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No, hahahaha. With her money i can do everything!
The next step for him is prision. Stay tuned.
also fuck-off OP
>Fans are even hoping to help Fraser’s return to the industry with a petition on
Over 31,000 signatures.
>On Change.Org, a petition urging Hollywood to welcome Fraser back into the movie and television fold has garnered over 30,000 signatures at the time of this writing: “Brendan is a much loved actor worldwide, people are shocked that he wasn’t at least offered a smaller role in the new Mummy movie,” it reads. “Brendan has been in multiple interviews recently and has appeared to be very down and out, and us loyal fans feel like we are obliged to help him in any way possible.”
I so hope Cruise and Universal organize a reshoot to have Brendan as a cameo
you can't help him
Fuck you
No no user, it's FOR you.
Tiny rookie mistake.
Was fucking up apart of your plan?
"JAJA EL JUSTO" is a terrible spic meme, but brendanposting was pretty funny and he always seemed like an alright guy. Signed.
the EL JUSTO meme is literally done by one autistic guy who for some reason gets really triggered by JUST threads.
he's either ChamCham or Brendan.. or both
Serious questions bros: Do you think his wife ever loved him at any point? Could Brendan have been carrying on an affair with Rachel Weisz/Elizabeth Hurley? He seems like a good man, at what point is he down on his luck enough to where he doesn't have to pay anymore money. I'm sure his ex-wife is no loaded beyond her wildest dreams.
yfw he's been back
It's cool that there are news articles being written about the petition.
It'll go viral eventually and we'll hit hundreds of thousands of signatures.
>yfw you search "alimony" on google images
>It'll go viral eventually and we'll hit hundreds of thousands of signatures.
This I can't wait.
I bet Brendan is smiling this Christmas knowing so many care for him
This entire thread brought to you by Reddit.
>over 30k now
what the fuck
did this get linked somewhere?
reddit took it and pimped it out to news sites
Who is the letter written to? The Jews?
Why? He's not a good actor. He's sub par and all his serious 'emotional' performances were him being uplifted by everyone else in the cast.
It sucks about his divorce but it doesn't change who he is. He can do shitty comedies and that's it. It's like trying to bring back Adam Sandler or Rob Schneider's career.
>The Mummy trilogy
>shitty comedies
Fuck off, Afton.
Is this... a new role?
Who cares? The more people that know about it, the better. If you actually care about seeing Brendan back on top, then you should be happy about Reddit existing for once; they're helping take this movement to new heights.
This honestly.
Yeah I'm no fan of Reddit, but this petition is in need of everyone, Reddit included.
Aren't we trying to get it viral to help Brendan?
Normies, Reddit, Facebook, who fucking cares?
The point is to get Brendan back and if we need Reddit to do that then I'm for it.
Don't you want to see his smile again?
I'm not sure what he could do about his hair, but, if he lost a little bit of weight that would probably go along way too for maybe getting roles. However, I thought I read his back got fucked up so maybe thats why?