Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Why do you love sucking billionaires off so much?

>Rich man buys pie with his own hard earned cash
>Niggers feel entitled to the pie they didn't buy themselves
Pretty accurate 2bh

>rich man buys pie with his stolen cash

People with a lot of money don't just hide it in their sock drawer. They spend it which helps to create jobs and stimulates the economy. Should they be taxed? Of course, but I don't think there are any arguments for not taxing the rich at least at a flate rate.

Actually, they invest it, and therefore end up with more money than they started with, therefore removing it from circulation.

Go back to school, kid.

>single mom
>middle class

Do you know how investments work?

If so please explain how it isn't a part of the economy.

>poor is represented by black people specifically a black woman

How did he "steal" it?
When you buy your faggy little Starbucks mocha latte is the CEO of Starbucks "stealing" your money? No, you're giving it to him of your own volition. Piss off.

>poor woman has 4 instead of 2 kids

It's a part of the economy that removes money from everyone else and gives it to the investor.

He bribed congress to give him tax cuts, pinhead.

>all poor people are niggers

this better be bait

I don't do the class warfare thing and I'm working class. Not interested. Just work harder for your money and get on with it.

I hate edits. I prefer the original.

>self regulation

Is there a more bullshit concept?

Like I said, go back to school you child

Now this one is perfect


You liberal idiots willingly buy from your whole foods stores, Google products and feed the Amazon machine

Do any of the CEOs personally donate a sizable amount to the American poor on a regular basis? Fuck no. These are the cunts that keep you poor in the first place.

of course, he draws poor people as black


>wealth is represented as a zero-sum "pie"

dude lmao

>poor black woman
>adopting a white child

This. Even Warren Buffett only has $500 million in cash at any given moment.

We don't.

We hate Hillary Clinton.

I am very surprised that they didn't make the black family as middle class and put a white family as poor.

So much for equality in comics

nah, people actually think this way. It's like you have to physically show them the money being used to generate wealth in order for them to understand.

So when the first starbucks went up the owner was already bribing congress?

Jesus Christ is their any need to label anything in this picture? Why do american cartoonists always do this?

>These are the cunts that keep you poor in the first place.

>"I'm poor because rich people don't just hand me money for no reason"

Benefit of the doubt that this is not bait.
How are investors taking money from you, personally?

>rich man buys pie with money mostly earned through rent seeking financially manipulative Jewry and calls it hard work

This is the correct answer

why are the poor people black
why isnt the rich guy jewish





You didn't earn the money they did. They invented something you thought was worth buying. YOU are responsible for your own actions. Stop blaming the rich for the failures of the poor.

Christ, why does rich this cartoon have to be labelled? I don't fully agree with its point, but it's obvious what it's supposed to convey. Shit, the artist respected my intelligence enough to expect me to know what the elephant symbolizes, but it would just be beyond my grasp to know that the guy with the majority of the pie in the suit sitting in the decorated chair is the rich one?

What an asshole, I hate him and so should you.

Cool but it's missing the Welfare Pie for the poor person, the middle class woman being forced to cut a piece of her pie to give to the poor person, and the poor person complaining it's not enough because someone needs to give pie to her kids.


You mean earned? If you want to talk about illegally obtained cash then let's talk about Hillary Clinton selling confidential intelligence to the Chinese for campaign money.

>hard earned
Holy shit you Unironically believe this. You're ignorant as fuck and stupid as fuck.
>rich people n-never take advantage of people unfairly!
>t-they never exploit anyone for their own profit!
If all it took was hard work to get rich then half the population would be rich. You're an idiot. Stop sacking so much dick

>the "massive income inequality is good for the economy uhhhh because" meme

It's interesting that no legitimate economist actually believes this, I guess the GOP is on the cutting edge

Except this is exactly how some people think. "Tax da rich whites" while unknowingly forcing the small business owners and upper middle class with to take a hit too.


Yes, there is. Not only because it is meant to be accessible to even the dumbest amongst the readers, but also because there are too many possible interpretations without the labels (for example, it could turn into either a racial statement in this case if you want jews to be a race, or into a muh patriarchy argument).

Voluntarily. Point is rich people don't add money to the economy. They just accumulate it.

>If you want to talk about illegally obtained cash then let's talk about Hillary Clinton selling confidential intelligence to the Chinese for campaign money.
But isn't that literally the point? Every "rich" person is in a similar situation because there's no way (and each year, the rich make sure there are even less ways, even with insane luck) to get there through mere effort even when combined with skills and smarts. You could say "b-but X Y did it!" but for every entrepreneur that successfully mounted an enterprise from scratch, there are millions who went bankrupt. Almost every time it's a "right place right time" scenario mixed with a LOT of underhanded tactics.

Of course, once you have the seed assets, only a retard could possibly not make money hand over fist.

>not addressing my argument
>arguing against a point I didn't make

And yes, wealth inequality it a good thing. If the government punished people who were in charge of massive corporations by taxation out the ass, then they will either cease production or move where they don't get taxed as heavily.

They use it to generate goods and services bro. Every dollar that's invested in a company is being used every day to improve some aspect of your life. The accumulation of wealth by the investor is just a side effect.

Hard work, brains, intuition, luck, connections.

It can all be achieved on your own, without daddy's help. You are also economically illiterate. I presume you are feeling the bern.

But they exchange money for goods and services in which the rich man values the good or service more than the money and the laborer values the money more than the good or service, and in this way you can see that exchange isn't "zero sum."

If we all agree that the rich are bad, why do we keep letting them utilize cheap labor? Why don't we counteract immigration of cheap labor? Why don't we slam the Chinese with a trade war of unprecedented proportions until they no longer allow our rich to produce there without actually paying people? Wouldn't that be a punch right into rich people's faces?

haha. commie BTFO

Bernanke and Greenspan were idiots or corrupt.

My problem is with wall street and banks is that they cried free market over and over, then cried about going bankrupt. They were playing with a safety net and used that as an excuse to fuck everyone else. When a business goes out of business that is the market correcting itself. Now the US merely exchange one debt for another, and soon the government debt will catch up to us.

Most millionaires are self made. We live in an era of opportunity and you blame your own failings and lack of initiative on a system you never even used.

We live in an era of seemingly endless recession caused by reckless globalization

>implying wealth is a natural resource.


This for the entire thread. The envy of the stupid for money sickens me--most people don't know how much hard work goes into business. Most CEOs work insane hours every week. Businesses fail, not because of some government plot, but because they're shit businesses that don't address demand.

No one has a right to success, but everyone has a right to attempt to succeed.

You know, governments have the right to force wealth to stay in a country.

Yes it is. There are only so many dollars in the world.

Amen, unfortunately they prefer to do the opposite, so they can obtain comfy seats on executive boards after their lame political careers are finally over.

Democracy, yay.

>the poor black woman has 4 kids
>white middle class woman was smart enough and knew 2 kids where enough
wonder why

Stockholm syndrome.

muh free market


itt: merican Sup Forums licks the boots of the jews.

The sad thing is that there are people who genuinely believe that the rich got rich through honest hard work.

As long as you don't get sued for whatever reason. Good luck fighting a court case that takes years with no cash.

LIterally most did.

Not most of the super rich though, whos wealth sustains itself

Part of our economic megadeath comes from comatose domestic markets due to a chronic lack of young earners willing to consume. Dying old farts don't need modern cars or newly-built homes. The feminist serpent is eating its own tail, and the supervillains are unable to stop their own beast. Irony is one hell of a drug.

>if i just work jard enough i will be rich just like the billionaires

You guys still beleive that "hard work" meme, because you don't know how the majority of billionaires, outsite of the 10 rags to riches stories rehashed in the media for reinforcing that meme, really got rich.

Pro-tip: Through stealing.


This. I also sure do hope for you that your place of business doesn't get torched right after your insurance gets mysteriously voided.

Don't forget murder. Lots and lots of murder.

The civil courts are fucked and I wouldn't defend them. Luckily libility insurance exists

Nobody actually gives a fuck about the poor

Its just a meme

Who do you think this comic is referring to? They aren't shitting on the bloke who worked hard and did well for himself.

ITT: Retards proceed to suck billionaires off and not answer the question.

You are the epitome of a good goy if you believe this.

Most rich people get rich via nepotism and corruption.

The problem is that Sup Forums thinks that "rich people" means doctors and lawyers and other wageslaves.

I'm talking about billionaires here.

Except Insurance companies are in the business of not paying out. It's bad for business. So you have to be really careful with what insurance you get, then have a year of free time to jump through hoops because one mistake might mean no payment.

>Implying the middle class gets even that amount and not just a weird palm oil version of the pie slice.

The elephant is holding a GOP towel.

The poor would be handed pie while the middle class would work for a slightly larger piece.

This is nigger bullshit.

Why is the rich man portrait as a white blonde cis male?
Thats anti-nordic racism!

And yet when people talk about "the rich", in regards to who they think should give up more money, it's "millionaires", or people who have a family income over 200K, not the few thousand incomprehensibly weathy americans atop the pyramid

Plus, demand keeps being filled so the later you try to open a business, the less likely it is to actually be viable. And since big companies have the name recognition, even if they're years late, everyone will flock to their service instead.

>Why do you love sucking billionaires off so much?

The wealthy push innovation, the wealthy push technology, the wealthy buy shit so much it becomes cheap.

Personal computers would never be cheap without the wealthy.

Cell phones would never be cheap without the wealthy.

Wealthy push the boundaries of human creation.

There will always be rich, middle class, and poor. Always have been, always will be. That's fine, because everyone born poor have the opportunity to become rich if they are strong enough and smart enough to do so.

ITT: retarded liberals failed economics

>his grandpa didnt leave his dad a house
>his dad didnt buy a house for himself and rented the old one
>he doesnt have his own house and rent the other two
>now people that did long term investments are suppose to give free shit to the one that only do things in short term

And why do you think that is?

All of this is false except cell phones. The rest was driven by academia.


Most millionaires are first generation, this is objective fact

let em ask you one honest question pol
just one to show you that this is completely retarded

please, imagine this is a real life scenario unrelated to politics

here's the scenario:
>be super rich
>rule everything
>you earned it with your talents/effort/skill/work
>all others who weren't as succesful hate you and want to take it away from you
>a man in black approaches
>sir we have only two options
>1.share all what you have earned fairly with poor mobs who could never make such money, wouldn't know to handle it and will hate you anyway
>2.get all the money and bichezz for yourself

how many of you will choose 1.

Every time I read a post like this I have to wonder if the person is

a) trolling
b) a trust fund baby
c) a student with no clue as to how the real world works

These things are cheap because they're manufactured by slaves

Who /chaosh/ here?

I love sucking off billionaires because they pay better than sucking off poor people.

Millionaire means fuck all now. Owning a house in the city just about puts you in the millionaire category.

But that's pointless. What people want is for the super-rich to reduce their profit margin a little which translates to an overall reduction of 50% on pretty much every product because they're still going to make over 6 figures with that salary. Nobody (at least nobody sane) expects them to literally share the wealth, or to take a deficit.

Didn't even notice that.

Now I hate him even more, and so should you.

Because jews want to buy votes with other people's money, obviously