reason we like any kind of fiction. Capeshit is no different than many stories that existed before it. Look at the stories of the Greeks and the Babylonians, any culture in history. We love heroes. In capeshit, the characters are icons. They have aspects that they are thematically arranged around. They have distinct silhouettes and images that remain the same no matter the artist or actor they're portrayed by.
Why do grown ass men love capeshit? Because human beings love capeshit.
CIA psy ops
American vulture-capitalism culture
It excludes lot of people, some of them get into taking pills, some of them shoot up a mall, some of them watch capeshit. It's just a way to treat how miserable their lives are
In other words, just another victim of the modern age
>tfw there will never be a Sandman movie or a decent adaptation of Lucifer
Why? Are Batman and Superman really that interesting?
It's escapism for the continuing obsoletion of men.
The beginning of Unbreakable will tell you why.
Go watch Unbreakable.
I've never seen one and never plan to. Okay, maybe I did see the Christopher Reeve Superman when I was a kid, but that's about it.
What does this say about me Sup Forums?
>shit taste in movies
>shit taste in litterature
Because there comes a point when you grow out of the "serious and artsy content makes me patrician" phase and just enjoy shit because it's fun and enjoyable. Capeshit is comfy the same way that Jurassic Park and Starship Troopers were comfy. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a feelgood specticale as long as that's not the only thing you enjoy.
I fucking hope you die
Why would the age be of relevance?
It's badass testosterone filled bullshit.
t. grown man who loves capshit
You think there's a chance I might be immortal?
>Starship Troopers was a feelgood spectacle
More like "fatman" amirite
All mythologies are capeshit, especially the greek one. Prove me wrong fags heh don't even try kiddo
>no one reads comics anymore
>stan lee filed for bankruptcy like 15 years ago
>somehow there are still legions of fans
I don't understand.
>It's badass testosterone filled bullshit.
No it's childish filled bullshit.
Die Hard is testosterone filed bullshit. Capeshit is PG-13 quip fest
they pretend to like it to get a fat gf who also pretends to like it
batman is the antithesis of impotancy. he takes action and is successful and even though he gets decried for being bad, he continues to do what he knows to be right.
modern man is impotent. impotent at work where he is controlled, impotent at home where is bossed by his wife, impotent in the media where grown men are portrayed as old, fat, useless manchildren.
batman is power, morality, success and righteousness. batman is Man.
basically is fpbp.
>implying it didn't feel good
I like kyo ano anime, but you wouldnt see me wearing female highschooler uniform and skirts
Grown men used to be little boys that read comic books and played with toys. When they become older people make action movies based on the comic books they read and toys they played with when they were younger.
It's a nostalgia thing, seeing on the big screen what you imagined in your head when you were a child, or seeing a cartoon you loved played out.
"ah shit, I remember the Batman cartoon. Oh shit, Joker's in it, that's cool, I'm going to check it out I used to love that when I was younger."
>fashy doesn't realise he's being parodied
Only americans do. The rest of the world just go along with it since capeshit is only thing in cinemas nowadays.
Oh please, any sort of entertainment is escapism. Unless you sit around reading fucking technical manuals and watch videos on how to chop wood all day you are engaging in escapism when you read a book or watch a movie.
I like vigilantes and hard justice. I like revenge, violence and sorting out the scum of society.
In comic books, the world is much more black and white, and that appeals to me.
because we liked it as kids and we like remembering how it felt not to be dead inside
ITT: Fat fucks making excuses for their prolonged adolescence
Kill yourselves. I really mean it.
>Kill yourselves. I really mean it.
Are you having a hard day, user. Do you want to talk about it?
I don't want to seem judgmental here, but you really shouldn't take out your anger on random strangers from the internet. I'm here if you want to vent, just let me know.
Fat manchild detected. You can't joke your way out of this user. You know I'm right.
>What is the psychological reason why so many grown ass men love capeshit?
it's what hollywood is forcing at the moment
The budgets required would be enormous.
Latent homosexuality from all the estrogen in the water supply.
I'm not joking at all. You seem to have a lot of misguided anger, and I'm genuinely expressing a willingness to listen if you have something you want to talk about. Life is hard, man.
It's because so many grown ass men long for freedom. They wish they could be freed from their miserable lives and go on adventures. The super hero is a way to imagine oneself in a situation where one can truly be free. Ironically the wage slaves slave away to buy tickets for a fantasy that keeps them more comfortable in their chains.
>cuck doesn't realise when satire is being appropriated
>believing impressionable minds would watch Starship Troopers and think LESS of fascism for it
Would you like to know more?
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Comic Con next summer