Remove kebab, official strategy

Is this the "final solution" to this "problem"?

This is the real location we should be fighting in, not Iraq, Syria, Libya.

The goatfuckers loveeeeeeee their muhammed Box they blindly follow in Suadistan, so why not just blow that shit up and get it over with?

Let's get all the western countries together and get this problem fixed once and for all. Remove the kebab.

There will be peace for a long time after this happens.

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post by this ID

saged and hidden

Why? Are you a muslim sympathizer too?

Didn't expect this from Sup Forums. Are you a paid shill?

>make a thread calling for attacks on muslims

nice try jidf we all know you are the shill

I'm white you nigger idiot.

whatever you say schlomo silverbergstein. I cant wait til you jew rat kikes are run out of the ME and Palestine can be free

As much as I and everyone here hates the kikes, at least they don't fucking bomb themselves and act like degenerate idiots.

Fuck off Mudslime sympathizer. Can't believe you're in the same country as me.

Pagans started to decline when the irminsul got burnt down why not muslim?

>defending the kikes

could you be anymore obvious JIDF. Fuck off back to oven

nice try Ismael Goldbergstein. Go invent the Fusion bomb and build a 90m underground tunnel for 550mio. Dollar to enhance the livespan of your jewish state that wouldnt even work if there was peace.

Because all you can Do is destroy.

glass it and make sure there is enough fallout

your Gold deposits equal those of China. Does that make you proud?

no, makes you envious at least.


Suck my sauerkraut.


>remove kebab

>remove kebab.

>remove kebab..

You are clearly the shill. Go screen cap black dick and share that with your reddit friends instead.

>remove kebab....

>he doesn't know you get a new ID in each thread

>remove kebab......

>remove kebab.......

>remove kebab.........

>remove kebab.............

>remove kebab................

>remove kebab.................

>remove kebab...................

>remove kebab....................

Got nothing better to do, you filthy roach?

Still don't understand why we don't let Russia drop the Raid cans

>remove kebab.....................

>remove kebab......................

>Palestine can be free





literally nobody cares how many outdated dead soldier pictures you post. Statistically we killed more. This thread sucks ass anyway. enjoy your goat pussy dumbass.

>remove kebab.......................

Blowing up their favorite box would serve no purpose other than for them to flip their shit and send out the jihadis in droves.

Extermination is the only solution.

>remove kebab.........................

We get your kids

They always hiss a little before you squish em

don't worry, it won't be outdated when hillary is president

That is just because an overwhelming amount of muslims are "moderates" aka radicals that are too pussy to do any of the killing so they rely on their most fanatical to do the dirty work for them.

>remove kebab............................


I used to rape burqa bitches in Iraq while their husbands watched.

Stay mad mud beard.

>remove kebab..............................


Keep telling yourself that. It won't change the fact that those weak towel heads did nothing.

Remove Kebab

>The Kaaba
>I thought "Wow, pretty amazing that this historical/religious monument has been there for like 1500 years or whatever, maybe Islam really is the religion of peace"
>Turns out it's been destroyed and rebuilt an estimated 12 times, mostly due to Muslim in-fighting
>It is currently a target of ISIS for some reason

is someone from Pakiland spamming the thread?

I have all Muslim countries filtered

>I have all Muslim countries filtered
Didn't know you could filter your own posts

>destroy mecca
>all muslim country are now mad
>pakistan and turkey and iran(if they have nuke) would launch nuke since they are both islamic country
>all the other muslim country would now declare war on the west
>good job m8 your shitty plan have started the thirld world war and the atomic apocalypse

We should have a conference to clear the details. I hear Wannsee is nice this time of year.

They lack ICBMS with the same complexity as the west

They would be mad and be unable to do their silent infiltration anymore

The west would get away with it without a scratch



that guy is an idiot

> Mudslimes vs Westerners

Iraqi dead / Mudslimes: over 2million since 2001 after Iraq invasion.

Americans soldiers dead: 3,000


>Turns out it's been destroyed and rebuilt an estimated 12 times, mostly due to Muslim in-fighting

Low IQ religious zealots.

600k muslim children dead since 2001 after idiot hijackers committed 9/11. They felt the American's fist up their bums.

So what do muslims do?
Kill 49 innocent gays who are just having fun in a gay club.

>good job m8 your shitty plan have started the thirld world war and the atomic apocalypse

Good. We can finally remove kebab from this planet.

They are cancer. They literally don't do anything except eat and shit and have ugly babies.

>being this ignorant
>just look at recent history
>be the ussr
>one of the most powerfull nation on the poanet history
>loose against very rudimental muslims fighters
>killed and worried soldier total:68461
>because of this war the ussr was on a huge economic crisis and failed 2 years later
>whthout scare

*planet history

>The goatfuckers loveeeeeeee their muhammed Box they blindly follow in Suadistan, so why not just blow that shit up and get it over with?

What about Israel?

Typical mudslime before radicalisation.



When i say the atomic apocalypse this apply for the west too

>What about Israel?

What about them?

They're our best ally in the middle east. If they're gone, the roaches aka mudslimes will wipe them off and we will have no allies.

You're stupid if you think the Jews are our enemies.

nigga removing kebab will only triggering the lefties you need to eradicate those first

USA has the most nukes, they can outnuke anyone.

Don't worry, leaf, USA and Russia and UK will protect your lazy asses.

>You're stupid if you think the Jews are our enemies.

You would be wrong.

If we initiate army draft, we can send all lefty WOMEN into combat. How's that for fairness?

> (You)

Kebab is a bigger problem, USAfag. They're constantly costing us billions of dollars.

Wow the islam sympathy on Sup Forums and the internet in general is horrible.

What is going on? We must eradicate the west from degenerates.

>anybody is a killer all you got to do is push em to their limits

kek britfag btfo

Islam is a problem.

We need a permanent solution.

>Turns out it's been destroyed and rebuilt an estimated 12 times, mostly due to Muslim in-fighting

>So if iran have 250 nuke
>pakistan have 450 nukes
>turkey have acess to 90 nukes
250+450+90= 750 nukes
If a nukes hits a city in the west and makes 100000 victims per hits
>100000x790=79 millions victims
If we apply the same rules for the west
>uk have 225 nukes
>usa have 4717 nukes
>russia have 3200 nukes
225+4717+3200=8142 total nukes
If we apply the same rule
>8142x100000=814millions victims
>814 millions/1.6 billions muslims in the world
congrat lad your plan is much shitter now because your plan will kill 75 millions innocent persons and you will only kill 52% of the muslim population in the world

Mudslimes have no balls to use nukes because they knew we will wipe off 1.6billion off this planet.

Oh shit i just checked and guess what russia is not considering part of the west so
8142-3200=4942 nukes
4942x100000= 494 millions victims
494 million/1.6 billions
>Only 30% of the muslim in the world will die
>shitty plan

And how you will wipe them of since the nuke perspective is not the good way

alot of dead amerifats itt


Only after we armed them retard. We only need to bomb them from a distance anyway. You only have to fight an insurgency if there are people to fight it.

they are family shut the fuck up leaf

Sure never stopped them from shooting both of us in the back with friendly-fire

Muzzies don't have anyway to deliver the nukes to the west retard. They simply don't have the missile tech to overcome our countermeasures. Nor do they have first strike or rapid response capability. If it came to nuclear war with the west lose most of their assets during the first strike. Any assets they did manage to deploy would be intercepted.


there and then! many deaths follow from low food and resources after the smoke clears

its war m8 its not like they meant to

they didnt pick up our IR things

no american soldier would be like "oh look a union jack! lets kill em!!!"

You just gave them a fucking prototype of a missile and thats it and you just financed only 1/4 the rest coming from muslims country