Will we ever get a Star Wars flick where the bad guy ISN'T an evil White male?

Will we ever get a Star Wars flick where the bad guy ISN'T an evil White male?

no because only white males are capable of building Empires.


Jar Jar

Darth Vader was an evil black man

Lando was evil at first

Wrong he was an evil boiled potato that sounded like an evil black man.

All portrayed by white actors
>acted by a white man
>in story context is a white man
fuck off

Playing villains is cool and fun though.
Why do you think all those big name British actors love doing it?

Maybe with Trawn.

Maul was black.

All white males are evil or failures in Disney's Star Wars.

>Han is killed off after living his entire life as a smuggler, never fulfilling his potential as a leader, and his son is plunging the universe into the same turmoil he and his friends fought to stop

>Luke fails to train Han's son properly, leading in the second Jedi Shoah and exiles himself

>Kylo Ren is maximum edgelord, kills his father and apparently killed Luke's Jedi

>Snoke is literally a gigantic white man

Wrong faggot

And when the main antagonist is female you idiots will complain that it's muh SJW propaganda

>All portrayed by white actors
And? They weren't white.

Will we ever get a Star Wars flick where the good guy ISN'T a good White guy/girl? :^)

Aliens are now considered white.

Darth Maul
General Grievous
Chinese Trade Federation
Boba/Jango Fett
Rey is episode 8

I don't know. I'm more concerned with a star wars film that have actual character development instead of constricted and plain idiots who has close to none meaningful interactions.
God damn, rogue one is such an horrendously poorly written movie.

why didnt they just make darth vader the main antagonist?
who the fuck was this guy even?


No one would believe otherwise.

The only empires built by white men are british, russian and """"WRE"""", all crumbled in record time

Vader's a Sheriff of Nottingham-like figure. He just carries out the dirty work when stormtroopers can't.

no, every empire of note has been built by white people. you're retarded to think otherwise


From my point of view Mace Windu is evil.



How about you fuck take your shitskin ass back to tumblr where it came from?


But the empire is a white supremacist organisation right? Isn't that what that tweet said.

That's why they hired an Arab pilot right? And had black storm troopers. Kek.

chinese are white?


The same empire that got cucked by the british?

You don't seem to understand. Star wars is a gift to Jewish people, BY Jewish people. Because you're never going to be able to forget the holocaust while the Jews rule America.
Heck they even release it (and will continue to release it) in December each year to distract people from Christian celebrations. Jews are stealing Christmas and will continue to promote their leftist views in whatever popular movie/series they can.

Yes, the same one that existed for thousands of years while proto-brits were fucking goats in their mud huts

>stop representing reality

Ottomans weren't white, you faggot.


jews fear the chinese, just wait and you'll see the real shoah

at least they are a world power today.

all that's left of the british empire is a small isle (well, two if you count the falklands) and even that is being taken over by muslims.


It's almost time.

And that are now a world power while brits get cucked by Pakistan


Captain Phasma


Will we ever get an episode of Star Wars without someone bringing up race, sex, class or gender?

yeah, it's called episodes 1-6, shame about disney buying them though

The left has successfully politicized all art, so no.

It's time to become a weeb user. Greener pastures await.

>Will we ever get a Star Wars flick where the bad guy ISN'T an evil White male?

identity politics kek

nothing escapes politics dipshit

You can't have it both ways. You state that white VAs make a character white while black VAs do not make the character non-white. This is disingenuous at best and trolling at worst.




I want muh space nazis to look like space nazis. I think I'm safe from being accidentally tricked into calling my own grandad a shitlord.

well you showed up rather late didn't you


Greek (Alexandrian) and Alexandrian heir kingdoms, Persian, Roman, Frankish, HRE, Byzantine (Roman heir empire), Austrian, French, Colonial Portuguese, Danish, Colonial Spanish, British, Russian, Napoleonic French, Prussian, German, Italian, Brazilian (Portuguese heir empire), Mexican (Spanish heir), Dutch Colonial...

>meds are white
Stop with this meme already

>nordcucks thirsty as fuck
You really are nigger-tier.


Not seeing the issue here.

I'm spanish-italian.

They're caucasian, the only exceptions are the ones with semitic admixture.

Yeah, Mos Def will play Grand Master Admiral of the Empire Ploxx in a spin-off flick in a couple of years then we'll all say "thanks a lot OP, you faggot"

>galactic empire
>bad guys

Turks are white.

You know, contrary to that John Wayne movie, Genghis Khan was Asian right?


Meds are literally caucasian.
Go anywhere outside this shitty website and try telling someone that mediterranean people aren't white.

You guys sound triggered, do you need a safe space?

What about the Black Sun, and Prince Xizor? They could play him up as a Muslim sultan or something, have the Black Sun vigos controlling fleets of suicide bomber ships.

the villains are all white because whites are better actors

that's all there is to it


Isn't Darth Vader's voice actor black

>black guy heads the space taliban and the rebel alliance states that he's too extreme to work with and that his terror operations cause them huge problems
>uses torture and other underhanded tactics throughout the movie
>not a bad guy

white female.


Nice try, Mehmet

Was Krennic really a bad guy though?

Yes, he was white

Don't worry, I already am.

>a powerful empire of black people

not believable

Is there a demographic that's easier to trigger than Trump voters?

Ya, when they finally get their heads out of their collective asses and do Thrawn

Yes. The otherside of the horseshoe.


No, we're not Republicans.

No. They are the worst with Trump at the top of there pussy pyramid.

Trump gets triggered on fucking TWITTER for fucks sake.

America is quickly becoming a reality show.


Maul is red with black tattoos
Grievous is brown
Snoke is grey

>Maul is red with black tattoos
how do you know he isn't black with red tattoos?

Really? You can call Shillary an evil cunt and non of her supporters would care. Call Drumpf a mild insult and you'll get 10,000 angry replies. They get mad so easily.

Could anyone else not take this guy seriously? I mean i kinda felt bad with how much he got bullied by his superiors.

Fuck off kike
>Hurr Rome was a bunch of niggers and arabs

>black with red tats
I actually read that in a magazine back in '99 or so

but turns out that's false when Clone Wars is canon

>Ottoman Empire

They should at least make it believable and have Med looking villians, snowniggers never did anything worthwhile

>Hollywood wants white actors
>Evil white men at the top reflects the real world
>Not every white man is evil, nor even every man at the top
>But if you're going to find an evil dude commanding shit he'll probably be white
Checks out.

If you watched the Clone Wars series, the culture Asajj Ventress and Maul are from are clearly based on West African mysticism.

Having a whitey as the hero while fighting for diversity and vibrancy while defeating ebil natzees is a very important element to propagate goy

He's going to be the villain in Vlll. Does he count?

why does that matter when vader is white

It's 2016. It's time to admit that all bad people are white males.

Darth Vader was played by James Earl Jones doing black voice

Turks are unironically whiter than me and I say that as a tall 6'2 blonde aryan god