30 dead 130 injured due to mass stabbings in china

religion of peace not even china is safe bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-26402367?SThisFB

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>mass stabbings

Gun control works people!

>mass stabbings
Wow, if the victims only had guns...



Thank god it wasn't guns, though. That would have been awful and preventable.

>Xinjiang is home to the Muslim Uighur minority group which has a long history of discord with Chinese authorities.



>mass stabbing
must have some amazing skills

>south west china

of course it HAD to be muslims

This is going to backfire hilariously. China would literally genocide the Uighur without batting an eyelash if they could make it look justified on the world stage.

>30 dead
>with a knife

Give that man a fucking medal


China is eventually going to take the gloves off, I can't wait.

nothing in the news about this...........

>Battousai the Manslayer has joined the game

obviously knows kung fu

China has a bunch of Muslims in the west, so there's no reason to think they'd be safe. Similar situation with Russia, kind of.


Like 2000+ calories to kill that many people with a knife

Jackie Chan got pissed

even though

Those numbers are fucking insane

holy shit i was in kunming last november wtfffffffffff

am i somehow wrong?

Pretty much already happens, the PLA literally burn them out of caves with flamethrowers



Ban assault cutlery now!
Citizens shouldn't have access to military grade knives!

ban assault chinks

It was done by multiple people.

>Four suspects were shot dead, one arrested and other are being sought Xinhua said.

Think I'll head over to plebbit to watch the mental gymnastics.


1. Oppress Muslims
2. ???


Ahmed is just mad he didn't get his ficki ficki today.

Should have put up some knife surrender bins. Amateurs.

Multiple people with knives killed less than one guy with an assault rifle. Yet somehow knives are just as dangerous. Nice argument America.

Explain to me again how Islam is not literally the worst ideology on the planet?

>try to rid a barbaric culture of their superstitious and backwards beliefs for their own good
>they attack you for it

day of the rope soon, achmed.

they do every time these chink snackbars act up

>people think american cops are "brutal" and "militarized"
>china will literally send in the military and just start shooting

sometimes I almost find bitter happiness in the fact that china will take over the world when the west finishes committing suicide, they deserve it at this point

Knife bins incoming?

i dont really like the chinks, but goddamn, when it comes to muzzies they are totally based

>Adherents of pedophile warlord don't get everything their way

No it isn't surprising at all. People think it's possible to counter a knife attack bare handed like in the movies but the fact is that it's almost impossible.
People claim that several people would eventually gang up on the knife weilder and overpower him, fact is most people won't have the balls to do shit but run away or cower in fear, patiently waiting to get killed.
Blades are just as deadly as guns, it's just that they have a much lower range, yet they have been used throughout human histories to wage many wars and kill hundreds of million people


Imagine how much worse it would have been if he had access to a firearm.

Stupid fucking uyghurs its them that causes trouble in china i swear its the reason why china is under the other east asians in the iq chart.""""""""""""


There are only two ways Islam can end due to its violent and conquering nature.
a) Islam takes over the world
b) Muslim genocide

Studies have shown people are more likely to act when a gun is used than when a knife is used.
Bladed weapons are horrifying to people.

Well, I for one welcome more attacks in places like China, means it might wake the liberals up and show them it's not because of western foreign policy that Muslims want to kill everyone.

Plus Chinas population can handle it.

come on man really put some effort in

Where does it say they were Muzzies?




or how much less carnage there would have been if guns were legal.

read the fucking thread


>typical Scandinavian cuckoldry
The argument is that banning weapons doesn't prevent murders. If people want to kill they will find a way.

>2 March 2014

met a kid from harbin who was stabbed at school

The bongs did it and they haven't had ANY mass stabbings ever.
china btfo,
drump btfo,
jeb wins president.

I think the difference is that Chinks are going to burn some kebab instead of opening wide. Or maybe not, I don't know. China probably does a lot of shit in secret that the general population isn't being told about.


china is usually based about things like this.

this has been happening the past few years, even with them tightening their grip on the region.

hopefully they will exterminate this time around.

Was he a samurai?


op sucks black dik

Around 10 people.
Some women.
12 minutes.
30 dead, 120++ injured
What's the score?

>eventually going to take the gloves off
China has never put the gloves on. They legitimately do not give a shit. If you live in China, and you fuck around they will wreck your shit.

If only the West could follow their example.


And? It still happened, and got a similar body count to what a guy with a gun would get. It's not like the gun grabbers don; use incidents that old in their arguments.

religion of peace strikes again

So, when can we expect the Chinese government to purge the muslim population with fire?

China should of done a more thorough background check before they sold them those knifes huh?

ban assault knifes

Best advice is;
Run towards a gun (if it's within a few paces)
Run away from a knife.

>islamic terracotta warrior

The gloves are still on, because they don't want too much backlash.
The moment they can justify it, they'll genocide the Muslims.

Stop calling them religion of peace, Americans dont understand sarcasm so you must call them either religion of hate or religion of violence

This was in 2004 nigger.

>justify it
They don't have to justify anything. No one really bitches that hard about what China does within their own borders. They'll just continue to kill the Muslims whenever they can, and just continue to discriminate against them until eventually the Muslims try to rise up. Then China will just eradicate them once and for all.

No one outside of the Middle East will really care either.

>that webm

They call them sheep for a reason, because they won't fight back. Easy meal for the wolves.



>Americans dont understand sarcasm

Nice meme

Did he die?

Genocide!!!!!! :)

Its no meme, its a rare skill to have as an American.


literally the most degenerate southern argument ever, fucking taken from facebook/reddit fucking kill yourself you inbred nigger

fuck off faggot

also, you suck black dick

There has actually been quite a few islamic terrorist attacks in China, especially in the west part where the Uighurs are viciously suppressed similar enough to the Tibetans. I remember a few years ago a couple drove a car at full speed into a crowd at Tiananmen square, killed quite a few people too. PLA are badass.

>30 people

It's probably not even 10% of their population. Who cares

I'm pretty sure it was an entire group of people

>sometimes I almost find bitter happiness in the fact that china will take over the world when the west finishes committing suicide, they deserve it at this point


Ultimately we'll be fucked, but hey - they've at least tried to secure their people and way of life, while the West incessantly, deliberately sabotages itself.

Give it to the Chinks, they'll take it one day anyway

How's Ramadan, frog?

>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).

>Not sure if trolling or just stupid


Getting your insides ripped out is much more painful than being shot


A full on genocide will force the west to act in some way, China is smart enough to avoid that.


I love dead chinks.

>130 people stabbed.

What the fuck