Why were the 80's so happy?

Why were the 80's so happy?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Pushback against the last 15 years of degeneracy
>America BTFOing the Soviet Union
>Best music
>Hollywood had a ton of right wingers in it (John Millius, Clint Eastwood, Arnold, Kurt Russell, etc)
>Movies were about fun and good narratives, and not exploitation and convoluted double meanings
>The West was unapolegetically winning
>Last decade where cities like Miami had a significant white population.



Reagan kicked in the ass the Commies everyday

>>Best music
yeah wtf was going on with music in the 80s

I'm very much into guitar music and everything, but in the 80's only the best of the best classical trained musicians played with the biggest stars
and 10 years later they have greasy pigs strumming 2 lame chords over and over

80s music now

no force fed cultural marxism

America was a lot more white

> talking about the '80s and how it was great
> not posting this



I always think of and love this video when the 80's are mentioned

what happened

Wew lads

you should rather watch this kool shit I fond 'ere

>tfw you realize that the "rock and racism" article is the forerunner of modern sjws
>tfw even 25 years ago the jews were plotting to end our happiness
>tfw we never really had a chance
>yfw life is pain

I want to go back

>Lee Ritenour
this guy is a living meme


Kurt Cobaine. I'm glad he killed himself he must've realized the wrong he did to the music industry and tried to make amends.

When we beat the commies, we lost our unifying national goal. In addition, the commies were quick to use the excesses of capitalism against us in the fight for the alliances of the rest of the world. Without that, capitalism has been allowed to run amuck.

Because America and the western powers were in peak smug mode.

They ruled the fucking world and everyone was having fun, doing coke and making shallow pop music and fashion and nobody gave a fuck if they looked bad.

When a country gets high on its own power and success, the entire population prospers with its own comfort.

The 90s were just as smug and happy as the 80s, and the smugness ended in 2001 after 9/11. Prove me wrong. We haven't gotten back to an age of western harmony and prosperity for a long time.



Old fag here. Grew up in the 80s. It was fucking awesome.

seriously digging this

Silly femanon detected

>classically trained

That is why many music now feels so hollow and fake. WE LOSING THE CLASSICS.


no muslims

70-90's were happy times because despite people didn't have that much good technology in their lives they had great hopes for future, now we all have neat tech but most people think future will become increasingly shitty. Also music, movies and games have become much more mass-produced and generic.





>jean michel Jarre

I can't stand him

atleast post the good shit from that genre

Telll meeee
Tell me all the things you doohohooo

Everyone is so happy and friendly.... :(

Have you seen the followup 30 years later?


I like video games and internet, but it's obvious how much of it has had an effect on people's sociability and friendliness. Pollution also had an effect on people's brains.

More Kylie


>black guy on bass


> dat faggot kid in a fedora

The 80's were not happy and fun, it was a disgusting time full of cringy costumes and terrible music. If you don't agree refer to the fucking safety dance or dancing in the street. It was period of change that resulted in a decade that should be wiped from the history books.

back then: tear down the wall!
now: build a wall

the thread theme is now being commandeered by angry white males with unkept hair

the fedora kid wasn't even the worst

the token indian guy, and the guy with a bandana were
its almost like they set it up so it seems to everyone that america is just like their favourite sitcom

Safety dance is fine if you don't take it so seriously


Growing up in the 80's was the best


Can someone explain why in 1989 she's surrounded by niggers on stage?

I don't know

>Everyone forgets about AIDS
>drugs addicts mugging you for shit
>faggots with guns mugging you for drugs
>cops dogging you because they did coke in the back of the cruiser

No? Okay, cool.

Because your young ass wasn't alive yet and your basing your ideas of the 80s based on pop culture. A nigger would have raped and killed your family in the 80s all the same.

>Mfw some faggot already posted the 711 Disney world video.




Because mudslimes were in the countries where they belonged.

Fuck, I almost forgot:
>enjoy driving in a fucking city in the 80s
>oh boy niggers turning left and right


80's were funny because it was the beginning of the end. It's the last party of the summer before school.
Those who are 20 or 30 today and just know the 80's in pictures can't understand what i mean.

What a hell on earth, thank god for diversity.

Hmm, well I was just a kid in the 80's (born in 70's) so for me it was still a time of innocence.
I guess there were still lots of problems in the world, but they seem somehow worse now. Like wages have stagnated for decades, even though housing and food prices increased. Overall the poor got poorer and the rich got richer, and the middle class much smaller.
I also like the 80's music and films more. Even the computers were better (Atari ST and Amiga were last good home computers IMO).

Europe was more conservative

The crazy liberal insanity train had not left the station yet.

One thing that liberals do well is slowly nibble away conservative issues. The slippery slope is a very true issue when dealing with liberals. Compromise is never a true compromise only another step towards total liberalism. Liberals want to force their agenda on everyone.

Conservatives believe they are right and want others to believe they are right. They want to protect conservatives but don't spend alot of time trying to convert liberals to conservatives. They see things as black and white so they try for large change and fail frequently.

Conservatives need to try for small incremental change and not swing for the fences. They also need new players who are credible and electable. Preferably at the Governor level so they get some experience actually running things. All of the old guard should be out, they have tried and failed to many times, if they were electable they would have been elected.

The current group couldn't beat Trump and that is pretty sad.

A more conservative world will lead to another great era. A more liberal world just leads to social decline and chaos.

I guess you're right, even with all the modernity life would still be ok without immigration. It would be tolerable. youtube.com/watch?v=enWoByIcXt4

Just think that in a more liberal world, we would look back fondly at the 2010s as a better time.

Scary to even think about.

i dont know

did someone said vaporwave?

Sauce on that pic?

It doesn't work when Conservatives refer to themselves as Conservatives. Conservatives is a loaded term; it doesn't mean one person, it means many people- many people with a certain political ideology. Which is problematic, because if everything isn't black and white, then not all of the people in the Conservative group 100% share the exact same ideologies- how will Conservatives change themselves if Conservatives can't even agree on who Conservatives are supposed to be?

>Conservatives don't need to change! We're right! Fuck you, you libcuck, it's this way, and it's only this way!
>You're a libcuck, libcuck!

Bob Dole likes Bob Dole. Bob Dole would probably think that Conservatives need to do more than change tactics- they need to reinvent themselves as well. They need to de-cult-ify.

It's was a combo of different things.

Housing/Gas was cheaper and jobs were FAR better in terms of relative pay. Factory work was only just starting to disappear. People could still afford to raise a family and buy a house at mid-retail level work.

Conservatives values weren't outright mocked like they are today. There was a substantial push back against the free love hippie movement of the 70s.

Also, sexual promiscuity was far lower once the AIDS epidemic hit. (Herpes also hit big time but its usually forgotten because of how big AIDS was). STDs beforehand were basically fully curable.


People had money.

no internet.

Or even mobile phones, everything had to be planned in advance by calling from home.

Heh, that S-100 bus stuff is from late 70's. I never even saw one. My first computer experience was with an Osborne-1 CP/M computer around 1982 though, so I guess that's kinda close. It didn't have any HDD of course (much too expensive). My own first computer was an Amstrad CPC a few years later. It could run CP/M, but I mostly used the BASIC ROM environment for everything. That was also my favorite computer. Amiga was more powerful, but the CPC was so simple to code even in Z80 assembly language.

Also, here's some fun videos:

This. Please MAGA, when you do we will all follow.

Why do you hate dwarfs and vibrant blonde women? Do you hate everything fun?

The USA was still 85% White.

Will the 20s be our 80s?

>Best music

I just like collecting rare 80s stuff. I don't know much about what you're talking about. I'm from 85. I had an Atari and a C64.

MDMA man


It'll be the 90s all over again. Our next 80s would happen by 2030, because at that point all of the people who grew up in "the good old days" will approach the "crotchety old people" threshold, and be thos that the rest of the world looks to/has to take care of/is skeptical of/ignores.

Think about it. We have Zika to replace AIDS. Do you remember when AIDS was "new"? A clumsy scientist already poked herself with the Z since last month.

Niggers were contained to the inner city. Sure, you didn't want to get caught in Newark after dark but the suburbs and rural areas were either nigger free or had countryfied blacks who knew their place.


What I think about the 1980s...

Are you off of your meds?

Conservatives have conservative values Liberals have liberal views. They are people and not robots so their exact position will be different.

You do not all need to be carbon copies to fit into a movement.

There is no cult, just conservative values.

Make the world better, vote conservative.

>wow i fucking miss the good old consumerist trashy degenerate 80s good times man life will never be the same millenials missing out dude homeless vietnam vets and crack cocaine epidemic man fuck yeah why was everyone so happy back in the days america is WINNING america is WINNING nevermind jewish owned central bank of US tear down that wall gorbafuck
Every decade is the same shit in a different coat.

this for some reason makes me feel down, like I wish I could live that era

Funny how we think it was so happy.

when the murder and crime rate was double what it is today.

>Be me Sup Forums
>Be born 1981
>Be 8 year's old at family's house playing NES Contra with cousin.
>Cousin put's in older brother's tape.
>Who is nine inch nail's?
>Be me kicking ass at contra listing to head like a hole.
>Be me in the 80's

We weren't on the internet all day....

we were getting pussy and having fun


The best music was made in that time and rock was on top. Rap and hiphop were at the bottom where they should be.

>Everyone is friendly
>Immigrants aren't rude
>Nobody is paranoid for being filmed
shit man, it gets more depressing how chill was back then

Where the fuck is that time machine when you need it?

>ywn drive down the miami strip in a convertible listening to this song and taking key bumps of pure cocaine with a qt blonde girl in the passenger seat


If you pine for another decade you should seriously kys

>le wrong generation
Fucking cucks

I used payphones for a very, very long time, even as a young adult. It was pretty nice to not have to carry cellphone around all the time, and worry about charging it, etc. I used to read books in public transport. Others commonly read newspaper or magazines, listed to walkman (with tapes, not CD). It was common to make mix tapes from songs on the radio.

The Amstrad CPC was more or less equivalent to the C64, and popular in UK, France, Spain, and Germany, but not so much elsewhere. Here's a site with game reviews to give an idea of what it's capable of:
The cool thing is there were tons of different computers those days. Not just big stuff like Commodore or MSX, but also very region-specific ones like some that were only sold in France or Australia. So effectively a very healthy, diverse ecosystem of computers, unlike today where mostly everything is Intel or ARM (except for microcontrollers and stuff like that). I used to read the computer magazines and find each computer type beautiful in its own unique way. But it has been decades since I felt that way. Now the whol industry feels a little empty to me.



>there can be absolutely no differences between decades
>one period of time cannot be better than another

go fuck yourself retard

>le right generation

Enjoy your social media degeneracy, black lives matters, twerking, and fag rights movements

This world is a fucking shithole and has been since 9/11

That's not what some conservatives tell me.

I miss all those odd little computers.

I also miss having a basic to type in simple programs.

Also, everyone wasn't PC. If someone said something disagreeable you just shook your head and walked away.


based 80s music
