If you are OK with this show being canned YOU are problem. I won't call you a cuck. Or faggot. No. A fucking problem...

If you are OK with this show being canned YOU are problem. I won't call you a cuck. Or faggot. No. A fucking problem. You are OK with political correctness becoming more important to your ego than rights and freedom

I don't care for Sam. I don't care or know about MDE. I only watched one episode and I'd say it was 6/10. (though Hey Moon is a damn good song). But that's not the point. You are OKing the shutting down of what they call "alt right". And maybe it was totally 100% alt right. But who cares?

Freedom of speech doesn't have breaks you shits. It doesn't allow some. It allows others. (I'll get to this later). But you can say anything. If you want to say something stupid and get beat it's YOUR right and also your problem

You can about nigger. Spic. So on. And you know what cunts. I hate ISIS but if be OK with some shitbag having an ISIS flag and I'd kek when they got got beat for it.

But freedom of speech is freedom. If you put limits on things you are a problem. I hate SJWs but I'd never pass any laws to shut them down. I'd rather see them rekt or called idiots. But I'd never silence them

I hate MTV. I think they are race bait idiots but I'd never want them shut down. I don't like how the media shilled for certain people. I'd say let them be idiots.

If you think it's OK for a show to end because PC shit and your alt right booby man THEN you are a weak ass. Stupid. Ignorant and complete mindless scum

I won't call you a cuck because as beta as cucks are at least they get some action (even if it's beta bitch tier)

I won't call you faggots because I'd rather chill with a loud dumb faggot than some pussy bitch who can't handle other opinions

And you know what. If adult swim had a total SJW PC anti white cuck show I'd be fine. I won't watch it. But I'd allow it. I wouldn't call for its shut down.

But must be hard for you idiots to handle other ideas. I assume you never learned the 6.5 billion idiots on Earth don't all feel the way you do about your political crap

What show?

>muh feeeze peach
yeah no nazi faggot

Hi /r/ShitRedditSays

i thought it got cancelled because it sucked balls?

I would have a problem with it but the show genuinely wasn't very funny, and it seemed that just one relatively small group of people online watching it wasn't enough to keep it afloat, plus some inside push by liberals on AS. If it was actually funny and popular, it wouldn't have gotten cancelled.

It's a private company, you colossal faggot. If you think it should be on the air, then start your own media company and buy the rights.

The show was canned because not enough people watch it.

>It's a private company
that people are forced to pay for when paying for their cable bill. why can these shows pick and choose what they want to air based on their political ideology yet customers can't pick and choose which channels they want to pay for based on their political ideology

>It's a private company, you colossal faggot. If you think it should be on the air, then start your own media company and buy the rights.

100%. These faggots love to whine and think they're entitled to have that shitty show on Adult Swim.

who is forcing you to have cable?

then get your own studio and you can air whatever you like

>that people are forced to pay for when paying for their cable bill. why can these shows pick and choose what they want to air based on their political ideology yet customers can't pick and choose which channels they want to pay for based on their political ideology
>Still a private fucking company that you pay the cable bill to

Entitled faggot

Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Start your own cable company if you don't like it, commie.

Sounds like your problem is more with the cable companies that fuck their customers on a daily basis then you are with adult swim

what show is this

the way it is now it's literally communism though. you think anyone watches fucking bet? yet we have to pay for it

paying for a product normally gives you certain entitlements. paying to for your own brainwashing propaganda is unethical. oh well, your kind is going extinct. must suck being on the wrong side of history


if sam wanted his show to stay on the air he should have tried being funny all the time instead of once in awhile.

You're an idiot with no real understanding of what you're even trying to say.

>yet we have to pay for it

No, you really don't.

Whats the name of the show?

Million Dollar Extreme starring Sam "finger on the trigger for every filthy stinking nigger" Hyde.

wrong side of history

great thread op

There's also the fact that Sam Hyde is a notorious asshole, if his sense of humor didn't clue you in on that. Guy who doesn't get along with his coworkers doesn't get much support when his show is cancelled, what a shocker.

This. Alt-righters getting so mad about the show getting cancelled just shows how thin-skinned and paranoid they've become. Kinda sad, really.

>a private company cancelling a show run by a PR nightmare
>an assault on freedom of speech

Fucking pick one retard.

MDE sucked ass Sam