Charlie sheen AKA Carlos Irwin Estévez has tried to stump trump on a british talk show.
Charlie Sheen tries to stump the Trump
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Hasn't he got aids?
Just HIV I think.
now he's going to die. he doomed himself
a faggot and a pos bitch about God Emperor Trump.The height of beedy eyed Anglo entertainment.
Charlie Sheen was supposed to be based.
What the fuck happened?
Is this what happens when you ''date'' an ex-pornstar who fucked black dudes on camera?
his dad is one of the biggest democrat shills out
>What the fuck happened?
He got bored
Literally doing this just to see if he can do it
die ffs
>Mad he wasn't invited to wedding
>Gives him shitty fake cuff links as a joke
>Drugged up retard thinks their real
>Wears them all night and for years later
Now there's a real aids skrillex
Wow he's still alive
he probably sold them for heroin
goddamn idiot angering KEK when he already got AIDS
now it's just waiting til he dies finally by the power of KEK
>Implying an aids infected faggot coke head degenerate has opinions worth listening too.
It's only a matter of time now. KEK wills it
He's riddled with fucken aids and gonna get kicked in the anus.
first lenoardo di caprio beeing a climatewhore for an fucking oscar and now this.
>Child raping aids infected tranny fucker with an opinion
he's a degenerate, who's he to talk?
He also fucked trannies.
>getting some jewelry appraised at the house
Is this broke ass trannyfucker adminting that he was pawning off jewelry?
Jewelry counts as assets. That's literally what precious metals are used for.
You get them appraised to know your worth.
Hahaha wouldn't that be funny if his condition was to say, intensify.
Hahaha and the funny thing is that he is accepting treatment from Mexico.
>Charlie Sheen
literally who?
He only matters to people sentient when Hotshots was a funny movie. He reappeared to say that jet fuel can't melt steel then disappeared again.
I would have bet that he'd root for Trump
>I would have bet that he'd root for Trump
Him being anti-Trump is a positive just like his aids.
He's a drug addict that is identified as also being a conspiracy theorist.
>get aids from fucking tranny hookers
>try to stump Trump
He's the eternal Iberian user
Sheen to die soon. Screencap.
Trump = Master Troll
didn't he rape Corey Haim on the set of Lucas?
How fast do you think Trump will be defending this on his Twitter? I'm betting there's a "Charlie Sheen is a liar! His HIV must have gotten to his brain! Sad!" tweet within the hour.
Place your bets now
Charlies tour in Nam really fucked with his head. When Elias died and he found out Barnes was responsible he lost all faith in humanity.
pick one