I know Sup Forums is not my personal army. I appreciate all of the great insight and good laughs I have had over the years of visiting (and occasionally) posting on this board. So to start with I say "Thank you" for all of the great times.
I did something bad. This is something I tell my wife not to do all the time. I got caught up in the Facebook Circle Jerk. This is where someone posts something political that all of their friends agree with and they sit around jerking each other off for being so progressive and smart. Conservatives do this, too. Regardless, I got wrapped up in the gun debate. Someone had posted a link to moveon.org's petition to ban assault rifles, people were spouting off stupid stuff like "AR in AR-15 stands for assault rifle!" and "AR-15's are the same as M-16's except the trigger, making them weapon of war!"
Anyway, I feel that I have done pretty well so far, but here is the final exchange (pic related, I am blue, he is red, and the last statement is circled in yellow). I am burnt out of the back and forth, but I can't let this little pussy (who I have no idea who he is) have the last word. Any helpful ideas or words would be great. Thanks.
So the problem is with the FBI not being allowed to do their job under the Clinton Obama directive not the lack of a background check.
Angel Hill
I will post earlier parts of the conversation as I work on screencapping them while I work, if anyone is interested
Henry Rogers
Explain to him that black people murder 6x more than whites do when adjusting for population. Many states have universal background checks already. The fbi knew that the Orlando shooter was a suspected terrorist and a gun dealer denied him an armored best and bulk ammo and reported it to the fbi and they did nothing. This isn't a gun law problem this is the people enforcing the gun laws problem. You could also mentioned how ar's are used in like 2% of homocide rates or something like that. You should look up the actual stat but it's in the single digits
The red guy even admits FBI resources are strained, so just say that FBI should be better funded. Shouldn't punish a large group of people for the deeds of a minority.
Connor Morales
Here's the beginning, a lot of people were in the conversation originally
James Flores
We're not.
Parker Baker
Eli Johnson
You're doing good user
Jackson Myers
Luis Nelson
Next again
Gabriel Edwards
> Had the FBI had proper resources
Apparently 8.3 billion dollars in 2015 wasn't enough for the FBI to do a lookup? What a dumb argument.
Dylan Flores
Almost done
Nathaniel Cooper
Take nigger homocide rates out of the stats and adjust for population and we'd be about the same as the uk
Cooper Evans
Thanks for the advice so far. Here's the next section
Liam Richardson
And we've come full circle
Christopher White
Just mention that it's likely to do with ethnic tensions within America and bring up Black crime statistics.
Jaxson Long
Britain his much higher assault, robbery, burglary, home invasion rates than the us.
Elijah Long
I am trying to keep race out of it as much as possible, and I am instead just alluding to gangs and "urban youth", but you are right.
You could say something like disproportionate murder rates among different ethnic groups
Jeremiah Powell
I also already posted the FBI homicide stats that show that rifles are used incredibly rarely in homicides in another part of this same thread (this is just one offshoot of the bigger post). No one wants to comment on that, though. Surprising...
Luke Gray
Ausfag here. Crims can still get guns. Either through bikies or stealing someone elses. Or there was the martin place siege where the shooter had obtained it illegally. Shootings have gone down. But legal ownership is higher than ever. Overall crime is higher as well.
Also that's quite cold of your red friend about the boston bombings. ONLY 3 people dead instead of 49. Prefers collateral damage by explosive to a firearm.
He makes a point about kids accidentally getting injured with guns at home. But that comes back to proper education about FIREARM SAFETY. A gun should be treated like a dangerous tool!
Props to keeping your cool though. Bottom line firearm regulation is shit. The amount of loops you have to jump through. Even our police are poorly trained with firearms. Even recently in Sydney a female cop shot a guy wielding a knife and hit 3 bystanders in the process!
England has the highest assault rate in the UK, murder, burglary and assaults all went up after the ban on self defense.
Rape too I think. Same thing happened in Australia.
Look a Mexico ffs
Also how are these people comfortable with big government taking away peoples rights because they themselves don't believe people can handle responsibility and freedom?
Leo Carter
They could just teach gun safety in elementary school and the child gun stats would drop significantly. But that's too scary
Isaiah Mitchell
When they say it's designed to kill humans, you agree and say that's why many people use it for home defense.
Kayden Anderson
Don't want the guy invading my home to suffer any
Evan Jones
They should teach kids to swim, more of them drown then get shot accidentally.
Brayden Davis
This is triggering
Andrew Campbell
I said it is for recreation, but to deny the fact that it could be used for self defense is juvenile. Of course you can use it for self defense.
Blake Moore
I was considering an analogy to swimming. People are always saying that you don't need a gun. The argument could be said that you don't need to swim. It's only for fun, yet 3,536 people die from unintentional drowning every year. Maybe we should make life jackets mandatory any time you are in water than is higher then your knees.
Zachary Morales
A school in NSW tried to do that and parents went apeshit about it and the media tried to spin it that they were training new generations of mass shooters. Even though the kids actually enjoyed it. They used .22 bolt action rifles btw.
Gavin Martin
I'm interested that the gun dealer denied to sell an armored vest and bulk ammo. Need source, pls.
Jordan Hernandez
The high school I went to had a shooting range in it when it was first built. Kids would bring their 22's in and go shooting after school. I live in a blue state too
Brayden Allen
Parker Roberts
Rush Limbaugh mentioned it today. I think one of the alphabet news channels reported it yesterday. Couldn't say which, though. Apparently he asked about the vest in a disconcerting way with odd questions and then when the owner said they didn't have it the Aloha Snackbar immediately got on the phone with someone and was speaking a different language that the owner didn't understand. Spooked him, so he contacted the FBI, and then... nothing, I guess
Your friends are dumb. The trigger isn't any piece that controls fire rate. Look up Obama's last legislation on gun control. He closed the loop hole.
The biggest thing about this argument is the slippery slope. They took our right to privacy because 9/11. "To make us safer" now people thing they can take guns "to make us safer".
Look up the history of governments disarming people. the only time it didn't lead to slaughter, was Australia. I remember a movie once where only the police and government had guns. It was schlindlers list.
Whole argument is crap. Omar worked for a government security contractor, he would of been one of the only people armed, regardless of your stupid friends desire to disarm everyone because some wacko Muslim.
Eli Green
Post this picture and ask if they know what an AR-15 is.
Hint: see pic name for answer.
Adrian Martin
The only one I know is Mr. Pink, except for Mr. Gray who I met at Mr. Pink's wedding. Mr. Gray is a French Moroccan Muslim white guy whose name is surprisingly similar to a certain dead terrorist leader. I'll just call him Sam
John Miller
Twice the number of murders is actually pretty good when you have like five times the population tbqh fampai
Grayson Peterson
Last thing. >Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Noah Wright
He's talking about murder rates senpai
Connor Parker
>"AR in AR-15 stands for assault rifle!" Surely you can factually prove that it's false. >"AR-15's are the same as M-16's except the trigger, making them weapon of war!" Surely you corrected them?
Eugene would disapprove if you didn't.
Parker Lewis
>6x Five times.
Lucas Richardson
>Any object designed with the single function of killing killing in self defense m8
Jacob Evans
Samuel Hill
Cooper Barnes
He's right desu. I'm all for gun ownership and outright banning guns makes no sense whatsoever, but the current background checking system is indeed broken.
If all lawful citizens have to do is wait a little longer before they get their gun, I think it's a fair trade off if it means less guns in the hands of terrorists. Obviously if someone really wants to kill people they will find a way, but better background checks will weed out the people who are in a spur-of-the-moment rage.
Plus it will shut liberals up to an extent.
Leo Morales
>being on facebook Stop it. There is absolutely nothing there that you need and much that harms.
Dominic Cruz
That is an absolutely good argument. More people should remember that a lot of things go both ways, like free speech and generalizations. Remember this, no matter where you stand, politically.
Daniel Lee
Your evidence is a man who was protected by the government so that he could give them their precious crisis.
Jacob Stewart
Easiest way to win
"if the system failed to stop an ISIS wannabe muslim fag from killing other homosexuals then why do you solely trust it to be the only entity with firearms?"
Adam Young
Second-ing this. This argument has never failed me.
Eli Price
Same. It's basically a variant of the whole "cops should only have guns but they kill black kids" argument I saw posted during the Treyvon debacle. The quickest way to disarm and neutralize a retarded lefty is to open up the irony they wittingly defend.
Adam Price
Fuck off. We've already compromised a thousand times for almost a century with gun grabbers. It's never enough. They always reach for more and more gun control. And then little faggots like you come along and say "but it's so reasonable."
Fuck off and die in agony.
Joshua Robinson
It amazes me how similar the arguments for/against guns mirror the arguments for/against Islam.
—Both guns and Islam were created in order to control people.
—Both are the focal point of toxic cultures bred out of ignorance and fear,
—Propoments of both are often quite married to them, will die for them, and often build their whole lives around them.
—Proponents of them are "peaceful" except for a fraction of people who take their furvor to extremes. Personally, I see it more as latent than peaceful, because if push came to shove for either a gun owner or a Muslim, they would have absolutely no trouble joining a real violent war.
Kayden Perry
I actually like where this facebook guy is going with this. Its not the guns or lack of laws that is the problem Its the shitty system (particularly judicial) fucking failing us If we had a proper way to enforce the laws that already exist we wouldnt have so many guns in the wrong hands.