Just as predicted, recent polls are ridiculously flawed.
This is a way to steal the election from trump without anyone noticing
Don't fall for it
"With regard to the Reuters/Ipsos poll in question, you can drill into the detailed polling data. Of the 1,276 respondents, 628 (49.2%) were Democrats, just 498 (39.0%) were Republicans, and 112 (8.8%) were independents, and the remaining 38 (3.0%) were members of another party.
A 10.2% margin of Democrats over Republicans? And anyone seriously thinks this poll is representative of the American public's true voting intentions?
Gallup has reliable long-term historical data on party affiliations, and as of the latest data in late May, the split is 28% to 27% for Democrats over Republicans. That would be a 1% advantage to the Democrats, not 10.2% as the Reuters/Ipsos poll has in its makeup.
If we rebalance this poll to align with the actual composition of the voting public, Clinton's lead magically disappears, and we are left with a statistical tie.
We'll also deal with that flawed Fox News poll referred to by NRO. It shows Clinton ahead of Trump 42% to 39% in the direct match-up, or also up by 39% to 36% when Gary Johnson is thrown in. And then we look behind the curtain for the answer to the following question: "When you think about politics, do you think of yourself as a Democrat or a Republican?"
The Fox News poll split is a 6% advantage to the Democrats, 41% to 35%, over the Republican respondents, as compared to an even split in the previous polls by this outlet. Take that bias away, and we have at least a statistical tie, or, more likely, a slight Trump lead.
Watching the race play out, it is rather disgusting to see the clearly problematic polling data being repeatedly trotted out and then uncritically regurgitated in both the mainstream and even conservative media."