
I am confused, why does pol hate the jews? Not trolling just don't understand.

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If that is all true why is there so much anti-isreal Stuff that the media spews out.

correlation does not equate to causation, goy

They're the source of all the world's problems


How so?

They create wars so they can profit
They get people to carry out terrorist attacks so they can profit
They turn the west against each other for profit
They convince the west to become muslim/nigger sympathizers for profit

Wow very clear

But jews fucking hate muslims

because while jews are overrepresented in those fields as Sup Forums loves to point out, they're almost all cûcked far-left jews

Yeah that's the one thing I haven't figured out yet

It's called plausible deniability

So how can you be so sure that it is the jews and not just corrupt politicians?

They're evil.

Exactly, they're effectively not jews.

I am confused, how did you arrive at this conclusion without reading any of the things that would explain it?

All of them?

jews are superior, and the true masterrace. stormies don't like that.

Because all most all of the jew hate on pol is in the form of memes and (((GOLDBERG XD)))

What anti Israel stuff? Can you give an example?

I still dont get it.
How is fighting bad ? how are wars bad ?
people volunteer to fight, and you know why ?
Because they want to.
ppl always want to fight, thats just natural.
jews are just the ones making money out of it.
And if you are so right and you want to stop the war, then why do you hate jews ? That will just create more and more conflicts.
Havent you learned from past ?

Okay, they control our media. What do they do with this power so as to cause us to dislike them?
Took me 5 seconds

Hating Jews is a meme. Like the oldest meme there is.

>he suggested to watch the reaction

Let's say I suggest that ALL JEWS MUST MOVE TO ISRAEL as soon as possible. Imagine the butthurt.