Memes aside, how anti-semetic are you, Sup Forums?

Memes aside, how anti-semetic are you, Sup Forums?

>Your political views
>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel)
>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Right Wing
>I AM Jewish. Jews themselves aren't bad people. It's the leftist diaspora you have to look out for

>Right leaning
>The garden variety Jew is just a normal person. I do honestly believe, though, that there are clusters of Jews who exert huge influences over society at high levels.
>Yes. The Jewish people throughout history have advocated these viewpoints whenever possible.

Jew (Ashkenazi)
Master race
Just as much as christians.

we need to relabel "white privilege" as "kikepriv". the average american family makes $100,000 a year. the average Jewish american family makes $443,000 a year

1. White
2. Alt-Right
3. Pretty smart but unattractive and weak
4. Eh, tinfoil-territory, imo, but a huge crop of them (80%+?) are SJWs and they control the media so yeah I guess.

>Not a fan of genital mutilations or Jewish identity in general. Mostly good people but some of them support the worst things.
>Not Jews exclusively. There are certain factions of elitists that run the world and some of those factions happen to be Jewish.

On a scale of 88, I'm probably about a 14.

>pic related
>israeli jews are alright, but ones you mean should be hanged.
>pretty much

>pretty conservative
>proven to dominate the media but every one that I've met in real life has been chill desu, so I come here just to laugh at how torqued up people get over them existing
>probably at least very influential, I doubt they're the sole reason for the liberalism of everything. I don't even think it's in an attempt to pull off a giant evil conspiracy, I think the smart ones with power are just building money and more power.

>hard right wing
>Strongly dislike most jews. Religious and otherwise. Few are alright.
>mostly. The other few are the useful idiots that believe everything they hear.

>Your political views
>Your opinion on the jews (not (((Our Greatest Ally))))
Ashkenazi and towelmud kikes need the gas.
>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?

Well, datamining thread, I am
>Don't discriminate, there are a few Jewish comedians / entertainers I enjoy
>partially. Jews as a majority aren't responsible, but socially-detached bigwigs who own particular companies are

Mixed race, Russian ashkenpaki and sand nigger(mizrahi), blue eyes and blonde though.
/pol approved
Jews are ok as long as they dont knock on your door in the middle of the day asking for zedakah!
Lefty maggots are to blame for multiculturalism, ya twat

>>Race: black
>>Your political views: currently right wing
>>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel): scammers
>>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society? yes

far left

>They're alright, promote good values, had good personal experiences with jews
>THE jews, no, but a lot of the people responsible are jews


not really

okay carl

>I don't know anymore.
>They interesting people. I believe them to be typically very smart and cunning, yet at the same time I feel they have neglected to progress in their culture, merely piggybacking on other races/nations/etc.
>I'm not sure, but they do profit from it, so there goes encouragement. I can imagine there was a huge push of multiculturalism after they were able to push the Holocaust card, giving them a good way to snuggle in with most white nations. However, I think it may have backfired on themselves when the left narrative took multiculturalism and put it on steroids by importing Jew-hating Arabs. They try all the time, to enforce the Holocaust card, with muh 7 million and Holocaust trauma being genetically passed down to children as an attempt to distract from the new victim in town.

Libertarian nationalist

Individual ones can be fine, I hate all leftists, Jews just happen to produce leftists at a high rate and unlike the spics and blacks, the Jews are extremely subversive with their high IQ. Thus they are able to indoctrinate young whites into this bullshit.

Mostly, yes. That said whites should accept responsibility for believing this nonsense, especially with all the evidence mounting against it.


>Your political views
full Sup Forums
>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel)
very sneaky people
>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?
At least George Soros and Barbara Spectre are, so yes.

>fiscally conservative liberal
>begrudging admiration at their in group mentality and shameless nepotism.
>yes, but they couldn't push it if people didn't consume it.

>regular jews are fine, bankers need to die
>If by jews, you're referring to the rich ones that control the media, then yes.

>National Socialist
>Diaspora Jews are shit, the rest are alright

>>National Socialist
Is it a joke?


made me laugh anyway

All the ones I've met in real life have been bro tier. Perhaps they think I'm Jewish as well.
I suppose some do but from what I can see it's just a handful and the rest just want their own nation or to be left out of Zionist schemes.

>Far right
>Jews are based


>Gaulliste with strong libertarian inclinaison
>I think jews hold a disproportionnate amount of power/influence over the world with a good dose of nepotism.
>I think their elite that pushes a war on Europe and USA via multiculturalism and immigration is our enemy
>I think the vast majority of them, unlike muslims, are normal peaceful and willing to integrate as much as possible in the society

Excellent people.
Not at all. It's a crazy conspiracy theory.

White (Irish, German, French)
Conservative Nationalist
Some jews are good some are bad. As a group their average of being sucsesful is high
Some Jews are but it is the progressive globalist and communist that do it. Some Jews are in those groups.


>white, Christian background
>ancap-ish with paleo sympathies. Influenced by NRx
>Jews are great. High average IQ. Culture stresses positive social values like family cohesion, education, and planning for the future.
>I think it's less Jews and more ultracalvinist/ Quaker influenced secularism. Religious Jews seem pretty tribalistic. Israelis too. The secular ones can be progressive, but I think this may be more a symptom of joining the elite Brahmin tier of society and adopting it's universalist/ progressive values.

I'm not at all antisemitic. I'm anti-globalist-banker, anti-lugenpresse, and anti-multiculturalist, all of whom just happen to be >90% jewish.

>kikes gonna kike

yes, by definition

> French Canadian

>Libertarian nationalism

> I never had anything against the jews as I grew up somewhere far from everything but when I moved to the cities I got accustomed with this culture and realize that some things that we're said about them we're true. They do have a massive influence over Banking, Business, Media, etc. on a global scale. I have no hate jewish people.because I think we are the ones stupid enough to fall for their tricks.


> indian
> right wing
> intelligent if not money minded
> just as much as the SJW from any other community

>Jews are good in general (can confirm, an Israeli Jew) except the fucking Hassidics. Fuck the Hassidics
>Definitely, in some ways more than others

>Centrist who wants to be left alone
>I think we should all aspire to be as successful as the jews are
>It's the liberals not jews

- White. - Right leaning. - Oy Vey - It's probably decadence

> French Canadian

>Libertarian nationalism

> I never had anything against the Jews as I grew up somewhere far from everything but when I moved to cities, I got accustomed with this culture and I realized that some things that were said about them were true. They do have a massive influence over Banking, Business, Media, etc. on a global scale. I have no hate Jewish people because I think we are the ones stupid enough to fall for their tricks.


not redpilled enough

>"far" right, mix of conservatism and national socialism or something
>judaism ok, jews as persons money hungry, zionists even worse. would not like to interract with.
>yes yes and yes (zionists)

>old school reactionary (read evola, citadelfoundations blog if you are lazy)
>im not as nearly as antisemitic as pol, I have nothing against the everyday jew, in fact I can even sympathize with him
>yes, the world elite are cancer

>White (inb4 >Argentina >White)
>NationalSocialist, economically right wing
>The worst
>Fuck the people here that still haven't realized that it is an actual conspiracy

also my compass
I'm not a leftie, don't know why i get this each time

You can't be a socialist and right wing on the economy at the same time.

I'm part Jewish but I dislike (read: hate) Jewish tricks so what does that make me?

Canadian/not a Zionist.

>'Progressive' nationalist
>Too many "coincidences" behind everything bad/regressive that happens in the west
>They are the primer which ignites the charge.

>>Your political views
>>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel)
They definitely cause more than their share of problems.
>>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?
Primarily, amongst others.

>far right/national socialist

kek. that means your a dirty left retard. Go jump in a ditch with your bernie friends.

>human garbage
>a lot more than just that

>I've always had a dislike for Jews, not completely sure why
>Yes, however it is the public's fault for not realizing that globalism is wrong

I think we can agree that what most people hate is what they call "Jewish tricks" that basically lies and media manipulation done by very powerful people, within whom many probably aren't even Jewish at all. The focus never was on individual people but on a simple few person of highest instances. This is just another trick.

I have nothing to do with the religion so you're pretty much right

>right wing means libertarianism
Retard please.

>Polish/Ukrainian Ashkenazim
>not better or worse than any other race, only the elite is fucked up
>see above, the elite is pushing the whole agenda

>Recently moved to the most highly Jew populated area of Sydney
>Jews literally everywhere, especially on Saturday
>Big hats, curly Jew hair, long tassly things, kippas, wigs, the whole lot
>Driving my car through shopping centre carpark
>Suddenly see a free space
>Swerve to turn into it before anyone else gets it
>Nearly take out this old Jewish couple in the process
>They jump back, freaked out, looking pretty pissed off that I nearly killed them
>Somewhere deep down I was tempted to not let go of the accelerator
>Laugh to myself as they walk away

I'm about 4/10 anti-Semitic

>Nationalist, Imperialist, on the fence about democracy.

>Definitely more left than most, but being Jewish doesn't preclude someone from being based or being right wing. Still buttmad about historical oppression, despite being the most affluent members of modern society. Makes them sympathise with the niggers, who they think are "oppressed" like them.

>Leftists are, and it just so happens a LOT of Jews are leftists (for cultural and political reasons). I don't think they're solely responsible, just a cog in a leftist, multikulti machine.

I like to laugh of all this bullshit.

Who knows... most probably 3/4 russian
The best race by far
Ofc the most influential race is responsible. That doesn't mean world would be better without them. In fact no.

I think using race as a way of measuring people is useful in probabilistic terms, but doesn't work for individuals.

If works for individuals unless you have more reliable way to judge them. So for friends it doesn't work. For some random stranger it does work.

I believe in a cultural, religious, action-oriented socialism, but am for low taxes and privatization of things like pensions (which should abolished rather) and that kind of stuff.



You may pick but one.

What are you talking about? Ashkenazi are white.

Pro-Zionist Anti-Semite here.

What is a logical fallacy

Their genetic origins are Near-Eastern, Boris.

>step 1: turn on the gas
>yes, they don't even bother to hide it anymore. Barbara Lerner Spectre comes to mind.

He hates Jews and wants them all in Israel. Hitler was the same way (HAAVARA).

They mixed with best europeans for generations.

>Irish with half English heritage
>don't care about politics much, don't really like either side, neutral I guess
>I'm not American so I've never really interacted with one, so no idea


>Political views
Tinges of nationalism, for a well-regulated (limits on coercion and fraud) free economy

>Opinions on the Jews
Favourable, for the most part. Most of my best friends growing up were Jewish.

>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?
To the extent that many Jews are leftist, yes. But it's not all the Jews' fault. Primarily the fault lies with Europeans desu.

Doesn't make them white.

Ok. Better then white then.

Ashkenazis are, by definition 50% European, and 100% Caucasian.

>better than white

They're significantly negroid and east Asian.

>Nationalsocialist (or as people like to say "nazi")
>your average jew is fine (although there are some greedy and selfish motherfuckers)
however the elite are the lil pieces of shit that control the world and are messing up with everything
>totally the jewish elite along with the leftist pussies are the ones fucking up european identity with their "multiculturalism"

Hispanic American
they are at the forefront of "progressivism" and implementing anti-Christian policies

>White Caucasiod
>National capitalist
>Hebrew people aren't intrinsically insidious, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the media and global elite are Jews. I believe they swindle the public, but don't deserve to be Shoah'd for it.
>I think it's more the left wing in general.

>Moderate swinging hard right this election cycle
>I never get to interact with them personally because they've created a fortress out of Beverly Hills

>"""White""" (Hispanic descent)
>Yes. Pic very related.



>Abandoned Democrat (a Democrat by 2005 DNC standards, a Nazi by 2016 DNC standards)
>as long as they leave me alone and don't try to piss in my cereal, I'm fine
>many academics pushing multicultural and globalist bullshit are Jewish, but I don't think it's because of something inherent to a "Jewish race." I think it's just entitled asshole academics.

>Your political views
see pic
>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel)
>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?
yes, we need to expel the jewish menace from western countries and stop all immigration

Moderately hostile
They're a principal faction





>Your political views

Not quite sure. Sort of alt-right I guess. isidewith put me with Donald Trump. I guess socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

>Your opinion on the jews (not Israel)

Really don't give much of a shit. Blacks and mexicans are a way bigger threat to my quality of life where I live.

>Are the jews responsible for pushing multiculturalism and other globalist views onto society?

Yes definitely, but probably just about as much as anyone else. I don't really see the big jewish conspiracy and all this David Duke kind of shit... but I definitely know white people are master race.

You have to go back too friend

Here is Eastern origins. You can just Google Ashkenazim Origins ncbi.

I don't know why I even try here anymore when people don't bother to learn before contesting things they have no idea about.

I hate this place.