ITT: We predict the 2016 electoral map
ITT: We predict the 2016 electoral map
Is your autism diagnosed?
Why wouldn't' this happen?
Wew lad
>Trump's fucking BOTCHED response
wow...rly makes u think
ITT you shill like crazy and make it so intensely obvious that it's like you didn't even try to be stealthy and then we hide thread
You would think it's not in play but it definitely is.
New poll shows Trump up by ONLY THREE POINTS w/ a margin of error of 4.5.
If Hillary attempts to campaign in that state and put it in play, it could very likely be destined to go blue.
You heard it here first. You have autism
Most people would point our your ridiculous blue states, Florida, north Carolina and Arizona..but I will tell you Wisconsin will go red, voter id has a way of doing that
Really makes you think.
It's very unlikely, but Congress gets to decide if this happens. The shit show will be hilarious as nevertrumps in congress vote against him and Clinton wins because she gets unanimous support from democrats.
> I will tell you Wisconsin will go red
Not according to polls which has her up 9 points.
Did a new AZ poll come out?
It's also worth noting that Utah seems to be in play - the GOP has a huge majority in the state, obviously, but a lot of Mormons hate Trump. If enough of them vote for a third-party/stay home, Clinton could win the state with something like 36%.
Yes a new poll came out.
Also, it could very well happen if Romney endorses Gary Johnson or something.
Link? Curious about the demographic data.
>Muh polls
They were right for the primaries, weren't they? (barring Michigan Dems)
>Every grey state filled blue
wew lad. Be a bit more realistic.
>lol polls are only relevant if trump is winning xD
If anything it'll be closer to this. That prediction is pretty autistic
Many times elections have been won by parties/candidates who didn't do well in polls. Sure, they're useful to see the possible outcome but OP seems to be relying his map on them exclusively. Not a good idea this long away from the election.
Every grey state went blue in 2012 - it's just that AZ and NC weren't "grey states" with Romney.
Why don't you straw man me some more, cunt?
Valid point. Still, if the election was held today, this seems like a somewhat likely outcome.
I'm not OP, but I would say that his prediction makes a better "snapshot' of the state of the race today than an actual prediction of how things will be.
>Many times elections have been won by parties/candidates who didn't do well in polls.
Not in presidential elections.
Polls are usually spot on.
It's 2016
Well a lot can happen in these months we have left.
Yeah, and the Democrats have a bigger advantage now than they did in 2012.
I'm not an hillary supporter by any means - I'm planning to vote for Johnson (I live in CA so it's not like it actually matters), and I would prefer Trump to Hillary.
I did polling in Michigan during the primaries. NOBODY LIKES HILLARY. We kept being told that our numbers were off, because Nate Silver said Hill was going to win.
We did more detailed polling type stuff, and found that the only actual support group she has is black women 35+. Those are the only people "excited" about Hillary.
Even the great majority of Obama-loving Leftists (who might still vote for her) hate her. They hate her.
Only black women 35+ "like" her.
Trump will get Michigan. I guarantee it.
As things stand Trump will lose, however it's foolish to claim who the winner will be in November. Another terrorist attack could happen, the debates, a scandal, or possibly continue. A lot of things can factor in a change the direction. A lot of people genuinely thought Trump would lose the nomination after s few sips in the polls, yet here he is. Don't count him nor Hillary out yet kids.
>Believe me I'm an expert
>Not just some cunt user shitposting
Please stop.
Same as 1964, except Texas and Wyoming will be red.
Forgot map.
Nobody likes Trump either. It's already being reported that this election in particular is unique because both candidates are so unpopular, but Trumps unpopularity is bigger than Hillary's
I'm just worried by the fact that Trump really doesn't seem to be running a presidential campaign.
A populist wave carried him to the nomination, but when a strong majority of voters see him unfavorably, can it be expected to do the same for the general election?
Obviously, we've got a few months more for things to sift out.
step aside, niggers.
>this happens
>the future of america is in the hands of corn niggers
>Nobody likes Trump either.
That is false though. The people who like Trump REALLY like Trump.
The only people who really like Hillary are black women 35+.
Everyone else who is supporting Hillary, at all, really can't stand her.
Unemployed people go Trump. Business owners go Trump. Fast food workers go Bernie. College kids Bernie. Black married beta cucks say their wives tell them to vote for Hillary (this happened so often it was laughable to all of us). Black men would literally say "Well, my wife told me to vote for Hillary."
Nobody likes her though. Hispanics don't like her. Old single women prefer Bernie. Gay men prefer Bernie (one gay guy I spoke to for a while told me he'd vote for Hillary anyway, even though he hated her... but told me his boyfriend was going to vote for Trump anyway).
Obongo never won Arizona in both elections
Remember that early voting starts in September so Trump doesn't have long
Weren't Reagan behind Carter in the polls during this time of the election?
Too much corruption in PA for it to ever go red again.
Florida will stay blue, imports made it that way, no one cares about gays being shot.
Ohio might go red this time, depends on the breaks.
approval for the muslim ban spiked after the the shooting you shill
One poll showed Trump 50% while Shillary was at 46%
Isn't NH guaranteed red, and probably FL aswell?
>They were right for the primaries, weren't they?
They were conducted before with those primaries fast approaching. You're using polling close to five months before an election. By that measure Ben Carson was a lock to win Iowa.
Florida went blue last election, and is had been getting lots of refugees to vote Democrat.
NH hopefully, i think it has a chance. FL though is a lot stronger, they love trump.
Trump is going to win VT NH and Maine