What went wrong?
What went wrong?
You posted another Star Wars thread
they are holding hands?
Nothing, Kylo was a decent villain in a post Vader and Sheev series.
All pointless set up. Starkiller should have survived for at least another film and get more development of the goings of the base. In IV, the third act was really satisfying because of their scantily escape in the second act.
What he doesn't get is that IV was meant to be a self contained story. Problem here is that TFA is trying to follow the same beats but is skipping the part that made the Death Star interesting and effective and sets up a squeakuel. Trash.
The TFA hate on Sup Forums is overblown but I think JewJew Abrams was the main problem, Rian Johnson will make him look like shit. I'm a bit worried about Colin Trevorrow though.
awwwwh fuck
What was the point in having Captain Phasma?
What was the point of getting three different directors? They couldn't even keep the writers consistent?
Starkiller was too ridiculous to stand up under any kind of scrutiny, so i'm glad they blew it up right away. JJ is scientifically illiterate and should not be allowed to direct sci fi.
Kylo Ren and The First Order were heavily underutilized for Rey. It's a crime since EVERYONE wants to know what the fuck business the First Order with Snoke and Kylo have for existing. Rey does not fit the narrative at all she's just a random Mary Sue faggot. Only non-Star Wars fans like her.
To keep things fresh? Honestly I don't know. Maybe none of them wanted to commit to three movies, it's basically 6 years of your career stuck on Star Wars.
Which is a shame. She could've been one of the best Star Wars characters ever. instead they opt for the ugly Tattooine scrub.
Nigga she isn't dead or anything, she'll be back next movie.
>does absolutely nothing in the film despite being high ranked
>doesn't put up a fight when confronted by Finn and Han
>doesn't give up her life to prevent the Starkiller Base from falling but instead willingly helps them out
>gets thrown into a trash compactor
They pretty much ruined any chances of making her a good character, though.
You know it's bad when KS20, a droid, accomplished more.
to waste Gwendoline Christie's "acting talent" on playing a Star Wars character that's not Admiral Dalla
Remember how hard they were trying to push her as the new Boba Fett? They intended her to have a similar fan appeal, but she ended up being completely outshone by that one stormtrooper.
What if they are, you fucking homophobe scum? What's wrong with BIC?
Where is this weather report from please (for reasons of international interest and research)?
>Remember how hard they were trying to push her as the new Boba Fett?
No. She looked cool in trailers but when the movie came out she did jack shit. There's no excuses for that. How fucking hard would it have been to show more perspective form her and the First Order? Not hard at all. Everyone would've ate it up, more people than those who ate up what we got I imagine.
The fake script was better
>Luke is actually the bad guy
>the light side is actually bad
>Kylo and Rey and twins
>finn is Luke's new trainee
That was much better than what we actually got
>Hyped up for fans.
>Supposedly badass.
>Gets beaten by Han Solo in the most ignominious way possible.
How isn't she the new Bobba Fett?
Did they fug?
>me on the left (bottom)
HAHAHHAHA I didn't notice Captain Chrome was in this shot.
The OT had three different directors and this is the OT with better effects
They should've went with Rey swaying dark and Kylo swaying light.
Instead we will get a literal repeat of IV-VI.
Luke is more interesting than Rey and Kylo is more interesting than Vader.
Why do they picture First Order as Nazi?
Kylo's the bottom. He's only dominating outside the bedroom.
Because Nazis are awesome. If they wanted us to hate them so badly they'd make them less cool.
Same can be said about Hux.
We just don't know...
>darth vader wears a mask because he was mutilated and can't survive without it
>kylo ren wears a mask because he's an edgelord
nuff said
Yup. I'm guess Finn and Poe plays the role of Han and Leia while Luke plays the role of Yoda. Rey leaves early to save her friends and fails. Then she redeems herself in part 9.
>Where is this weather report from please (for reasons of international interest and research)?
I would also like to know where it is, as I am training to be a meterologist. Idealy a 1080p version of it would be best. For my training and everything.
He idolises his grandfather, plus he knows that he's ugly and unintimidating.
It was really evident when he threw a temper tantrum because the good guys escaped. Remember when Vader realized that Obi-Wan was on his ship? He just stood up like a motherfucker and went hunting.
Hux's outfit is fucking 10/10.
Why are the bad guys so /fa/ in SW?
This. Also, Dan Mindel shat all over the dogfight scenes with his stupid shakeycam/flat zoom bullshit that he tries to pass off as cinematography.
They were inspired by Hugo Boss circa 1940
To me it just screams insecure manlet. His shoulders are clearly not actually that broad.
>make a childish villain
>movie doesn't work because there's no sense of impending doom
Krennic's look was also great.
Hey, I liked TFA. Kylo was a nice change.
That was the same argument people gave when it was pointed out Samuel L Jackson was completely wasted in the first two prequels
If I'm not wrong, I remember this photo was one of the first photos they released for the film of one of the characters.
What's funny is that her parts in this particular scene were completely cut out of the film.
What a waste. We never got to see her use her blaster.
Needs more boobplate desu.
And the fucking actress still had the nerve to claim she was some beacon to women in film. If I was her I would bitch about Disney fucking me over. It's not like they'd punish her for that.
Right down to Kylo asking her if Luke ever told her what happened to her family, before revealing that he is her brother
Have you actually seen what she looks like? She's ugly as sin. The only reason she gets cast in anything is feminism brownie points.
Nice lordosis
I would agree with her if she was talking about her GoT role, but in Star Wars?
She did nothing but stand about doing nothing and giving orders to a black stormtrooper.
jj abrams couldnt differentiate between his star trek movie and star wars
Well those 2 are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I know exactly where she's from but I won't say
JJ Abrams
Hint: Trump wants to deport her illegal cousins.
I loved Hux and how he didn't take shit from Kylo.
wasn't she also in Catching Fire just standing around and doing nothing?
she turns around on purpose to keep her job, doesn't she?
I think that they cast her but she was so shit at what she needed to do that they axed all her scenes except ones when she literally stands there and talks.
They couldn't risk recasting her at that point since it would cause bad press and go against the clean cut "finally good Star Wars" media blitz they were going for
Yanet Garcia, from Mexico.
No he wasnt...
They cast adam driver and he was more annoying than threatening
JJ Abrams
bad comparison
a better one is at the end of ESB when calrissian/chewie/leia/luke make the jump to lightspeed before vader's SD can power up their tractor beam. they finally jump, and vader's on the bridge, looking out for an extended take, like "what the fuck did i just see". he then turns around and walks away.
I'd like to deport lots of sperm all over her tits, arse, feet, face and cunt – if you catch my drift.
As someone who sees her on tv yeah pretty much it's what she's known for. I applaud her for it though work with what you got she's always in the gym maintaining that ass
>defeat empire
>state becomes a republic again
>the state has to 'resist' against a defeated faction
The new trilogy will utterly fuck up space politics isnt it?
yes because JJ abrams despised everything about the prequels, including the politics that made it very interesting, just to please his focus group targets
Why do we want to build a wall again?
I guess she can come but that's it
They should have just made some good Starship Troopers movies, Star wars got retarded after the first original 3 movies.
Mobile infantry > Stormtroopers > Rebels