ITT essential sloppy BPD roastie core

ITT essential sloppy BPD roastie core

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Your favorite band.



What's bpd

Borderline personality disorder
Easily identifiable by someone “um, sweetie no” unironically

Someone saying*

But Brian Molko is hot in a would-fuck-even-though-I'm-straight way.

is there a bigger red flag than BPD?

Do I have BPD?

No, you're good, bro.

but I like placebo and I'm a male without bpd. what now

Car seat headrest

Panic at the disco

My Chemical Romance for sure.

Of the two people I know who 100% definitely are borderline, one mostly listens to UK punk bands, the other black and doom metal + whatever the fuck else

We're mainly talking about girls we dislike.

Tyler the Creator
Frank Ocean

Despite the former being a friend I find her insufferable a lot of the time. The latter, despite having been close friends in the past, and my having fucked her I don't talk to and want nothing to do with anymore.

Is that enough to count?

Eeeeyeah. Sure.


They are not human and do not deserve life

Panic at the Disco
Tom Rosenthal
Rihanna, Beyonce, black pop stars in general