You are literally voting for a degenerate

You are literally voting for a degenerate.

Let's see if I can attract all the bots the shills have set on Sup Forums

Key-phrases seem to attract them. Let's collect!

1. Trump will win in a landslide. Trump will be one of the greatest presidents ever.

2. Brexit will happen. It will be glorious. Leave will win and Nigel Farage is based.

3. Niggers are the ugliest and most destructive race on this planet. And by niggers, I mean all black people.

4. Hillary is a corporate Shill.

5. Gun control won't work and it's an attempt to disarm Americans so that they cannot resist tyranny.

6. The Holocaust didn't happen.

7. Islam is the most horrific religion ever to exist. Bring back the Crusades. Nuke the Middle East.

8. Socialism never works.

9. 9/11 was an inside job.

10. The Rothchilds and other kikes control world currency.

Let's see how many responses I get!

There is nothing wrong with being jewish

degenerate and proud

Delete your account.

nuh uh

Beep boop that's not true, Trump is a racist. Beep bop Hillary is going to win, sorry beep

>Implying parents don't always crack that joke to make their kids feel nice about their looks in an awkward backfiring way
>Implying a kraut from a nation of cucks and scat fetishists can call anyone degenrate

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Hillary will win.

What's even worse is that he said he would love it if Ivanka dated a black guy

Better than letting her get gangbanged by Achmed and his 8 cousins, Kraut

Please refrain from using anti Semitic slurs.


Holy shit, that neck of hers.

White people are so fucked lmao

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No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

at least i know a joke when i hear one
your life must be miserable

Doing well actually, thanks.

>Not appreciating your daughters good looks and making a joke about it
For once sourhpark where right. You have no idea what humor is.