There were no rapes reported in 2014 at California State University at Long Beach, a public university with about 36...

>There were no rapes reported in 2014 at California State University at Long Beach, a public university with about 36,000 students. That could seem like a positive sign. But school officials aren’t boasting about it. They know sexual violence victims are often reluctant to step forward, and they want to hear more often from survivors.

>“We always operate under the assumption that zero does not really mean zero,” said Cal State Long Beach spokesman Mike Uhlenkamp. “We realize that under-reporting will happen. It is a fact based on the national data. We’re going to try to do what we can to change that culture on our campus.”

>A Washington Post review of federal campus safety data for more than 2,200 colleges that offer bachelor’s or advanced degrees found that more than 1,300 of the schools had no reports of rape on campus in 2014, the most recent year for which data is available.

You read it correctly. No reports on campus has become an annoying inconvenience to the narative.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Not enough students are irresponsible retards and getting raped :(

Real life has become the Onion.

But thats an entirely reasonable assumption to make

>Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said there are two explanations for why schools would have no rape reports: “Either they don’t have an adequate reporting system … or they know about the rapes and are putting them under the rug.”

So, liberals schools run by liberals, marxist people are keeping this all a secret. So which is it? Is it being under report or a conspiracy of silence or is it students are being forced not to report on their rape

>But thats an entirely reasonable assumption to make
If you claim that 1 in 4 women on campuses in the US are being raped than yes it's entirely believable to conclude that it must be under-reporter. If you believe that millions of women are getting raped every year. A statistic higher than that of the Congo.

They recently tried to ban Sargon of Acuckold because he said he "wouldn't rape" some feminist on Twitter.

They thought "I wouldn't rape you" was a threat.

Yeah! I heard about that. Twitter came back to Sargon and essentially stated that saying you don't want to rape someone is not a rape threat.

>“We realize that under-reporting will happen. It is a fact based on the national data.
>We realize this is a fact based on things that we literally cannot prove

>rape rate goes down
>rape rate stays the same
>rape rate goes up

Commuter schools.

Also, most rape activists are horrible people who promote rape and terrorize women. They lie to women and tell them they have a 20% chance of getting raped at college and that 97% of rapes go unpunished. The first number is horrifying and is something the Christian Right would promote to discourage sex. The second number encourages sexual predators to rape and discourages sexual victims to report crimes. Both are complete bullshit.

According to some surveys, like one done by the Washington post, women are 20% likely to be sexually "assaulted" in college. The word assaulted is in quotes because it includes every thing from getting one's ass grabbed, to getting kissed at the wrong time, to violent rape.

The 97% claim is again about sexual assault. An activist center at the University of Kentucky claims that sexual assaults on campus are only 3% to 18% likely to end in a conviction. One can't find out their methodology because the study isn't available.

Feminists promote rape, discourage justice, and terrorize women with their false numbers, and the mainstream media for the most part helps them. It is mind blowing.Seriously.

using feminist math we KNOW there were literally 4500 rapes at Long Beach.


Don't feminists essentially control completely the archiving and researching of these rape stats.

Clearly the government needs to assign quotas.

This was this yesterday on about documentaries.

I like how she doesn't consider that there may have been no rapes.

The patriarchy strikes again.

life must be sad for someone that expects rape arround every corner

of course not, you stupid leaf. They only acted like an authority on the subject because no one talked about it one way or another.

Now that they made it a talking point, unbiased sources of data are coming in, proving them wrong. Blow away, canuck cuck.

even sadder when it never happens, considering it's a fantasy they hotly anticipate

>data & statistics demonstrate that rape has decreased
>"the facts are clearly incorrect, the truth is really the opposite and rape has increased"

This. We need rape quotas

The do surveys that include any type of unwanted sexual touching or advancement. Then later claim everything is rape. So, if a women has to push a guy away when he goes in for a kiss, this gets counted as sexual assault, which then changes to rape when the media reports the stat.

Researchers could easily ask women if they were a victim of a crime and then accurate categorize the crimes. This would let them actually study how much sexual crimes are underreported. Instead situations like the Uma Thurman charity kiss are categorized as rape because.. well, because many Feminists aren't pro-women, they are anti-men, and especially anti-sex with men.

>i know this is a controversial stance

>unbiased sources of data are coming in, proving them wrong. Blow away, canuck cuck.
I noticed you avoided saying Recently. Feminists did collect data on the subject. The 1 in 5 stat comes from a call-in research they did sometime in the 80's if I remember correctly.

No rapes
Girl gets raped and people say she had it coming

They are admitting that they believe there are rapists everywhere, so a girl should take precautions. Therefor, it doesn't make sense to say the victim wasn't at fault in many cases.

I miss the old cracked. Seems every other article now is SJW/Femminism-bait.

I skimmed the comments in the article I mentioned above. No one is trying to correct Adam Todd Brown about his statement. I'd say everyone who's a member and read it totally agreed that rapes are out of control on campuses.

>FDR plans the building of the Hoover Dam
>Planners expect 25 deaths during the course of the project
>project finished
>only 9 men died

WTF is wrong with SJWs? Landing BELOW negative stats is supposed to be a good thing.


I remember reading cracked comments back when things first started to get bad there, and most of the comments would call them out on the bullshit. I wonder if those people have just given up on the site, I know I have.

But shitlords may crimethink that it's not as bad as we say it is!

I think reasonable people just gave up.


They were able to repeat the results recently but they used the same flawed methodology. When you have a voluntary survey that i'm sure gets advertised in all the women's studies classes on campus you are likely to get a lot of crazy bitches saying that they were stare raped.

>Hoover Dam


This is confuses me. Wouldn't Vox not want to inform women which schools are safer to go to?

And the military are becoming the duffel blog. Some Canadian shot a US paratrooper this week

The campuses with lower rape rates push STEM over liberal arts so it would not help their movement.


Yes. See my comment above. The Washington Post had a series of articles on it and reported the stats accurately (methodology, what counted as sexual assault), but without any criticism or analysis. These statistics then get reported as rape. Many things the study counted as sexual assault were minor things no reasonable person would call a crime.

Researchers could easily ask women if they were a victim of a sexual crime and have them categorize it. They didn't do this because it would have given a much lower figure than 20%.

Feminists actually do not care about victims as much as they hate normal heterosexual relations. They want women to be scared of men. They want women to be scared to go out and have fun, to be terrified of parties and bars. That is why they take statistics that include being kissed at the wrong time and call them rape. The science doesn't matter, the victims doesn't matter, making women scared of men matters, and destroying due process is an added benefit.

That's not the problem. The problem is that the surveys don't ask "Have you been raped y/n?" They ask questions like "Do you feel like you've ever been pressured into sex?" or "Have you ever had sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?" and while those sorts of things are "rape" by feminist standards, I seriously doubt most women who have fucked after a few drinks or gave into they boyfriends nagging them for sex consider themselves to be "rape victims," but they're still marked down as such.

All this proves is that you cannot appease the left.

If there are too many rapes, it's patriarchy, if it's not enough it's patriarchy.

I ran into this on Mother's Day

Hanguinmg with Nieces who are back from College.

>muh rape
>muh patriarchy
>muh 1 in 5
>Hey, good news, DOJ investigated
>turns out college least likely place to get raped
>await cheers of reduced fear and victimization
>one actually cried
>her sister blamed under reporting

2 days later

>my sister calls
>what happened, why daughter crying?
>I dunno, rape/patriarchy not as bad stats
>sister thinks rape culture is worse now than ever.
>I warn her that daughters getting super lefty, not reasonable democrats
>sister confesses that daughter called he spoiled rich white woman this morning

I like it when the left eats itself.
Tell 3 women that rape crisis on college is just news using fear tactics to sell magazines, and they get mad at me.

Good Day.

that's very nitpicky, user. most people don't know it used to be called Boulder Dam

>All those fun articles on history and science
>Now its all about gays, trannies and muslims

Everything goes to trash

I'm guessing they think schools will deliberately underreport rapes

I see feminism is now beginning to borrow from Keynesian principles

Imagine the day when 99.9% of Universities and colleges report no rapes. get ready for that wave of denial from feminists. They will scream conspiracy. But it wont work since all of these schools are under control of liberals.

asexual master race

>Everywhere I look, there MUST be rape

Get out

Why should all rape victims report to their schools anyways? What makes the University THE place to get help and seek justice?

Obviously a school has a responsibility to keep its students safe as it can, so student services and counseling should be available. But looking to the administration of Universities to basically solve the rape problem, care for all victims, and prosecute all the sex offenders is absurd.