Revolutionary tendencies in Norway

Parts of the army wanted to rebel against the government peacefully and move their legiance from the government to the fatherland and it's people.

Home Guard troopers are encouraged to "move the loyalty of politicians to the fatherland" and would protest in uniform against the government. When the alarm went off in defense.
This case is about:

the defense
Norway at war
Already several days before the government presented its long-term plan for the defense Friday morning , boiled engagement Guard soldiers around the country. An invitation to light beacons in protest against the plan, have in recent days circulated in HV circuits.

"Now there are many out there who think we are at a crossroads and must move our loyalty from the then sitting government, to our motherland and its security. Has the General some guidance in this respect? " Writes Guard ensign Frode Larsen (46) in a post on the Facebook page of Inspector General of the National Guard, Major General Tor Rune Råby.

Other urls found in this thread:

Of all places, why Norway?

What's happening?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Norway over me.

What's the background on this? Google translate kinda sucks. Was there something about budget cuts?

>must move our loyalty from the then sitting government, to our motherland and its security.

What is Varg doing right now?
Eating baguette in France?

one may bet that he is comming back if this keeps going on. and I believe my cuck country would need some eye opening from this. lets take better care of ourselves.

>implying anyone gives a shit about norway


so, what's happening?

the new "plan" for the norwegian armed forces is basically "you are all fired. we only need pilots for these new shitty planes that suck worse than f16 than we got."

even special forces are taking hits and getting cuts. basically norway got suckered when they ordered those fucking planes. our homeland defense which is the only part of our forces with manpower enough to do anything of worth here at home are 3% of the armed forces' budget.... it's insane. they are closing down our armed forces... sane people would rebel

I do so get out.

Holy shit. Are you guys still uncucked enough for the protests to work?

Wait Norway is communist now?

So there's the Army (professional soldiers geared and trained for "real" operations, few people) and the Home Guard (lots of people, but basically a trained militia).

The government recently announced the new funding plan and it's basically cuts to home guard. Quite a few people will lose their jobs and they're mad. Not just about losing their jobs but because they don't like defense cuts.

They wanted to protest, but it caused some stir when they wanted to do it in uniform. Protesting out of uniform would be OK.

nah it'll never work. who ever wins against the jews? people don't even understand what's going on.

norway has like 14.000 standing professional army persons. 35.000-42.000(Not entirely sure) are trained militia.

that's all we got and some airplanes in two places for the entirety of norway to cover. ISIS took a city with 15.000 armed iraqis, some of which WE probably trained, with only 800 derps.

Norway will be a breeze to get under NWO control I'm sure.

Neo Kalmar will be led from Oslo

isnt general secretary of NATO a norwegian (stoltenberg)?

>the future you choose
you are about to become that cuck country from Demolition Man

Stolt? More like Cuckenberg.

But then my hometowns name would be slandered

Context, faggot.
What political scenario over there is causing them to protest?


Bump. Hang in there nordbros

read the thread... it says why in the thread

This is the kekest thread today

Min norsk er shit, oversette pls

Norway keeps cutting it's military budget every year. We no longer have american gear/equipment/nuke depots stored here and our defensive lines in north norway against russia is gone.

If this trend keeps up we'll have no home guard, no army, no nothing. Only a tiny airforce, special forces and a tiny navy.

I've actually started to learn some russian in preperation for our future russian overlords. America won't dare to intervene if norway gets invaded.

Fellow norwegians, get ready to embrace the russian bear.

After having lived in your country, you folks are a bit weird. Great country, great people, but a little strange.


Norway calls for aid!

Long story short
Norway plans to do defense cuts
Home Guard (Think national guard/militia) units were going to protest in uniform, the commander told them that was unacceptable.

>As a aside, Norway defense funding is unacceptable for a NATO country.

It really is unusual to read this. Norway? Rebellion? For what? The modern social drama engulfing the west has spared Norway totally, you guys are not involved in any wars, nothing. You just make your money and live good.

Id rather be Russia's left hand then another American controlled EU country.

Ni får gärna invadera Sverige efteråt.

Be careful what you wish for you might get it.

Part of Nato/Not Part of EU is best of both worlds for Norway.

Spending nothing on defense.

>we only need pilots for these new shitty planes that suck worse than f16 than we got."

You mean F-35?
So you bought the planes and there's really no money left for the rest, or they just wanted an excuse to get rid of the red-pilled people from the military?
Norway is fairly rich country, sure you could spend some more money for defense.

EU still dictates bullshit to us and everyone's who's part of their trade agreement.

germany how can u be so fucking slow.... every western country on the PLANET is headed down the same path as you are. the fact that people up here have started to realize is thanks to your situation being as dire as it is. swedish government doesn't have monopoly on violence in sweden anymore. there are defacto muslim cities in sweden.

This sounds like the next step in NWO implementation, your government is preparing it's armed forces to become a useful part of the European Army, so they're only keeping those forces that will be of use to Brussels and it's (((overlords))) even tho you're not in the EU (yet that is).

Black Dick is expencive

Every last cent is accounted for and squeezed on a train track, it must all go into the oil fund or wild government spending on projects that benefit anyone but the norwegian people themselves. The blacker and more muslim the project, the more money must go to it.

Maybe we should just buy nukes and say whoever invades us gets their capital destroyed.

norway is good to go, new technology saves their asses.

The problem is that you are, like all the others, to deep in americas ass.

Not exactly, the general inspector said this;
"«Det er inspirerende og motiverende for meg som GIHV. (...) Hvordan og med hvilke virkemidler den prosessen skal påvirkes overlater jeg til alle engasjerte HV-venner å bestemme», var svaret fra generalen."

Which translates to:

"It's inspiring and motivating for me as GIHV. (...) How and with which instruments that process is to be affected I'll leave to all engaged Home Defense Friends to decide"

The general said it's OK to protest in uniform in the way they had planned.

It took some military lawyers to dig up some paragraphs to declare it was against the law and the people caught doing it in uniform could be subjected to military punishment.

The government's proposed plan is the further cut of 7000 Home Guard militia

>By having been loyal without telling for so many years, we've failed both the Norwegian Defense Force and our mission. We have indirectly contributed to our defense being weakened. We must stop. We have a duty to speak up, says Home Guard Fenrik Frode Larsen.

>In reality, the long-term plan is to shut down the Norwegian Defense Force. Our people do not understand how bad it is. Our protest is an awareness for our people. We with long experience in the military knows that one can not win any war without feet on the ground. The feet on the ground in Norway, is the Home Guard, he said.

Democracy is degenerate.

The best system is some form of Turkish military junta head of state overseeing the democracy.

Britain has a constitutional democracy, so why not something like that.

Remember that Turkey was more or less based until the 'democrat' Erodgan.

Yes I understand. Please hold no grudge against our politicians. They are no strategists and act on genuine intentions, without having the competence to realize their effects. Be patient, the law of history demands that this whole situation will be reversed soon. Nietzsche very rightly said that the same conditions that hasten the evolution of the herd animal also hasten the evolution of the leader animal.

>Only a tiny airforce, special forces and a tiny navy.
so your government is getting ready to stomp some riots?
because when you add police into the equation thats what it looks like

>Norway is turning into Sweden already
These people are mad I tell you, completely MAD
They are slowly destroying the old world and making way for the circus to come to town.

But what will happen once the leftists feel they have nothing to fear?
God help us

> now

Make sure the rebels call for aid desu

Let's occupy

>>As a aside, Norway defense funding is unacceptable for a NATO country.
Just about all NATO countries defense budgets are unacceptable

Honest question why would russia invade Norway for?
What do you have that's valuable etc or just because of resources

Erdogan as an example for a democrat is flawed. And the main reason why Turkey went to shit is the classic reason: Islam.

the entrance to the ocean.
On the coast of norway till the arctis we can see all the submarine movement....for example.

Our Country is basically an insanely good defense position to have, look up QP17 and how Germany operated when they were in control of Norway.

Russia wouldn't invade Norway unless it's part of a greater scheme i.e Norway is part of NATO so in any war scenario we will side with usa.

But it would be very difficult to justify a war on norway otherwise.

In Sweden they killed off the armed forces so that we would be forced to join NATO. But Norway is already in NATO so what is this purpose?

>Eternal anglo collaborator
Shouldn't you be working on some plan to drag europe into another dark age of zionism/communism?

This is true. But the thread is about Norway.

NATO countries that meet the minimums are what...USA, UK, France, Poland, Estonia and Greece?

save money to use elsewhere in the state budget. We send too much to africa and elsewhere so we have to take from our military to cover it.

Even the turkish system couldn't win the fight against islamization through demographics. It worked for about 100 years though, I give Atantuerk that.

True, they had a nice run. So did the US.

Maybe the plan is to import so many sandniggers that any invasion attempt by russia will fail? Think about it, what's the bane of both the US and Russia? Goat fucking desert paedophiles. If we just destroy everything here and replace it with that - no invasion! Genius.

>"Yess, good Finngoy, join NATO, our troops will be at the ready in Norway to assist you in time of crisis!"

We've been able to fend off the russians for thousands of years already. We actually have good relations with russia. That's what most people seem to forget in scandinavia. Russians see us as bro tier in most cases, they used to be ruled by vikings after all.

Yeah, I know. It was a joke, I don't know what their goal is really. I want to wake up.

>move their legiance

that threw me. but it's not a word

allegiance. i'm still impressed, viking bro. you know english better than most of us

Forget about minimum funding, the US is realistically the only NATO country that could defend itself on its own, whether or not the others meet the minimum budget

It's pathetic

It`s google translate.

lets face it, Norway is a shit place, and oil is the only thing keeping them alive, they should disarm and Become apart of the Danish Kingdom again.

It really is... Makes me sick

You forgot about England and France.

Well not really - British have trident and France has its Force de dissuasion.


dra til helvete

>oil is the only thing keeping them alive

Country with 5 million people
800 billion in the bank
can't afford defense.

>The government's proposed plan is the further cut of 7000 Home Guard militia

That seems like a really stupid thing to do with the threats we are currently facing. HV should be beefed up and ready, big time. Especially around the Oslo region.

well if you remove your oil from your exports, you would be a very poor nation after using your oil money reserves,

yeah, probably.

are they going to cut volunteers?
that sounds stupid...

>Country with 5 million people
7+ mill
>800 billion in the bank
Currency is shit
>can't afford defense.
Our Defence Minister is a traitor sellout

Its still active but barely, will probably rise again in couple years


>budget cuts
>in Norway
Why though? You guys literally swim in money.

Of course. The NWO doesnt soldiers anymore, they will use robots for the most part, and robots asks no questions and will shoot its own citizens.

hello tinfoil person


Why are they so mad about their shit being fucked up? It's called progress.

Budget increase. NATO/Foreign response capacity vs Defense capacity.

It is not a money question, but a nationalism vs globalism question.

Good luck and give them hell!

Its a possibility in the near future, machines wont rebel against their leaders.

Your population is listed as 5.084 Million.
800 billion is in USD.

5.2 mill, but yeah i was dead wrong, dunno which country i mixed numbers with.

Strategic location and the perks that come with that, and oil.

Oil and eliminate a major threat to Russian ships leaving their major naval base. In the Cold War the Norwegian F16s were viewed as prime threats to the soviets since they could intercept bombers coming and going from the Atlantic.

The russian atom subs are mostly sneaking around in the arctic, northern norway is an extremely strategically important location. It was in WW2 and in the cold war. Still is.