Doing nofap

>doing nofap
>doing noporn
>ascetic and disciplined time on the computer
>feel like dipping a little into degeneracy, Friday why the fuck not
>hit up Sup Forums and other memeboards
>half of Sup Forumss OPs have attractive ladies, nude, in bikinis, and/or professionally photoshopped to induce erections
>this is triggering me

Why do you do this Sup Forums? Why not use other eye-candy images to start your threads? What if some of us are actually following through with this "Stoic/Traditionalist" shit you keep spouting? You make it needlessly harder for us. If it's on the cusp of being porn, you might as well go to /s/ or /gif/ or whatever porn boards - this place is for politics

This was your choice to come to Sup Forums. Knowing fully well what it's like.

Take the final redpill and outgrow it. Realize Sup Forums is never a place for tradition and excise it from your brain. Thus will be harder than quitting porn even.

Or even quit images as a medium and switch to a text only browser.

Find a more strictly moderated place or meet up with like minded people in real life.

fuck off retard

Sup Forums brainwashing in action.

Turning a whole generation into filth with no attention span



I honestly think its some sliding tactics started by degeneracy groups and propagated by easily swayed individuals.

There's no reason to post porn or semi-porn in discussions about politics. The "Degeneracy Group" knows this, and knows this board tends to sway on the side of Traditionalism and Stoicism.

To combat that state of mind they simply post lewds so to test the willpower of the ascetics and dissuade them from posting, or just add more to the already-existing degeneracy

There is no 'sliding tactics'.

Sup Forums was a Jewish psyop from the very beginning. In fact ''old Sup Forums'' was even more degenerate than now.

This alt right shit is the culmination of the cultural programming that started on Sup Forums back in the early 2000s.

Sup Forums wasn't subverted. It always was the subversion.

nofap is a jewish meme designed to create infertility and low sperm counts in whites with low self-esteem.

This board doesn't sway to traditionalism. a real traditionalist would hate Sup Forums, anonymity and the Internet as a whole because hiding behind a screen corrodes natural community.

This board was always more concerned with Internet culture and 'free speech', it's just degenerates who became all righteous and political because Feminists threatened to take away their porn and video games.

This board doesn't sway to traditionalism. a real traditionalist would hate Sup Forums, anonymity and the Internet as a whole because hiding behind a screen corrodes natural community.

This board was always more concerned with Internet culture and 'free speech', it's just degenerates who became all righteous and political because Feminists threatened to take away their porn and video games.

The real redpill is that it isn't shills posting porn here it is the average 4channer. They use the shill card to avoid their own guilt. This place is worse than Tumblr and always was. In fact the SJW scene just sprung from former 4channers.

Leave this place before it's too late or at least start browsing text only.

You're not here to discuss politics you're here because of an addiction to conversation porn.

No fap leads to no porn. Kikes have always been leaders in porn.

Why would the jews cook up a movement where they lose out on propagating degeneracy and the message of "porn is awesome"?

It's like trying to shoot a man before throwing him off a plane.

Kikes want Internet ''freedom''.

They're never gonna censor 'hate speech'

Thats just another trick to keep us glued to the Internet and defending the Web.

The kikes benefit from the Internet and the last thing they want is an anti tech movement that destroys it. Reality is the Internet should be banned from all home use.

And anonymous forums are even better for kike brainwashing than Facebook.

It's about time I leave again.
The problem is that I don't want to unplug when there's so much shit going on this year.
Also it seems like there's fewer and fewer people here who remember all of these problems.
I don't want to check in on this place and find that there is no longer an outlet for traditionally Sup Forums type thoughts that can reach the normal folk.

We're fighting a meme war and we may be suffering casualties.

I actually support any and all feminist movements to control the Net.

The more censored and locked down it is the better even if for the wrong reasons.

The moment Hillary shuts down the Internet is the moment conservative whites actually get off their asses and do something.

Stop using the word ''meme''. It's Dawkins atheist brainwashing.

Call it what it is. Spiritual warfare. And never use terms you learned from Sup Forums.

Meme. Propaganda. Spiritual warfare.
It's the same.

Sup Forums is a degenerate and degrading place. Sure it has a lot of obscure information and is great to vent. Still, if you're on the righteous path, I don't think it's worth to come here and fuck it up.

It is but by accepting the enemy's language you are giving him power.

See the SJW thing is a trick to make people like use disregard the power of words entirely.

Now were trained to see any sort of caring about language as 'feminist safe space shit'. So now we are disarmed and more obsessed with the right to be offensive and vulgar than actual moral principles.

>t. Jude

Last I checked Richard Stallman was the main Internet privacy activist and he's a fat commie kike who promotes pedophile rights on his blog.

You also need to realize the internet is an artificial component of the human "noosphere" - the collective intelligence and accumulated knowledge of all humanity.

Yeah, there's filters for truths and objectivity and what not - but you NEED the internet because you NEED Omnipotence. You've just grown up that way - being omnipotent, being a knowledge god.

4chin at least has dark humor jokes and sometimes good rare bits of information (good TV shows, books, films). It stands out because it's a shitfest and it's fun sifting through shit to find a golden nugget. Or at least you've trained your brain to enjoy it, that is. God knows how long our total distance is in scroll wheel spins.

We were all better without the prideful obsession with omnipotence.

Peasants in small villages with no care for the outside were much happier

4296143 scrolls for me since a couple of years ago.

Spot the shill