Jung Typology Test


At first I was a bit apprehensive about the results of an online test but this one does seem to be quite accurate. Ofcourse this page will link you off to some body trying to sell you some skill builder non sense, but the free portion of this test offers a great insight into who you are and how you operate.

For best results answer the questions as truthfull as possible and post your findings.

I am an INTJ

Other urls found in this thread:


INTP baby

I'm gonna feed the electric Jew more data, brb

ESTJ friendos where we @

'always right' reporting in

>Not Socionics


INTJ here (sometimes INTP)

>implying your average Sup Forumsack has enough self-knowledge to distinct what he is and what he says he is

Sup Forumsack:

I'm an IN(ee)TP. I have an inventive, curious and active mind who is always caught into trying to understand what everything is and why do they work the way they do. :^)

Reality: I'm a silent nothing who has no friends with whom I make physical contact. I don't talk to anyone and most people barely remember I was ever there. I may have one or two ideas but I refuse to put them up to test by either going into the internet or even debating people in my day-to-day life. I think I am many things but when asked to prove evidence of what I am, I have barely anything to show for.

tl;dr: You're not INTP unless you are actually putting intellectual effort out there. If you are just some random loner who nobody notices, you're not INTP. Even if you identify as it.


wtf, im a KEK

Also INTP. Probably tons of I_T_ and _S_J types here. Rarest types likely ENFP or ISFJ

Lol you have issues man.



>vapid, OKCupid tier MBPT


Somebody post the thing with all the pepes and wojaks

It seemed pretty emotionally charged for such a benign topic user.

ENTJ masterrace

What's the difference between "YES" and "yes"?


The large Yes is Always Yes and the smaller is Sometimes Yes

Have some fresh copypasta

>implying your average Sup Forumsack has enough self-knowledge to distinct what he is and what he says he is

Sup Forumsack:

I'm an IN(ee)TP. I have an inventive, curious and active mind who is always caught into trying to understand what everything is and why do they work the way they do. :^)

Reality: I'm a silent nothing who has no friends with whom I make physical contact. I don't talk to anyone and most people barely remember I was ever there. I may have one or two ideas but I refuse to put them up to test by either going into the internet or even debating people in my day-to-day life. I think I am many things but when asked to prove evidence of what I am, I have barely anything to show for.

tl;dr: You're not INTP unless you are actually putting intellectual effort out there. If you are just some random loner who nobody notices, you're not INTP. Even if you identify as it.

>It seemed pretty emotionally charged
>for a psychological topic

really makes you think doesnt it

More about the part where he was getting defensive about other people having similar personalities to him.

My point is that Sup Forums is too clueless and socially inept to mark anything in that list other than "uncertain".

You probably know a lot of people. How many do you deem INTP, per example? Probably no one. Because they don't act like it. Yet many people score INTP scores.

Also, these lists are like horoscope. It is pure cherry-picking of every paragraph.

If you take this test seriously, you're an idiot already.

Oh I'm nothing like your average Sup Forumssmoker, I'm a left leaning independent. I just come here to argue with reactionary people.


INTJ Master Race

weird in this test im INTP but the 16personalities test im always ISTP

ESTP master race, same as Trump.

ENTJ, or ENTP. Depends on the test.


>people still unironically identifying with results of the fucking Jung MBTI test

INTP, or ENTP depending on the test

INTJ as well.

He's an extravert.


INFP reporting.

>the free portion of this test offers a great insight into who you are and how you operate
Wouldn't an autism test be more suitable?


If you feel left out, sure thing.

Post your findings, Elliot.

For people who score INTJ it should redirect them to an autism test.
