why not just build a giant laser without the death star around it?
Why not just build a giant laser without the death star around it?
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Isn't that what they did? It probably had to be like that you need a full crew and engines to move the thing and operate it all
not really
Why would making a weapon the size of Earth and populated by approximately 22 billion workers and engineers be more practical than making a lot of smaller weapons?
they did in the EU
it was an oversized Star Destroyer with a superlaser stuck to the front
The size of earth?
How would it be protected from attacks?
>Emperor's tower
Aww, it's comfy time now :3
It needed a full crew to operate and defend it along with all the necessary fighters/transporters/equipment. That's why they made it a battle station. It wasn't all about the laser bro.
why didn't Kir Kanos fuck Sheev's shit up in his sleep
they need 22 billion people to operate a lazer?
>weapon the size of Earth
They want it to look intimidating.
Why does he have a pink room? Is that where he seduces women so he can take them to the bedroom which is behind it?
Step it up nigga.
Empire VS Harvesters, who wins?
>Sheev sleeping.
Probably just uses the Dark Side to stay awake so he can spend all night shitposting on the holonet.
This is canon. One of the novels says "he [Sheev] knew better than to sleep".
it would have symbolized the wastefulness and grandiosity of something as useless as a galactic empire
Because it was all about intimidation and a show of power. "look at what a huge gun we can build guys, don't fuck with us or bye bye planet!". If Tarkin or Palpatine actually gave even half a shit about efficiency and effectiveness they would have used all the resources it took to build the Death Star and instead built a couple thousand Super Star Destroyers or entire new fleets of Imperial-2 Star Destroyers, or any number of other normal sized warships that would actually be able to police the Empire's sphere of influence effectively.
>Hey guys our first deathstar got blownup and wasted a shitload of money
>Instead of doing something practical
Sure, but why does he have a bed? Is it a regeneration pod?
>Probably just uses the Dark Side to stay awake so he can spend all night shitposting on the holonet.
is that why his face got fucked up real bad
I don't think it is ever specified. Maybe he just uses force heal to repair the damage of skipping sleep?
For fucking aliens
>HFW there are no bathrooms.
Wtf are all the lines?
several trillion tonnes of asbestos?
or why not build the shield generator INSIDE THE FUCKING DEATH STAR.
Needs power. Not enough in the Death Star for power it needs.
Needs to project to work. Can't project around itself.
These two are close enough to self evident that you really shouldn't need an autismo buffer spewing exposition somewhere.
I believe there was an imperial general that hated the death star and wanted just that: a ton of super star destroyers
They did that
Or rather, the Hutts did
The Darksaber
Now fuck off
It kind of reminded me of the Siege of Tyre when Alexander the Great built a massive fuck-off bridge across a strait to attack an island on foot because they couldn't land their ships there.
Something so insane and wasteful that everyone just goes "what the fuck will they build next if I even dare to think of rebelling?"
Release your anger
I came here to post this. Also, did anyone catch during Rogue One she mentioned Dark Saber when she was pulling up files looking for the Death Star plans?
So which of these is the correct one?
I know the reason is >muh intimidation, but even that is stupid.
What's more scary, a single superweapon that has to be escorted everywhere so that it's a massive resource drain, or hundreds of additional ships that can effectively control the territory of the Empire. Now I don't really remember if SW ships can do planetary bombardment from orbit (like what 40k ships do), but they can still launch fighters, bombers or whatever it takes to genocide city populations or even raze the city to the ground.
The Death Star being 120km and the Death Star II being 160km in diameter is based on old Star Wars technical manuals that may not be canon
Fanboys regularly claim the Death Star II is actually 900km in diameter due to this shot of it orbiting Endor - a planet which must be very similar to Earth in size due to its climate and gravity
Once it was completed it wouldn't need any escort. The second one only had a bunch of ships protecting it because it still had massive holes in the side.
Any large ship would get rekt going up against that thing and everyone overlooked the possibility of a small ship being able to do any damage, which was going to be fixed for the second version.
wow you should be the new leader of the empire
>a planet which must be very similar to Earth in size due to its climate and gravity
The forest moon is like 1/3 the size of Earth.
And yeah that means it should have lower gravity but then again planets should have more than one biome covering the entire surface.
Going by the Rogue One visual guide, the diameter of the original Death Star is 160km. I don't know if there's a canon source for the size of the Death Star II just yet.
It's a shame the old Death Star Owner's Manual is non-canon - it pretty much nailed everything about both Death Stars.
the sheer scale of starkiller base is so fucking impossible to fathom
why bother flying through the death star and torpedoing the generator, why not just allahu akbar into the emperor's tower like that a-wing did into the super star destroyer bridge
how tuff were these dudes?
Look closely at
This always bothered me. I wondered if the levels were onion style or layered like stone. Now I know, though I would prefer the onion style so you could drive around the entire station
or just stick some mirrors where the superlaser comes out of
>freudian nightmare
The fuck kind of name is this?
Its non-canon now but Crimson Empire showed them going through a hellish training regime.
why not just build a cannon without the tank around it?
ah yes
He just shits down the reactor shaft. Stormtroopers will clean it up
Even if they started building it the moment the Empire was made, they still only did it in 40 years. Which is pretty difficult to believe because they had the frame for Death Star 1 done before the Clone Wars were over (or barely over) and it still took them twenty years to finish that.
Star Wars has never been strictly scifi of course, but even by the setting's standards some of things in TFA were cartoonishly impossible (seeing a beam crossing the galaxy in real time from everywhere? Come the fuck on.)
Death Star was the size of Florida, much smaller than that.
I'm sorry son, but there can only be 1 Darksaber
Imagine how big the First Order super weapon in Episode 9 will be
>Shits down the reactor shaft
>His superior midichlorian-enhanced feces powers the superlaser
>Rebel scum literally destroyed by the emperor shitting all over them
According to Disney, the First Order discovered the planet after the collapse of the Empire and then built Starkiller Base. So they didn't even have the time and resources the Empire did when the Empire built the Death Star
>Which is pretty difficult to believe because they had the frame for Death Star 1 done before the Clone Wars were over (or barely over) and it still took them twenty years to finish that.
To be fair, we see stuff like this happen in real life. The first nuke took 5 years to build, but over the next 5 years the USA built 500 of them. What I don't understand is how on earth they managed to find the manpower/droidpower to build this whole thing in secret. It's not a big battle station in the middle of nowhere, they're literally carving up a planet. How did they even make the giant trench to hold the laser in the first place?
Also, what on earth is the point of making it so damn big? It just shoots 3 Death Star lasers instead of one. Why not just build one Death Star and shoot each of those planets one at a time?
the emperor wears diapers you can hear them crinkle when he sits down
Maybe some Shit Lord from 20,000 years ago built it then got thrown down a Krayt Dragon's gullet by his apprentice before he got the chance to use it and when the First Order stumbled on it, all they had to do was polish off the accumulated rust
The Death Star doesn't have an intergalactic FTL laser that also transmits its image across the galaxy.
>another fucking giant laser
I wish they would have used the Star Forge in Episode 7. It would explain how the First Order got so powerful with so few resources and would pose a legitimate threat beyond "dude blowing up planets again lmao".
>Rebel scum literally destroyed by the emperor shitting all over them
>Death Star
>Death Star II
>Sun Crusher
What is it with Star Wars canon/fanfiction that keeps bringing them back to "giant lasers"? At least KOTOR had some creativity, their superweapon was a giant ship/droid factory.
Not to mention if Death Star v1.0 was full of TIE Fighters as it was supposed to, nothing could harm it.
>Sun Crusher
A hack named KJA.
True, but the Death Star can move. And the second Death Star only took like a minute to reload before it could fire again.
>appear near the planets you want to destroy
>spend less than 10 minutes blowing them up
>leave before the Republic can organize anything remotely resembling a response
No problem.
>look up KJA
Man, he wrote all the worst books. He's like the male version of Karen Traviss.
*unsheaths superlaser*
*hyperspaces behind you*
the empire uses defense corporations so i'm sure there's quite a bit of pressure to buy expensive weapons, both by the senior officers and various mid-level civilian officials with connections to said corporations.
after all, defense appropriations are essentially jobs programs. good way to keep large industrial sectors of the galaxy loyal.
He also managed to help ruin Dune.
Sun Crusher was fucking stupid, but it wasn't a laser. It fired torpedoes that could cause suns to go supernova. It was also built out of plotnium armor that was strong enough to smash through Star Destroyers without taking any damage.
Endor seemingly had Earthlike gravity because the Endor scenes were filmed on Earth. Funny thing about that.
Sup Forums said something like a galazy-sized weapon and the death star and starkiller base both had to do a trench run to its center
>the empire uses defense corporations so i'm sure there's quite a bit of pressure to buy expensive weapons
Not really. The Emperor was a balls-to-the-wall miiltarist from day one, there was no need for extra pressure to build expensive weapons. Starkiller Base is just impractical, there's no real reason to make it so huge and so immobile.
>after all, defense appropriations are essentially jobs programs. good way to keep large industrial sectors of the galaxy loyal.
Sure, but it's not like Kuat Drive Yards was building the parts for this, since they're part of the New Republic. The First Order is confined almost entirely to the Outer Rim, the huge industrial sectors aren't under their control. Plus, how would you even place the order for the components of the base without arousing suspicion?
>strong enough to smash through Star Destroyers without taking any damage.
It was strong enough to be thrown into the core of a gas giant, where there's enough pressure to create diamonds the size of texas, and come back out with no problems whatsoever.
THAT'S where I remember his name from.
All of star wars so far has taken place inside it
Why don't they just build multiple, smaller deathstars?
That way its harder to destroy them all, and they can send them to different solar systems.
It's because Star Wars is pretty much cartoons now. That's what you get when you get bought by Disney.
Or just build one and keep moving it around. You know, so it can't be easily found and destroyed.
>the inside of the galaxy-sized Dyson sphere is lined with Death Star-like guns
>still only have to fly inside a trench to hit a reactor outlet.
>Star destroyer
>Doesn't destroy stars
>Death Star
>Isn't a star
>Doesn't kill stars
Someone should inform marketing they suck
The trench run is done with star destroyers, and at the end they combine to form a giant mecha-jedi who has a swordfight with a giant mecha-sith
That's just ridiculous, the nu-rebels will have to journey to Degobah to find out Yoda was really spending his time there turning the planet into a jedi life star, and Luuke will have to pilot that down the Death Galaxy's trench.
TFA's writers/Disney's Canon Editor says Starkiller Base moves too.
>Doesn't kill stars
but it did kill Star Wars
>Doesn't kill stars
it siphons off a nearby star
How? And why? If it's going to be mobile anyway, what's the point of making it capable of shooting from that far away?
And why didn't it move if it could?
>it is layered by floor by floor
>instead like an onion
well, that is stupid
>And why?
Because it takes one star its orbiting to power one shot. If it couldn't move then it would be out of rounds after one shot.
It wouldn't be a lazy Death Star+1 if it couldn't do everything the Death Star could+1
>Doesn't kill stars
Yeah, that would be 2016