Why is anime so anti-semitic Sup Forums?

Why is anime so anti-semitic Sup Forums?



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>On a reddit-like thread from January, 2016

I knew you fucks were reddit

jesus christ that's fucking retarded

eva is shit by the way

Because Jews, Samurai, etc..

>mfw weebs think anime isn't terrible because it's a bit racist


> Anno’s own struggles with mental illness

>Asuka fags

>exaggerated laughing in all caps

The Jew fears the samurai

Holy shit, what an asshat.

anime is good fun to watch

What anime is that pic from?

lurk moar

>I'm upset that people enjoy things


Sup Forums is now reddit

Fucking Reifags.

(((They))) are really running out of things now.

darker than black

Talk about convoluted logic.

Here, have some actual anti-semitism in anime.

The top is the real subs, the bottom is the sanitized for the West subs.

>Japanese anti-Semitism experienced a surge in the 1980s and 1990s, with several books alleging that the United States was controlled by Jews and was plotting to destroy Japan.

Sounds interesting, where can I find these?
>tfw you realize the jews ultimately did destroy japan by forcing moeshit and making men drop out of society