Today's men seem really bitter

Especially when it comes to women.

Women try to speak up on social media about issues that are affecting them negatively like body-shaming, the wage gap, how women are portrayed in the media, etc. and men just lose it and attack them.

We all see how negatively men reacted to that girl who posts the videos about how women are portrayed as sex objects in video games. They went off the deep end.

This new Ghostbusters movie also reveals the bitterness in men by how many thumbsdowns the trailer has gotten and all the male critics complaining about the all female cast.

Next, you have these MRAs and MGTOWs who are more bitter than a pot of black coffee. They claim they're trying to bring attention to men's rights and warn them about the pitfalls of marriage (divorce), but if you go on their websites and forums, you'll find that all they do is complain about women and their behavior.

It just seems today that any given time or place, where a woman is exercising her rights and freedom to have a good time, there's bitter men quietly, or sometimes not so quietly, grinding their teeth and glaring their teeth hating on them, like those jerks who get upset about women breastfeeding in public.

>Men Hate TV Shows Aimed at Women, Study Says

I can't even imagine what's going to happen after Hillary is elected.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw the "bitter men" OP are talking about are white, 9 times out of 10

>I can't even imagine what's going to happen after Hillary is elected.

dont waste time thinking about it cause it aint happening

Pretty much.

White men have enjoyed a special status (white privilege) where they didn't have to compete with other (non-white and women) people and things (job opportunities) were just handed to them.

Now we live in a world (globalization) where there are plenty of non-white talented engineers/scientists from other countries who are just as good as or even better than white engineers/scientists. Corporations realize the talent of these people, which is why they lobbied for HB-1 visas to get them over here.

Now the white man has to compete with Sanjeet from Pakistan for that IT job and it's making him livid because he believes he should get first shot at the job just because he's American (a white male).

They can handle globalization and a lot of them are crashing. That's why the suicide rates among white men are increasing.

Slow down with the bait you shithead, desu.

Nah, checkout a website like sluthate or lookism or /r/theredpill, shitskins are massively overrepresented. Even /r9k/ is probably the least white board on Sup Forums.

Also OP, you are partly right about bitter men. But you are too retarded to see that feminists are literally just bitter women, the same thing in reverse.

>like body-shaming, the wage gap
lmao 7/10 b8

This isn't bait. These are my observations. Today's man is extremely bitter.

I overheard a conversation between two white dudes and they were complaining about millennials. One of them was complaining about a woman, 28, who hit a deer and asked for his help, citing in a disgusted tone that she was "28 fucking years old, and didn't even know where her car registration was. She had to call her father and wait for him to bring it."

They went on to complain about how so many people rely on the government for free stuff and how they would all be fucked if the electricity just went off one day. One said you should have a 3 month supply of food on hand at all times. The conversation ended with one saying that he hoped that a large group of patriots with guns take over the country when "the shit finally hits the fan".

Listening to these guys, and most white male preppers, it's almost like they WANT the country to collapse. That is the very definition of bitter.

yeah, r9k believes whites can't even be robots

>whites can't get laid because all the shitskins are taking our white women!
>lol, its only the shitskins who can't get laid

Choose one (1).

I regularly see hwhitecucks on Sup Forums AND /r9k/ lament that "if it wasn't for those meddling shitskins/nonwhites, I'd be able to get a gf!"

Go back to Tumblr, cunt. You'll find no succor for your black ideas here.

>I overheard a conversation between two white dudes and they were complaining about millennials. One of them was complaining about a woman, 28, who hit a deer and asked for his help, citing in a disgusted tone that she was "28 fucking years old, and didn't even know where her car registration was. She had to call her father and wait for him to bring it."
He's right, and what's more you wouldn't look at it as bitterness if he'd been complaining about a 28 year old man who did the same stupid shit.


Hello, reddit. You sure would know about that considering you're the one making "whites can't be robots" posts as part of "Operation Normalize", right?

She'll get killed by an autistic dude.
No sane man will have to lift a finger.

Correct I hate them for it, now get equality and go to the desert CUNT.

I'm tired of hearing cunts bitch about how awful their lives are.

White men pay the cast majority while women use it all up. What is it? Men pay some 80% of taxes while women consume 80%? Women don't have to be nice to men for recourses anymore and there is no value in betas who will actually stay with you. Get pregnant by an alpha and you can just force recourses from him. Women + the state = corrupt women

Niggers can't be robots because they w
Lack Neanderthal dna

Where did this annoying faggot come from? How does it work in your white knight fantasy yelling a bunch of bullshit at anons on a Mongolian image board?

drink bleach autist //


just sage and report

It's sad because you listen to those MGTOWs talking about how women will receive a reality check when they enter their 30s and hit "the wall" because they'll be all "used up" and men won't want them any more.

>Mid-thirties marks 'sexiest' and most attractive age for British women, new study shows

But that's not the case since women are at peak attractiveness in their 30s as it turns out.

>how women are portrayed as sex objects in video games.
Dude, woman ARE sex objects irl, what is wrong with portraying reality?

Face it, the only value a woman has is her sexual value, no men in their sane minds would give 2 shits about a woman if not because of his desire to fuck her.

>>whites can't get laid because all the shitskins are taking our white women!
that's is just shitposters and b8, mostly shitskins trolling and cuck fetishists. No one actually believes this. You probably came to Sup Forums pretty recently if you can't tell that.
>lol, its only the shitskins who can't get laid
No, just proportionally more of them struggle. Look at the whole PUA scene, it's all arabs, indians, gooks etc with white manlets and old dudes thrown in.

It's not like he was wrong, I'm 32 and most people my age act like they are still 17 but with jobs. Some people don't really mature past the age of 20 especially if they abuse alcohol and drugs.

Basically if you don't have a career and a spouse by the time you are 25 you are most likely retarded. Especially if you are a woman.

All women have to do is make babies, that is it, make babies and cook and they can't even do that because most have the mindset of a 15 yr old.

Kraft Dinner and hotdogs isn't cooking.

>drink bleach

Nice tumblreddit meme, cunt

You still haven't explained the reason for white "males" having the highest suicide rates.

/rwhinek/ and Nu/pol/ regularly tells me that "w-wul white men commit suicide because there's nothing left for us to live for! the shitskins are taking all our women and jobs!"

>You probably came to Sup Forums pretty recently if you can't tell that.
Not an argument.

I almost never respond to stuff on social media but any adult male knows that it can be difficult for a young man to keep his mouth shut when a female complains about a society that will literally never hold them fully accountable for their actions.

>everything handed to them

you're talking about social status, if you called millions of white men privileged while they're living in a 1 MAYBE 2 bedroom apt making ends meet, you would get slaughtered and rightfully so. White privilege disappeared after the civil war, all of this other shit you're talking about is fabricated non sense because the guardian told you it's true.

I'm fine thanks. Women look great but they are insane. That's all I need to know.

>you would get slaughtered
>and rightfully so.
Wow, OP was right. You really are bitter.

thats a fucking dick

it's not that they hate female oriented shows, it's that those shows suck.

>all these shitposts
>no actual point to make whatsoever
>just strings of buzzwords
Oh well. Saged/hidden.

Tell me more about hardships of a gender that lives longer, works less, spends more and contributes barely 25% of all taxes, faces everyday.

>women hijack entertainment that men generally enjoy and put a feminin touch on them
>men dont find this new "entertainment" entertaining in any way and don't participate in watching it

Those are all valid things to gripe about.
Why the fuck are people suddenly incapable of doing simple tasks that used to be done with little to no instruction?
Humans are getting dumber and it's due to dumb government policies that have done significant damage to society.

This reorganization into globalism is unnecessary and stupid.
There is no way that the world will stay under a one world government for the rest of humanity.
Things will break down and corrode and with such a large system there won't be a way to dismantle it without catastrophic consequences.

It's a guarantee that your children will be enslaved with the only way out being death.

>This new Ghostbusters movie also reveals the bitterness in men by how many thumbsdowns the trailer has gotten and all the male critics complaining about the all female cast.
That's an American problem.
In Europe everyone thinks the movie sucks.
Women included.

They just think American comedy is dead.
It's not even a judgement on women or feminism. It's the scorn for American comedy gone bad.

I always found it very strange that british men are on average way shorter than the rest of wstern europe

What is the Webm? What is going on here?

Op I don't hate women shows because of women, I hate it for the vularity. Example: jeff dunham is a pretty family friendly comic. I can watch him with children around and it not be a big deal. Amy schumer can't go more than five minutes without talking about her vagina. I KNOW the tv has to go off when that bitch goes on and there are children around. Women keep talking about oversexualization but then pray to their masters who overrepresent their sexuality. Every fucking show is about sex. I don't see how women don't find this to be a problem

Daily reminder that men were given an overwhelming sex drive just so they would be forced to deal with dumb cunts and the only reason for dumb cunts existence is a male urge.

If you think about, this who terrorist thing is also related to bitter men. These terrorists are almost always men. They're also angry that women are gaining more freedom. They don't have to be child-brides. They don't have to get married if they don't want to. And they don't have to cover up their bodies. Muslim women are slowly learning that their bodies are nothing to be ashamed of and more and more of them are standing up for their rights despite the stonings and acid attacks.

Basically, ISIS/Taliban/etc. are a bunch of bitter men angry at women and "the west" who are "corrupting" women with "western ideals".

We were giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling this bait. If it's not bait, you are a delusional psychopath projecting your own bitterness on us.

anglos are inbred

I swear a thread like this is posted every week. Same set of webms, same kind of bait every time. It's either this set of webms or the ones with the girl wearing a one piece bikini and bright red lipstick and a hat and the OP usually is trying to push women superiority or something. These threads happen way too often for me to not notice they're just reposts.

>british women

Holy shit, dude, make the bait less obvious.

Either discuss the article or leave you fucking retard. I hope isis cuts your head off and feeds your body to sharks.

Oh God. Not this meathole again.

>All men are bitter virgins with tiny dicks abloo bloo bloo


That's what happens when you get the institutionalized shoehorning of female "success" instead of letting it happen organically.

Ding ding ding, Bingo !
Except you'll never get them to admit this because duh or they literally don't have the smarts see it from others point of view.

i want to kill that nigger

Good, we hate you we don't want to give you equality or any rights we will do everything to make you miserable, filthy cunt.

>the cultural media tells the truth.
Who the fuck seriously thinks bitches that are "hot" as 35 year olds wouldn't have been hotter as a 20 year old. That shit you linked is propaganda to make old used up whores feel good about themselves.

You're not fooling anyone. Why make the thread?

>I overheard a conversation between two white dudes and they were complaining about millennials. One of them was complaining about a woman, 28, who hit a deer and asked for his help, citing in a disgusted tone that she was "28 fucking years old, and didn't even know where her car registration was. She had to call her father and wait for him to bring it."
>They went on to complain about how so many people rely on the government for free stuff and how they would all be fucked if the electricity just went off one day. One said you should have a 3 month supply of food on hand at all times. The conversation ended with one saying that he hoped that a large group of patriots with guns take over the country when "the shit finally hits the fan".
And they are 100% right.

PROTIP: When you are trying to troll you should ridicule the opposition's opinions, not make them look reasonable.

Society is going down the drain because people have no longer any sense of responsibility. We are living in completely hedonistic, amoral times and each generation is worse in this respect than the ones before.

Most young people wouldn't know how to live off the land if society collapsed. They can barely function as adults. This is a fact.

It will all come crashing down as the "good citizens" that keep the system functioning (mostly white male taxpayers) die or simply refuse to step up and fulfill their tasks for a society that hates them and is increasingly more and more lazy and entitled.

>men hate dumbasses
>just so happens that the majority of women are dumbasses

Western women forgot how to be women and men are starting to recoil, news at 11

>You still haven't explained the reason for white "males" having the highest suicide rates.
Evidence pls? And this could be for a huge variety of reasons. Culture, lack of strong families, different ways kids are raised to show emotion, difference in religiosity etc.

>/rwhinek/ and Nu/pol/ regularly tells me that "w-wul white men commit suicide because there's nothing left for us to live for! the shitskins are taking all our women and jobs!"
That's the equivalent of SJW's bitching about white privilege.

This is all off topic anyway, point is that non-whites are overrepresented in the whole PUA, /r/redpill scene. As another user said /r9k/ thinks whites can't be losers.

>make a shit reboot of a classic
>people call it shit
>why are they so bitter?!?

k, keep me posted.

I need to start partying again

here i am on a Friday night

33, nigger.

>since women are at peak attractiveness in their 30s as it turns out.

Shill slide thread

Report sage and hide

I think it's supposed to show how colored people are smooth criminals? If those were my daughters I'd feel more safe with the white guys because they seem to be aware of boundaries and shit, whereas that brown guy looks like potential date rape material. He oozes creepy and fake.

>This new Ghostbusters movie also reveals the bitterness in men by how many thumbsdowns the trailer has gotten and all the male critics complaining about the all female cast.

And the US draft also reveals the bitterness in women. This is obvious bait.


yet we can't talk about Islam and it's hatred fueled rhetoric, that would be offensive to them.

>body-shaming, the wage gap, how women are portrayed in the media

wow what important issues lol

I miss eating pussy guys. Ever since my girlfriend broke up with me, i'm addicted to it.

So the nigger gets the girl at the end?

>ISIS regularly browse /r9k/


>Evidence pls?
If you can just point to a whole board and call it "evidence", then I'll just say Sup Forums and /r9k/ is my evidence.

>Could be for a huge variety of reasons (...)
And usually /rwhinek/ and Sup Forums blame the causality of all those reasons on "them nonwhites". Which means whites must not be cleaning up in the pussy scene if they feel the need to an hero because of "them nonwhites" (pussy having anything or nothing to do with it).

>/r9k/ things whites can't be losers.
And so does Sup Forums. Your point?

All these girls have really bad posture. Is this from Britain? Wtf fix ur shit posture.

OP has some kind of femdom fetish

I don't go on there but according to the virgin robots ITT, it's filled with shitskins so maybe OP isn't wrong after all

really makes you think doesn't it

I really hate women who keep checking their phones. Massive turn-off for me.

White male privilege never existed in the social sense, shitlord. White males made everything so they had a right to everything. You can't have a say in something you never contributed to. What feminists want is the fruition of white male labor without the responsibility. Their appetite is insatiable. Whatever can get their shitlords to slave away harder for them.

You can tell she's new to being a slut. She still has that awkward walk and posture that she's had since 5th grade. She is pulling her skirt DOWN which is breaking slut rule number one about skirts always being as short as possible. Her clothes are also pretty retarded and probably borrowed from a friend who knows the rules and wanted her friend to look uglier than her so she dressed her up in flowers and tank top. She loves her friend, but this is chess not checkers. She'll get better at it though.

Tell me user, what have you invented? Tell me something incredible you've contributed to humanity. Not someone white, but you.

you can get it all into one sentence

>woman want to be fat and ugly cuz it's more comfy that way

Girls checking their phones while you're talking to them huh?

I was legitimately interested In what you had to say... but then you said the magic words "white privilege"

An argument based on white privilege is one not worth listening to

>Listening to these guys, and most white male preppers, it's almost like they WANT the country to collapse. That is the very definition of bitter.

this is correct, they are bitter and should be

Women have always been just as capable of doing any job a man could. The reason it took so long is because they've been oppressed (and somewhat still are) by laws men have had in place to keep them in the home instead of the office or laboratory.
>Wives Are Now More Educated than Husbands In the U.S.

>More Women Are 'Marrying Down'

>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2012 for 4th straight year, and outnumber men in grad school 141 to 100

>Women have earned almost 10 million more college degrees than men since 1982

>Critical thinking skills: women surpass men

>Battle of the sexes: Woman surpass men in average IQ scores

>Is it a woman's world now?

>Now the woman has to compete with Sanjeet from Pakistan for that IT job and it's making her livid because he believes she should get first shot at the job just because she has a vagina.


Most men don't care about competing.
t. IT guy

>Society is going down the drain because
technology has made people so fucking lazy.

I'm in my mid 20s. When I grew up, if you wanted to know what store had the cheapest price for a video game you had to visit each store. Wanted to find the nearest pizza store? Good luck.

People can find this information out in less than a minute today. You can google your homework and find the complete answers, even for essays. There's almost no effort needed to do anything. It's amplified if you're a female

With social media you can connect with thousands instantly. Ugly girls are getting attention like never before, they actually think they're something. When they find out they're just a ugly piece of meat they cry feminism. Guys that can't get up with todays standards become weak and side with feminists.

The world is fucked.

I noticed the blond is wearing panties but that spanx slim shorts.

>Women have always been just as capable of doing any job a man could.
Except for flying commercial airline planes

Nah, I mean in general. I don't approach them while they do that. But 'kek'.

>Tell me something incredible you've contributed to humanity.
I created a method to turn car pollution back into a solid fuel similar to coal, patent still pending so I won't get into further discussion on the subject...

What have YOU ever done to contribute to the greater good of the planet?


>>women are at peak attractiveness in their 30s as it turns out.
>this is what women actually tell themselves

its def a generational thing

20 something can't stay off their phones.

They will literally have parties where people all get on their phones.

they are really fucking stupid. like christ, the stupidity of women knows no boundaries.

t. hyper-bitter male

>Women have always been just as capable of doing any job a man could. They just don't want to work in sewer, high places, underwater or work 14 hours a day to keep their job. They prefer working with people and become hairdressers, make-up artists and study useless degrees like women studies.


Go back to Canada


What type of meme is this?

Because none of the things women take seriously are productive, socially adhesive, or important to day-to-day survival. Your entire existence as a gender and your varying identities are entirely fabricated and dependant upon men to continue innovating, building, fixing, earning, and feeding their family. Tbqh, the modern woman and her idle concerns are a product of men overprotecting, understimulating, and under regulating women in general.
Tldr; you were happier in the kitchen

If women are so capable they can start paying for more than the 25% of taxes which they do at present. They can also pay for my dinner.
I'll be waiting.