Why is Brother Sport such an amazing closer?

why is Brother Sport such an amazing closer?

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I think it would be great anywhere on the album. There isn't a structure to MPP. It's not a concept album. Just a collection of good songs.

I should have stood with the term "song" then, I didn't mean anything behind "closer"

some would say its the jam of a lifetime

superior version coming through


mfw 7:25 hits

Oh, I didn't mean anything by it, I'm just trying to start a conversation about how good MPP is.

Sounds like shite.

I can't play this, it says it's unavailable

Well it is damn good, although at times may be too repetitive for me
Brother Sport and Summertime Clothes do have these sick choruses that I just can't get enough of.

I mean this in a joking way of course.

whats the most underrated track and why is it Lion in a Coma

Is Lion in a Coma underrated? I think they've all been pretty well understood to be good music at this point. MPP is a gift from God. The music sounds exactly like the album artwork, it's all excessively listenable and positively spiritual, but at the same time has a level of sophistication required, meaning multiple listens. When I first heard an Animal Collective song years ago, I originally said this (which I posted ironically) and now I am easily able to appreciate their music. Animal Collective is entry-level intellectual music. You don't have to listen too many times to start to dig it, but it shows that if you listen to music enough you do begin to appreciate it more regardless of its content or quality. There is music that you really have to hear a lot to begin to truly hear, but Animal Collective is the beginning of that understanding.

what are everyones top 3 songs? mine are

Also Frightened
Guys Eyes
Brother Sport

I like Lion in a Coma, No More Runnin and Brothersport. I actually do feel that there is some semblance of structure in these last three songs. They are the three that sound most like the album artwork in my opinion. I can almost taste fruity gummy candy or like, fruit gushers when I listen to them.

>There isn't a structure to MPP

>listen to MPP the first time back in 2009
>Enjoying In the Flowers
>If I could just leave my body for a night
>Life flashes before my eyes in a feeling of regret mixed with nostalgia
>For a very brief moment, feel like I understand how the entire universe works
Shit was fucking euphoric, I don't think a song has ever done that to me before or since. MPP is insane.

Don't be toxic, friend.

>le "omg 'if I could just leave my body for a night' so epic and amazing and euphoric"
faggot, this is what everybody says. kill yourself

Oh go fuck yourself

I think what makes Brothersport as engaging as it is is that it feels like a lot of the time, pop acts put a more subdued track at the end to give a sort of "ending credits" kind of feel. But Brothersport is one of the most energetic songs on the album (along with My Girls and Summertime Clothes, the two singles that come up in the first half of the album, and Lion in a Coma). Plus it's a really personal song for Panda, and he's really good at letting those emotions come through.

Oh, and mine are
1. Daily Routine (the smooth transition from frantic keys to lush guitars is ridiculous)
2. Also Frightened (the payoff at the end is great, and the quick vocal run instead of chorus is fun, and I love the line "will I want them to be who they will be or to be more like their dad", the album is full of genuine parental panic)
3. Guys Eyes (it's like three different songs at once)

Daily routine
In the Flowers
My Girls

Spirit and Feels are better than MPP
MPP is still great tho

In the Flowers

Bluish for the moment in time it's linked to for me. Indescribable. In the Flowers and Taste for the sense of euphoric self realizations and lush arrangement.

>you will never discover AnCo in your junior year of college during the beginning of fall ever again, new friends and new adventures abound, full of life, getting high and stealing apples from the orchard with your friends at night, no worries about the present or the future.

bring me back pls :(

my girls
guys eyes
no more runnin

Not to meme but I remember back in the good old days of Sup Forums 2011 when everyone is talking about this album and mbdtf...
plus nmh shilling


because of the great instrumentals and production

>This video is not available.

It's my favorite track.

Boing boing

Jam of a lifetime.

No More Runnin' would be a better album closer

why is no one listing summertime clothes? it's ending is absolute magic and one of the highlights on the album.

doesn't make it untrue


summertime clothes
daily routine
brother sport

but at various points in my life its bit every track on there. ditto for feels, strawberry jam, sung tongs, etc

plz stop :(

this but my freshman year of college

it has literally evberything a pop song should have.

not to mention about 20 layers of sound all put together harmoniously without sounding like pure noise.

what are you, a 2009 pitchfork drone?

this hit too close to home :(

This album is so fucking good it did not lose its style. For fuck sake, the hip hop shit is a total fucking band wagon on Kanyes superior music. Artists should just do their own thing