Putin Acknowledges US as the Sole Superpower

Is it just me, or did Putin just shrink by another 5 centimeters?


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Wow. A manlet finally learned.

Isn't he saying that everyone but the US aint shit?
That doesn't sound like grumbling, that sounds like we're better than everyone than the US.

No, the implication is that Russia is not a superpower.

"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak"
- Sun Tsu, The Art of War

Trump wanted to make it a sure thing so he made a quick phonecall to Vlad P nobody would trust hillary to negotiate with him.

It isn't, though.

Not sure how saying the obvious makes someone weaker.

They key to defeating a superior enemy is by forcing him to gloat and by stroking his ego. The sun tzu adage holds, if you are strong appear weak.


chinks btfo

please stop them america

Who said Russia was a superpower. A country needs to be both super rich, have a strong millitary and other factors to be a superpower, you can't have just millitary.
We saw that Russia can projec its penis into America's mouth in Syria, we all know Russia is a poor shithole.

thanks, media, you're even stupider than we thought

Acknowledging reality is a strength that Russia has over the USA. The USA is a superpower, but it is competing with every region's great power. For Eurasia, that is Russia, for Asia, that is China, for South America, that is Brazil. South Africa is a joke though.

"US is the sole superpower" = "There are no suporpowers other than US" = "Russia is not a superpower"

Russbro I don't know why my current leaders don't want to be friends. I'd take 100m Russians over 10000 Muslims.

This this this. Also I agree with the Russian it was also a swipe at China

Why would China be a superpower?

the government debt is going to fuck the US. Instead of fixing the problem, they just delayed shit. So even if Trump wins, he will get the blame when everything goes to hell.

Guys, guys, guys. Why not unite and bomb germany again? Rape some german women? Things like that are uniting activites. Then bomb the chinks.

i dont want ahmed's sloppy seconds

Which places Russia as a victim of the oppressive regime. Dude just wants to flip the script.

China and most normies think it is

>girl from my old class
>refugee welcome girl tho
>didn´t date one yet tho

I hope to see the US and Russia work together one day to counteract the Chinese threat. Both of our countries have their issues and differences but neither can allow a powerful China to exist.

I know we can help improve Russia's quality of life and Russia could help us ween ourselves off relying so much on the KSA

Just draft all the dammed males on your country intro the army for two years to make men out of them.

>>didn´t date one yet tho
She probably fucked a few though

>implying the US won't come and help you against China if China started shit with you

>hardcore refugee welcome girl
>whole facebook full of that shit
>did date refugees and met them at clubs to prove her point

No, you fucking Nazi


but her

There is no significant Chinese threat to the US other than a financial one. If it came to war, we'd wipe those chinks off the map.

America has been the sole hyperpower for 25 years, don't know why anyone would think any different

Man, I really wanna believe you but said the same thing about Vietnam



>Being this delusional
>beliving le Putin stronk meme

This is correct
Boxer rebellion when?

China was more involved in Korea than Vietnam but regardless our military definitely has been hard at work developing weapons since then that we've only seen hints of. We've got more than a few aces up our sleeves to take care of them.

>be a literal superpower
>get called superpower by a regional superpower
>USA tries to put a no fly zone on syria
>Russia tells USA to fuck off
>USA: Mmm'kay

if you guys cant see it, hes trying to get the sanctions off his country. When you were a kid what was the best way to get something from your parents? Suck up to them.

The reason you drew in Korea and lost Vietnam was not because you lacked the weapons to obliterate your opponents but because you lacked the will to use them. All the aces you've been shoving up your sleeve wont matter for shit when the new set of hippies force your hand.

But that never happened you retard
US never ended up with no-fly zones because it was not necessary

>economy the level of Italy, except declining because of reliance on fossil resources
>entire military only capable of defending itself


Nukes are a game changer for the environment, yes, but those aren't the types of weapons I'm speaking of.

This. Putin's feeling the political pressure from inside his own government.

>in the 21st century

no such thing

Putin said the exact same thing back in february to a German newspaper, Bild.

Hopefully a Trump / Putin alliance actually happens within our lifetime lads.

Russia, China, and Brazil aren't fucking great powers you dumb coon.

right, that's what I was saying. We'd never drop a nuke but some nasty biological or laser based weapons platform definitely.


Its well known though that Putin likes the BBC from Obama.

>what's a regional superpower is
You clearly have no ideia what a regional superpower is.

>economy the level of Italy, except declining because of reliance on fossil resources
China is the second economy and it's a literal paper tiger.

>entire military only capable of defending itself
>only capable of defending itself
>literally carring out military operations in foreign country
>only defending itself

We didn't need nukes to win Vietnam, we just needed to stay longer with the forces we already had.
The VC had jack shit left to fight us with when we pulled out, but pussies back home forced us to leave anyway.

Jeebus, Ahmadinejad is a fucking manlet

Why is Obama there?

or mb he wants to relax the buger so he can letter eat the burger?

>You clearly have no ideia what a regional superpower is.
I know what a regional superpower is. But you monkeys can't read

>China is the second economy and it's a literal paper tiger.
Because almost all of the world's industry that is not in the US or Yurop occurs there?

>>literally carring out military operations in foreign country
It's not really an impressive feat bombing sandniggers armed with only rusty old AK's

Isn't Trump 6'2" ?

A good strategy. Make weak leaders like Obama think they are in control while secretly expanding your power.
The US is doomed.

So putin is smart enough to not be world police for israel? Hopefully Trump is the same but lol who am I kidding the man is glad his daughter was seeded by a jew he is going to send so much Goyim to die for the tribe.


>little Trump bird tell me your wisdom
>release Clinton's emails

>I know what a regional superpower is. But you monkeys can't read

Dude when they starting taking part in the syria conflict, that was a show of military might, something your country neither mine is capable of.
>No fly zone in syria =Jews, saudis, ted cruz, hillary clinton, turkey and USA BTFO.

That's what show of might is

We didn't give enough of a shit to do it.
Daily reminder: Europe refugee crisis is Hillary's fault, merely enabled by Merkel.

China is this century's superpower. The US is for now but I predict the social rot will decay so bad that it will be knocked down to regional status.

>Dude when they starting taking part in the syria conflict, that was a show of military might, something your country neither mine is capable of.

lmao, SAA captured way less land than Kurds(aided by superior American airstrikes) throughout that entire campaign

>No fly zone in syria
Pretty much only kept out Turkroaches
US kept dropping payload on hajis without any problem


Just found this. Putin's new Statement on Trump lol


New Russian American alliance confirmed?


He's preparing to warm things up when Trump becomes president.

Then there's going to be US-Russia world cartel and Yurops are all getting sent to reeducation camps where Ivan will either beat the fag out of you or you'll die. The UN and EU will cease to be relevant, we'll pillage the earth for whatever resources we please. Russia will annex Ukraine and whatever it wants from Asia.

Then the world enters stage 3 and we finally make preparations for an outer space civilization.

Have he stated that Russia is a superpower before?

>superior American airstrikes
one week of russian bombardment literally killed the ISIS operations in western syria.

>US kept dropping payload on hajis without any problem

But at least the US don't control the skies, and it's not destroying SAA positions, unlike lybia.

Because Russia has neat AA systems. Essentially better Patriots.

USA had no reason to risk it's expensive aircraft over such an event.

"America - u guys r cool with me (trump 2016)" - Putin

NATO would capture Moscow in a week or two after war starts. USA is way too stronger than Rush_ka.

I bet you would have said the same about USSR in 1940.

If China hit the war button, it has plenty of bodies to train and throw at people. It has dedicated anti-aircraft carrier missiles. It's geography is complex and would be difficult to invade.

There is a reason they've broken several UN laws and nobody has done anything over their expansion and creation of artificial islands for AA systems, radar stations and airfields, plus military ports and barracks.

Putin wants Trump so we get out of NATO and sanctions lifted. 2016-2017 will be the years not only the EU gets BTFO, but also NATO.

Let's crash this shit into the ground.

No, but Militaristicly i think Russia is indeed superpower. Sadly, economically you are FAR from "superpower" status.

Putin just basically said, "Donald Trump is right"



Putin could drop everyone in that picture, one after the other.

>all this fucking comments
libshits are amazing at their stupidity

"NATO is for faggots" - Putin
"NATO is for faggots" - Trump

>what a time to be alive

Highly unlikely. Unless NATO has an entire military plan already, it would take weeks to plan something and pull it off. They wouldn't do it without air superiority and your AA systems are great.

2 months, maybe, and that's with a predetermined plan and the entire of NATO putting 70% of it's forces into it.

>one week of russian bombardment literally killed the ISIS operations in western syria.

Problem is they barely targeted ISIS

Just take a good look at maps from Sep. 2015-May 2016 and you'd see how little land was gained in ISIS territory compared to Kurds
Might be that SAA is fucking incompetent though.

Liberals claim they are for peace but they really want WWIII between our two countries.


If you announce yourself as a great power then the world asks for handouts and rescues from genocides. China is smart to keep a low profile.

I mean they do a lot of stupid shit too like corruption but even in corruption at least the money stays in China not Saudi Arabia like with the U.S

Now Putin gets it in the heads of the Chinese that they aren't up to snuff so they'll be more ballsy in the future

Admitting the problem is the first step towards fixing it.

Their power projection is beyond laughable
Even Philippines could probably fend off Chinks if they invaded right now
They don't have the kind of military-industrial complex that the US has.

Their average soldier is way worse off than the average GI. All their actual advanced stuff is just vaporware. Don't think that their tiny budget is going to do much if the US really considers going to war against them

Reasons why they have broken so many laws is because nobody cares, and recently, Obongo has been in the office. And we all know how much of a fuccboi he is

Nowadays, though, some NATO countries patrol the South Chink sea in response

Though, Russia has a MUCH larger nuclear detterant. Like very noticeably larger and more effective than the NATO one let alone crushingly huge compared to China's.

It's not about military power, it's about how many property our elite has in Western countries. They has been stealing from Russians for 20 years now, and they hide stolen on the West, so no bullet is needed to defeat Russia. Just press on their bloody money. And sure your government knows about that, waiting to play it effectively.

Wars are a thing of the past. There are only political and econimic conflicts. A real war guarantees MED

They're Chorks mate, they don't need fancy dakka.

Based Ivan

Don't worry Nikolai, we've got this

>A real war guarantees MED

No it doesn't, as neither side would want to pull the metaphorical trigger.

At best, the USSR's old Dead Hand system goes off, a system which can't be turned off, cannot be destroyed, cannot be disrupted. The only way it can be disabled is Russia disarming every single one of it's nuclear missiles.

>M-m-m-m-muh based Putin????

>ISIS is bad mmkay
>Al Qaeda are moderate rebels and must be supported

Fun fact of the day:
They have to be disarmed at each silo/ TEL individually. Which means that every single launch location has to be contacted with proper disarmament codes before it goes off.

>Putin BTFO Britain yet again

His argument was that they BTFO ISIS, though they mostly just targeted FSA fags and some Al-Nusra durkas aswell around Aleppo

Exactly. If a asteroid hit one of Russia's silo's, it would cause the nukes to be launched. It's fucking madness.