Is trump really failing in the polls?

Just as predicted, recent polls are ridiculously flawed.

This is a way to steal the election from trump without anyone noticing
Don't fall for it

"With regard to the Reuters/Ipsos poll in question, you can drill into the detailed polling data. Of the 1,276 respondents, 628 (49.2%) were Democrats, just 498 (39.0%) were Republicans, and 112 (8.8%) were independents, and the remaining 38 (3.0%) were members of another party.

A 10.2% margin of Democrats over Republicans? And anyone seriously thinks this poll is representative of the American public's true voting intentions?


Gallup has reliable long-term historical data on party affiliations, and as of the latest data in late May, the split is 28% to 27% for Democrats over Republicans. That would be a 1% advantage to the Democrats, not 10.2% as the Reuters/Ipsos poll has in its makeup.
If we rebalance this poll to align with the actual composition of the voting public, Clinton's lead magically disappears, and we are left with a statistical tie.

We'll also deal with that flawed Fox News poll referred to by NRO. It shows Clinton ahead of Trump 42% to 39% in the direct match-up, or also up by 39% to 36% when Gary Johnson is thrown in. And then we look behind the curtain for the answer to the following question: "When you think about politics, do you think of yourself as a Democrat or a Republican?"

The Fox News poll split is a 6% advantage to the Democrats, 41% to 35%, over the Republican respondents, as compared to an even split in the previous polls by this outlet. Take that bias away, and we have at least a statistical tie, or, more likely, a slight Trump lead.

Watching the race play out, it is rather disgusting to see the clearly problematic polling data being repeatedly trotted out and then uncritically regurgitated in both the mainstream and even conservative media."

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Damage control. Trump is a lost cause.

>a lost cause

you would know a lot about that dont you sweed.

He's recovering from Islamic induced depression. Leave him alone.

>one post by this id

Yes they're purposefully over-sampling because they need to justify the narrative that he's obscure and everyone hates him as a demoralization tactic

Just another "Donald Trump is OVER. For real this time."

Election hasn't even really started yet, senpai.

REMEMBER Sup Forumslacks

Probably save yourself a lot of time and trouble if you don't believe anything you read about politics between now and November.

Supposedly this poll exists which has Clinton at +2.

he's doing fine don't worry about it

>That's exactly what Hitler would say

Do not forget...

Republicans this year took more than 20% of democratic voters.

Only liberal/left stations are reporting Hillary winning despite no one in the US says they like her.

It's all a ploy for you to vote for someone else or to not show up to vote.

It's an old poll from May 10th. Trump is a dumbass.

Also this

>1,276 respondants
>people actually think this is a good demographic of nationwide votes


for the people who have not seen this one

I like how Google then claimed they weren't supporting Hillary right after they put out a whole thing supporting the ttp. You're telling me they will remain unbiased when Trump could potentially thwart the whole deal?

This explains it all. Shillary bots keep trying to correct the record but it doesn't work on Sup Forums. Top kek

in that big secret meeting to try and find a way to stop Trump - didnt google take part in it?
i think this is the result

What is this? A debunking for ants?

trump is falling in the polls same as shillary didn't sold out the country under the table.


Yes, 5522x4522 is a common resolution for ants

Is it really so hard to accept that for whatever reason there are people who don't support your candiadate?
>lalalala build wall
pic related



Yep. Also head of Apple. Surprised people forgot about this

Those polls are fraudulent bullshit and are being put out there so people won't notice Soros' massive voter fraud that's coming in November.

That's it. I"m #KillForHill now.

More people will support Trump once they find out about Hillary's dirty laundry. You know, like all the dead Arab children lying on her doorstep

>What is the CLT


Has anyone ever considered that maybe a lot of people just don't like Trump?

>will this finally finally finally finally be the end of Trump's campaign

>A 10.2% margin of Democrats over Republicans?

That sounds about right.


Very first sentence on the page:

"39% of Americans identify as independents, more than they do as Democrats (32%) or as Republicans (23%)."

So that's a 9% margin of Democrats over Republicans, according to Pew.

This is in line with all the other major opinion research organizations.

A lot of people also don't like Hillary either and she has PLENTY that the media can grill her over, but they don't because media companies owners have stake in Clinton's campaign and presidency.

Has it ever occurred to you that the people conducting the polls just don't like Trump?

There are more democrats in the USA than there are republicans so it's an accurate representation.

It's a fact that a lot of people don't like Trump

But it's also a fact that the media is extremely biased against him since they ignore most of Clinton scandals (read: crimes)

>Gallup has reliable long-term historical data on party affiliations, and as of the latest data in late May, the split is 28% to 27% for Democrats over Republicans.

Gallup's reputation is so bad that they won't even bother polling the 2016 election:

Here's the full Gallup data:

Notice that Gallup is not posting any margin of error for those results. That's a huge red flag -- every poll must release its margin of error in order to be complete.

Also notice the huge swings from month to month:

June 2016: Dems and leaners up by 7%
May 2016: Dems and leaners down by 1%
April 2016: Dems and leaners up by 8%

That huge variability casts a lot of suspicion on Gallup.

Gallup used to be a respected pollster, but in past years their reputation has plummeted.

OP is cherry picking. He found a (now crappy) pollster with the most favorable results possible for him, and posted it.

There are more independents than either.

>take a poll during the work hours
>hillary wins
is anyone surprised?






not really, most polls have johnson/other at 9-15ish percent. All these people will be voting for Trump because of the SCOTUS

The post-Orlando censorship hysteria was so strong that I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to fake it for "the greater good of humanity"

Wow shills are shilling strong in this thread

Even Trump know's he's losing

Democrats polled: 49.2%
GOP polled: 39%

Democrats actual: 43m members (Wikipedia 2012)
GOP actual: 30m members (Wikipedia 2012)

>what is proportionality

>elections are manipulated by those who are currently in power

feels 3rd world iibh

Tru dat. So polls that don't accurately represent each party affiliation proportionally is trash ?

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