I find it funny that a culture of losers who hates the "ghetto" culture so much, seriously believes they're better and their shitty country music is somehow better. Both "cultures" are a joke. The hoodrats and nascar fags belong with each other.
I find it funny that a culture of losers who hates the "ghetto" culture so much...
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At least the rednecks aren't murdering each other in the street like the niggers are.
Fuck this bait thread
Fucking yanksREEEEEEEEE
This. Also rednecks, despite being dumb or trashy are at least friendly and will share what they have with a stranger.
Wut? Have you ever been to Appalachia or a redneck neighborhood? They murder each other over Meth all the time.
not really..
last real country song,also thread theme
statistically, this is false.
At least compared to niggers. It's not even close.
"white trash" may not be the classiest of cultures, but it's miles ahead of black culture.
I've been to redneck places where everything is kinda run down, places in AZ and NM. where 90% of vehicles I see are pickups with gun racks and the rest are Cadillacs, and let me tell you I loved it. people were so friendly. they were like actual humans and not the mindless zombies from the Bay Area.
I'm not even white and they treated me better than these degens in commiefornia.
really makes you think.
Every watch cops? When it's not some ghetto black dude it's some white trailer trash. Don't put lipstick on a turd.
You Reddit fags shit this board up SO GOD DAMN MUCH
we're talking about murder
No the rednecks are lynching the niggers. They are on your side
Appalachians are hillbillies though. Not rednecks, nor are rednecks white trash. Learn the difference racist
Yes yes, television has to fit its quota of "white criminals", in order to appeal to political correctness.
If those shows matched the actual statistics, it would be almost entirely black.
I'll take white trash over niggers any day.
A trailer park denizen might get drunk and throw a punch at you, but a nigger will kill you over a pair of sneaker.
I drove through some Mississippi shithole once. Funny these types of people get all worked up over immigrants and speaking english, yet they can hardly speak a fucking word of it themselves. That, and bible bullshit every two miles.
>lol dude, don't you watch TV?
>statistics? who fucking cares dude, all I ever see are white people getting arrested on TV
We've been getting raided HARD these past couple of days.
"political correctness" lol enough of that shit. Someone talks shit about christianity or your livestock humping culture and you hicks go fucking crazy as well.
I'm born and raised in commiefornia, bay area in fact. San Francisco. One of the most aids infested shitholes in the world.
You and I both know you can't refute the statistics.
Redneck culture, for whatever it's worth, is completely incomparable to the utter degeneracy and violence of nigger culture.
Rednecks are still better than niggerlovers
All that damage control. My Family is Mayflower material and I think you rednecks are worse than niggers. Bikers, meth heads, aryan brotherhoood etc. are all scum. Stormfaggots and KKK too for that matter.
Inbred culture is white nigger culture you stupid fuck lol. They have crack, you have meth. They have 40oz, you have budweiser. They have tupac, you have tim mcgraw. And you both have the bible. That you both leech off the tax payers money. "Commiefornia" lol I wish you cow fuckers would secede already and drown in your own manure.
LOL wut. What state are you from? Mississippi here
There's a reason why people think of rednecks when they hear "working class" and not niggers.
Watch the video until the end.
>Doomsday prepper encouraging other anarchists to join him.
>Shoots three men in "self-defense."
>Confederate flag on the property.
Thanks for your worthless anecdote.
Appending to this.
Every gun-toting rebel sporting Dixie on their front lawn is merely a mentally ill hick itching to pull the trigger on the poor sap that strays too far onto their property.
No better than a nigger.
Why are you so mad at rednecks?
Do you even know where San Francisco is? It's the fag capital of the world, and my home. I'm about as yankee, yuppie, and college bred as they come. But I can recognize statistics as they are, which I guess you are apparently incapable of. What else is there to say, really?
Worst white person > best nigger.
Teachers, fire fighters, etc are working class. Not some overweight nascar fan who shovels horse shit for a living.
Your hypothesis was rednecks never kill each other over trivial shit.
All that's needed is one counter-example to disprove a hypothesis, and I just blew yours the fuck out, dipshit.
Ever learn about the scientific method in that ass-backwards Catholic school you went to?
Thank you, goodnight.
I'll take the fags in San Fran over the bible thumping freaks in some shithole small town that thinks their loser ancestors fought for something meaningful, and think shitting in the woods is normal.
Even Catholicism is too fancy for them. Cow fuckers are evangelical or mormon
>Your hypothesis was rednecks never kill each other over trivial shit.
you must be the only person in this thread retarded enough to literally interpret it that way, but ok lol
I would too, that's why I live here.
But I'd rather live in some bumfuck white-trash trailer park than Detroit, as well. Which is kind of the point, really.
No, the point is Detroit and some trailer park are the same fucking think. Just different colours and different shitty music. Fuck them both.
>Hey, yall.
>Let's take macaroni and cheese.
>Throw away the cheese.
>And add two sticks of fucking butter instead.
God these people are fucking revolting.
It's a fucking mystery they're not all dead of heart disease yet.
These are the same people that deep fry hamburger patties.
Nevermind that the meat will renderer it's own fat to cook in, no. These fucks add six, seven cups of Crisco to the pan and call it "wholesome cooking."
I've fucking SEEN this happen in several homes. What the hell, southernbros?!
those are words of wisdom OP
And when the coronary kicks in, they prey to jeebus to help them lol
Agreed. My culture is objectively superior:
> Listen to smooth jazz guitar music
> Drive a Prius
> Read The New Yorker
> Listen to NPR
> Have a graduate degree
> Drink coffee imported from Europe
> Wear only black clothing
> Socially very libertarian
> Economically very conservative
> Great respect for educational achievement
> Striving hard for professional success
Feels good to be in the top-tier culture. It's very satisfying for me to look down on all the other lesser cultures. And I especially enjoy it when people hate on me for my superior culture.
But again, _statistically_, that's simply not true, as I inferred with the first reply to this thread, which anyone with at least a room-temperature IQ should have the capability to recognize.
This is just arguing in circles at this point, though. If you don't have the ability to recognize statistical reality, then you don't have the capability to be able to form an intelligent opinion on the subject.
I don't think there is anything more to add; this thread is done.
Your culture serves the elite, without your knowledge. You think that you're prosperous, even though you can't afford a home and can't find a faithful wife, and you'll continue to believe that you're prosperous until the importation of the third world is complete and the war is in your streets. You have been duped.
That's not cow fucking culture. Congrats, atlas shrugged, you belong to an actual culture. Go talk about your libertardian "ideals on infowars comment sections.
So your basic argument is "well, rednecks aren't killing each other like blacks do". Great fucking standards lol
>At least the rednecks aren't murdering each other in the street like the niggers are.
now you get it
literally the first reply to this thread:
>At least the rednecks aren't murdering each other in the street like the niggers are.
A lot of posts could have been spared if you had come to this conclusion sooner.
Like I said- great fucking standards to live up too.
I don't consider it a "standard".
Just a recognition that black culture is objectively more violent than even the worst, most inbred (American) white-trash culture. Nothing more, nothing less.
I love how you, someone from a liberal fag city seems very quick to jump in and defend the inbreds. Why don't you just move to one of their christian saudi arabia states than?
Yea- they're fucking niggers. No shit. Doesn't make the white trash "culture" appealing. It's like prefering rats over cockroaches.
Because, as I have stated (repeatedly?), fag-San Francisco culture > redneck culture > nigger culture.
What part of this is difficult to understand?
Redneck culture=nigger culture. Lol how the fuck are you not understanding this?
i live there. and my grandpa lives in some deliverence setting mountain range.
they kill each other at a far far lower rate
But you said they were equal.
Blacks commit more crimes so no.
Equally useless to humanity
Like o said, doesn't make cow fuckers more appealing.
>not recognizing statistics
and around we go again once again, completing the full-circle of retardation.
Idk... one group makes up 13% of the population (2% if you include he fact that it's mostly males between 20-35) and commits almost half the nations crimes.
You're a smart man, I'll let you figure out which one I'm talking about.
What statistics? Niggers kill each other more than rednecks? I don't doubt it. And I'm sure they both go to their shitty churches too and beat their wives. And have more than 3 kids.
A woman would never kill herself because she fucked some guy over.
you sound like an insufferable faggot
If your whole argument is "niggers kill more, that inherently makes rednecks better", you need to raise your standards A LOT higher because that is fucking pathetic lol
Lol every race has bad ppl. Blacks just happen to be the worst.
"Cletus maybe a confederate waving methhead, but jamal is a drug dealer who killed a guy" great fucking choices lol.
Is there a fallacy where you clump all people who disagree with you into one camp? Like the islamo-communism thing?
You don't have to be black to be a nigger. Nigger means uneducated too. Southern hicks have that down. So don't act all superior, cause you're not.
" islamo-communism" doesn't even make sense. It's like saying secular-dogma
It's technically a real thing, but it was also just a hilarious misunderstanding by US intelligence in the 80's.
Have you read the manifesto of Al-qaeda or ISIS?
It actually sounds pretty revolutionary-hegelian - meaning, communist.
Look man, your argument was that they're equal in terms of their negative effect on society. That theory was BTFO several times in this thread by an extremely statistically significant margin. If you're going to move goalposts and claim your argument was actually "Yeah, black ppl commit the most crime in the country by a long shot, but white ppl do bad stuff too!",then congrats, you win that argument.
But don't posit your initial claim again and get all upset when it blows up in your face.
Oh I see. Islamic socialism, isn't too far fetched. In the 18th century there was Christian socialist ideals. Socialism isn't inherently atheistic or left wing.
Sure, but it was a catchphrase with certain government agencies who applied it where it really didn't fit. They were trying to equate radical movements in the middle east with the Soviet Union, which was a connection that didn't exist. It was their version of saying that Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda.
"Socialism", by anyone's definition, means some form of government intervention; for example, redistribution.
The Christian "socialism" you mention was for voluntary, private charity; not the sort of government intervention now common in the 20th century.
If "socialism" in this sense doesn't mean left-wing, I don't know what else is.
I wasn't talking about white people you based hick. I am white, I like being white. I'm talking about the warts on the white races ass, which are the illiterate, uneducated cow fuckers. Lol you're trying so hard to seem so much better than niggers. Even though you are to some degree, you're still at the bottom. You may not be the dumpster, but you're a shitty diaper
Try (some) political movements en.m.wikipedia.org
What? I'm a financial analyst in WA. I just saw your post and figured I'd correct you.
Yes I know. Everyone on Sup Forums always conveniently has a good high paying job.
Seems pretty standard lefty to me.
The only way Christianity can be compatible with leftism is when it is essentially ecumenical, or a close (and essentially the same) derivative. Or in the pre-twentieth century, the Quakers, basically.
Of course, the same could be said of all religion. What is a moderate Muslim, for example? An ecumenical Muslim, pretty much.
Lol sorry my career path didn't fit your narrative. You'll get 'em next time tiger.
As if Christianity as a whole doesn't practice ecumenism? And the Kurds seem pretty moderate to me. They're also actually doing something about isis instead of playing the trump talk game everyone else plays
Tru dat. You won't find a Gucci flip flop in the trailer park.
>As if Christianity as a whole doesn't practice ecumenism?
The rednecks you have such a hate-boner for certainly don't.
And yes, the Kurds seem pretty moderate. My point was that in order to be a "moderate muslim", you basically have to completely discard all of your religious beliefs from the Quran, just as mainstream Christians (non-southern revelationist), aka Ecumenical Christians, have to essentially discard virtually everything written in the Bible.
Country music is trash
Liberals act like they're the defenders of the poor and working class but the utter contempt these people have for working class whites tells an entirely different story. I'm not working class but I have nothing against them. You understand that you are dehumanising them, right?
It's liberal policy that has destroyed many of these people by the way. Liberal policy that broke up their families and caused an environment of dysfunction which begets more dysfunction.
Not sure what point you're trying to make? Other than yes, we all know the hicks would rather live in the woods and be antisocial like emo mountain people
I'm just telling you how fucking pathetetic and uneducated you cow fuckers are. I'm not policy maker that creates laws (or lack of laws) that fucks up your life and wallet. You have republican politicians and lawmakers that you support to thank for that.
To be a "mainstream", "moderate", "ecumenical" Christian, you basically have to discard everything written in the Bible, as well as discard all of your ancestors traditional beliefs, and embrace liberalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism in their place.
To be a "moderate muslim", you need to discard everything written in the Quran, as well as discard all of of your ancestors traditional beliefs, and embrace liberalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism in their place.
To be a "reformed jew", you need to discard everything written in the Tanakh, as well as discard all of your ancestors traditional beliefs, and embrace liberalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism in their place.
So all three are basically the same thing, for all intent and purpose. In one phrase: Unitarian Humanism.
Don't worry though, when something medically goes horribly wrong to your cousin Cletus, and he's in debt and bankrupt because of the medical bills, at least he's stayed away from the "evil" universal healthcare system. Oh and he'll have jesus, of course.
This is the biggest, retarded, butthurt douchebag I've seen on Sup Forums, not just Sup Forums but all of Sup Forums, in a long, long time.
lol @ redneck defence force ITT, a very similar to threads of roachposters and buttmad turks. Tbqh I think it is blown out of proportion, I was an exchange student in SC and "rednecks/their sons-daughthers" tend to be very polite, warm and accepting. Although I do feel that that was because I was a temporary stranger, which gave me a leeway when I told them I wasn't going to any church etc. I do think "southern hospitality" only exists within certain limits, if you are a local and do stand out you will be ostracized. Being a liberal-fag-atheist etc can cost you.
Just my two cents as a foreign observer roachie, I visited North East which basically felt like "yurop" to me. Cut the place around and stick it to continental europe they wouldn't stand out that much, but south is a magical place.
Maybe you'll side with me, then. I want to abolish welfare completely. Since you have utter contempt for the poor you should have no moral disagreement with me. You shouldn't mind that they all could theoretically starve to death without subsidy. How about it?
Why don't you stop pretending like you are looking after the best interests of Cletus? It's impossible for you to be looking after the interests of people you have such contempt for.
Not everyone who hates niggers is a redneck you retard. We're your friends and neighbors. Or your web devs, in my case
I never said I hated the poor lol a person can be dirt poor, and still be intelligent and educated and not fall into the ridiculous redneck-nigger culture. Yeah, I'd want my tax dollars going to help Cletus And other countrymen that need it- doesn't mean I won't call him a dumb fuck for voting against his interests and being part of a joke culture.I think the nation will be fine without a 12th fucking aircraft carrier.
Free shit is not in the best interests of Cletus. Dependence makes people servile and dysfunctional. It gives them the mindset of a slave. What's in the best interests of Cletus is a stable family environment, low taxes and safe homogeneous communities. Cletus needs Jesus more than he needs your "helping hand"
I agree with you, but you are arguing with someone who has a rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth, incoherent-rage toward poor, southern whites. Give up all hope ye who enters this thread.
Free shit is not free you fucking moron. You pay for it through taxes. Every other first world nation has it and pays less money on healthcare than the U.S does, and we don't even fucking have fucking universal healthcare. But considering half this population are cow fuckers who vote moronic conservatards into office, it probably wouldn't work because conservatards would sabotage the fucking thing as usual. Go back to your fox news and rush limpballs, faggot. Keep fighting the good fight against sensibility. Enjoy being a cuck for big pharma.
And reality isn't an episode of "Leave it to Beaver" like you conservatives wish there was. Not everyone has stable families, let alone any families. Not every community is good natured. Hence, the need for social nets. Get out of the trump/fox bubble bullshit.