I don't get it Sup Forums...

I don't get it Sup Forums, why has almost every other mass shooting have some wingnut saying IT WAS A FALSE FLAG ETC ETC but not the Orlando shooting? Is there something I'm not getting?

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You're just not paying attention. There's been plenty of that over the last few days, including here. Unusually I've even seen posts on my normiebook calling this a falseflag when I usually only see that talk here.

i dont understand how someone gets 50 kills without explosives

And what "evidence" do they have for it?

Yes it was a false flag





Same as all the others, assumptions and inferences.

why would you false flag attack fags?

>mfw this guy thinks guns can't kill people

How did he get the rifle(s) in?

>be in enclosed space with lots of people
>start shooting
>people attack you while busy shooting others

He used the Amulet of Horgos to put a portal in the perimeter of the gun free zone.

kek @ that last video

Right after the shooting, everyone was dragged away or ran off. Then it turned out the nearest hospital was opposite the direction they had run, therefore they 'were dragged back' to the nightclub. Except they were going past it to the hospital.

If this were a real false flag, the people would be have been dragged off away from the nightclub, AWAY from the nearest hospital. That would have been the dead giveaway.

>cock gobblers fight for themselves

>enclosed space with lots of people

You just answered your own question. Nobody can really run anywhere, so it's literally shooting fish in a barrel. Plus, if there was a guy shooting a rifle, would you really run across the room toward him to attack him?

He shot his way in and killed a guard

Being the headmaster of hogwarts has some benefits.

I guess you could say, there wasn't anyone man enough around.

arent their like big bear gay dudes that would put up a fight?

You haven't been on Sup Forums lately, have you?

Tons of autists have been saying it.


(((They))) are using techniques like this to separate each demographic. Prior to this, nearly every faggot defended Islam. Now, many are distancing themselves. It's all part of the game

is that your fantasy m8?

>mfw you're seriously believing a gay guy is willing to charge a man shooting a rifle at him just because he's big and hairy

I was already suspicious about the count, but now I'm getting scared, Sup Forums

>Prior to this, nearly every faggot defended Islam.

doubt it

Because the motivation was clear.
Kill gays cause man in the sky said so.
It was a terror attack made to scare the americans.
Now this falls under the umbrella of ISIS is the puppet of the US and the jews to make normal people have a visible enemy so that the real one stays hidden. You could consider it a false flag in this way but its purpose was not to fuck the second amendament but to scare people some more.
The second is just a colateral damage.

Seriously though, in a club, loud as fuck music, people cant see shit and bodies are dropping to the floor... I watched a fag witness describe how he saw the shooter... it was like after 8 people dropped till he noticed that people are falling for no reason. He probably could've killed 15 fags in the head till the major freakout started. He chose wisely and he chose 2 AM too, so people are prob fucked up by that time.

first of all he used a 223 sig sauer not an AR 15 like the media is reporting. if that doesnt scream false flag i dont know what does

Because the attack plays into Trump's narrative, it helps us.

What Hospital?

>media not accurately reporting details on firearms
That's not a false flag, that's just general and institutional stupidity

Watch for this guys shhh near the end.

Comparison for his first video.


first of all he used a 223 sig sauer not an AR 15 like the media is reporting. if that doesnt scream false flag i dont know what does

stop reposting your false dumb shit

Yeah, what you don't get is Sup Forums got apeshit crazy after all the Russian DDoS and subsequent ban of the country from posting.
As a consequence, there was a resurgence of conspiracy theories, starting from Home page pic -- which was thought to be a warrant canary.

I'd love to say more about this ludicrous shit, but my PC is overheating without previous warning. Possibly CIA shills forcing it to send irrelevant bio info over the net.

Peace & Love.

because he's a muslim and it supports the all muslims are terrorists narrative

an ar-15 can shoot .223 and the Sig Sauer was an ar-15 model.