Brendan Cox releases pro-migration diatribe to the media

Fresh out of mourning, the husband of Jo Cox has launched into shilling for more cultural enrichment:

>“There is no reason we can’t quickly shift the debate back to the mainstream and in doing so not only help refugees and migrants, but also help marginalise the resurgent populist right. To do so we need to readjust our efforts to reflect that power on this issue is with the people.”

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160,000 pounds per year wasn't enough for this rat

I doubt he is gonna do it for free

I'd be more concerned with overcoming the soul shattering grief of the wife of my children getting murdered than releasing pro-remain press statements.


But you're probably not a shill.

sorry for burger ignorance. But why exactly do we want a Brexit? To escape the globalism of the EU? The mass muslim migration? Would it even change with Prince Sadiq at the helm of London?

Why do we want a Brexit, in the simplest terms for stupid burger, plz


Top-tier fuckery going on.

>if lessons can be learned from why the right has so far taken the initiative on the migration issue
Because they're the only ones with a sensible thought in their head you fucking pricks and most sensible people object to being cucked by millions of 'refugees'.

That and prevent a future cuckening of their currency

This actually is a good thing, it may just backfire on them.

>to combat populist right
>reflecting the will of the people is bad

wow. what a fucking wrongun

>the wife of my children

The inbreeding is strong with this one

Imagine you had a union with all of Latina America.

Imagine if your laws were decided in Mexico.

Now imagine Mexico forced you take in millions from all over, Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil etc and you have no choice.

Yeah. That's what's happening to us with middle eastern rapefugees on top of everything else.

So they can burn.

Didn't give a shit when she was alive, don't give a shit now she's dead.

What an absolute cunt, using his dead wife as leverage to force her shitty agenda.

yeah, that wouldn't go over well. Canada would probadbly piss me off more though. Fucking Trudeau telling us what to do? Gender equality enforced in the cabinet? Fuck.

>wife of my children


Yeah, sort of see our predicament now?

It's almost pre revolutionary America.


so his wife gets shot and now hes an expert on rapefugees?
i bet hes just sad he won't get to see his wife get fucked by an Afghan while he has a wank in the corner

This guy will have a new black/brown gf within 2 months.


But wait, it gets worse:

>JO Cox’s heartbroken husband is being urged by political friends to stand as an MP in the seat she held.

Get ready for 'Jo's Law', legislating unfettered migration.

user don't be mean, you know quintessentially British people these days have a hard time learning English.

I really, really, really like this picture. May I save it?

There's something very, very odd about all this.

of course

Capped and checked

why does the left/mainstream always use "populism" as a slur? Is that not what democracy is?

t. confused

>wife shot dead
>grieving widow
>what can fix this?
>more niggers and bombers

I swear, if brexit fails, I hope UK gets biblical plague.

It is pre-revolutionary America. The folks at the gun store that I was at yesterday were ready to rumble. The socialist morons and the cronies who own congress who are trying to ruin this country are going BTFO if they don't back off soon.