Is this the holy trinity of Sup Forums?
Is this the holy trinity of Sup Forums?
For dank memes? Yes. The only other boards that have decent memes are Sup Forums and Sup Forums but Sup Forums is populated by gay finns and swedes and Sup Forums is autistic.
replace /r9k/ and /fit/ with /k/ and /x/ and you have the real holy trinity
i literally only go to Sup Forums though
That's pretty fucking disgusting
get buttblasted fag
>Sup Forums
This. I am Sup Forums, /fit/, and /lit/
What is /r9k/?
I'm new here.
Pls don't associate with us . We are not conservacucks
Why are her eyes red?
replace /r9k/ with Sup Forums
You're forgetting Sup Forums and Sup Forums there
Who Sup Forums /fit/ /k/ master race here?
Herbal hebrew
The only holy trinity is:
The rest is quality shitposting.
With the trinity I said, you become a man.
Sup Forums is much closer to us than anything else.
i go to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /his/ most often
Sup Forums only nigger kike faggot
/r9k/ and Sup Forums are brothers. Literally the same user base and complain about the same things. Robots and Sup Forumsacks unite.
fit is closet homo shit, I guess r9k is too. Sup Forums is by far the gayest board on here including lgbt
Replace /fit/ with Sup Forums and it's correct
This is how it's supposed to be. Everyone else but us is faggots.
Sup Forums and /fit/ are the only boards for real life potential winners
Been on Sup Forums for years and never even clicked on r9k. I keep healing stories
/fit/ is 90% niggers (High test meme) and faggots
We need to purge the normies from r9k
make robots great again!
I was on /fit/ before Sup Forums existed.
So are you chinese or japanese?
what's on /r9gay/ these days besides newfag cancer
Sup Forums and /s4s/ t.b.h are best
Who Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums here
/ \
Trump. Pepe
/fit/ is, but that's because all gym culture is homoerotic. /r9k/ is pure black pill. Lifting won't solve anything.
Sup Forums - Sup Forums - /gif/
master race.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums here
stop asking this please
that's /x/-tan you newfag
fugg forgot to include /his/ /k/
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Pol, lit, co
No other boards are necessary.
Pretty much
Sup Forums is literally meme central
too bad the Sup Forumstards took over
Go back to shreddit, cannellone
Lit is bluepilled faggots
Thats the bantz trio
>never go on any boards other than pol and fit
>see this topic, get excited
>check out 94k robot or whatever that other board is
Jesus christ, is this what "Sup Forums" is? like... outside of fit and pol?
What a bunch of fucking nerds and losers. Fucking degenerate, truly.
No, no holy trinity. Also, shame on you.
/lgbt/ is missing as there are so many faggots on Sup Forums.
/r9k/ is utter trash. at least /fit/ encourages self-improvement.
Patrician taste tbhfam
sooo trruuuuu
Filled with guys that can't get girls. They think if a girl has slept with 5 guys she's a major slut.Go take a look there's a thread now asking how you can respect a girl knowing that some other guys cum has been on her face.
There it is.
forgetting the memekings of Sup Forums...lad
Fixed to be honest
oh yes
you can definitely trust autists when it comes to understanding politics and society....
I personally only go to /r9k/, Sup Forums, and /x/.
/k/ and /o/ are the penis compensation boards.
Hop on /fit/, read the sticky, then gtfo.
/o/ is pretty fun
I still have a soft spot for Sup Forums even though it's been ruined for years
Yeah right those toads eating fucking cereal n shit talking about health it's like every guy on /fit gets his fitness tips from instagram
True, but /fit is degenerate trash. R9k has been compromised by faggots. Nothing but gay and trap threads that don't get deleted like here. Had to leave and return back to /pol
Replace b with g my good fellow
replace r9k with k.
Sup Forums + /fit/ + /k/ = true nationalist
fitness, sport and hunting - all other hobbies are are degenerate
Sup Forums /jp/ /c/
Learning 2D black magic with the old ones for my wizard apprenticeship.
Sup Forums - /fit/ - Sup Forums
and a dash of /his/ & /out/
The holy trinity
>They think if a girl has slept with 5 guys she's a major slut.
she is, you fag
Replace /fit/ with /lgbt/
I frequent these in order
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Fucking this, I don't even know what the fuck is the relevance with /r9k/ and /fit/
Maybe OP should and go see if he's a strong enough of a lonely faggot to strangle himself.
The antithesis of Sup Forums GTFO
>sp post 2012
Sup ForumsBest
Sup Forums Sup Forums /sci/
Sup Forums Sup Forums and /d/
/x/ is the only other board I go, although very seldomly. Used to browse and post on Sup Forums before it became post your dick and le femme cock central.
All of the MGTOW virgin and muh perfect waifu threads are part of the cancer that plagues this board.
The perfect trinity is:
>Sup Forums
My posts = best posts
I use /lit/, Sup Forums, /fit/ and /sci/, along with Sup Forums.
Based Swederland.
Although I'm on /biz/ for meme stocks and economic happenings
i really hate /r9k/. thanks to them everyone is now too dumb to make oc that doesn't have a pepe in it.
Sup Forums would be a more relevant choice
Replace Sup Forums with sexy ghost board
I feel bad for these guys. Can't get laids, can't make any friends. Even on their own board they can't even find common ground with each other because they are too busy arguing how many guys shes been with is consider a slut. Really pathetic yet they claim they are above everyone else because they're perma virgins and play video games all day; even though there are 90% threads filled with discussions about females
What's with all the people fucking up the meme slashes for board titles?
There was a time when mistakes like that would get you REEEEEEED out. It really is summer huh.
Fuck off, normie
Sup Forums is just like that.