Daily reminder :

Daily reminder :
This is a modern swedish family.
Is there something wrong, or it's something we should all do.

Other urls found in this thread:


My mother is Somali and my father is Swedish. I just got accepted to Princeton. I seem to be doing ok although it probably helped that I claimed African and Arab ancestry on my application (my biological father is Arab).

>accepted to Princeton

Nice ! What do you study ?

In the oven it goes

femanon here, Fucking black men is purely pleasure, they are generally stronger and last longer in bed compared to white boys. I plan on getting impregnated by a white man but black men are way better at making me cum. Their dicks are bigger and hit all the right spots. Black men can dance, they have rhythm and make good music. Sorry white boys, your time is up. I preach to all my white girlfriends that black men are better and they're starting to leave their white boyfriends and cheat on them They love me because ALL of them are satisfied.

I am half Croat half Algerian,but my Swedish dad always called me white snowflake chocolate.

tits or gtfo.
also sage

I can confirm that this is 100% legit. Our females dont want beta swedish males, they want a real man with a real penis.

Alpha males from Somalia is pretty hot

Good one ! Thanks !

African American studies. It's the same program Michelle Obama went to!

Her thesis is here obamaprincetonthesis.wordpress.com/

A lot of conservatives try to claim it reads like a poorly done middle school paper. Their bigotry shows why we need to keep white men out of journalism. Sorry dad.

>My mothers husband

Those are pictures shopped together from a norwegian girl who dates a norwegian man. Time to stop cuckposting op

Voe is Norwegian.

She may be a cunt, but she's an 11/10 and can get pretty much any guy on the planet she wants.
i.e. not a dindu.

Women are the cancer of this world .


That's a common EU family. You white guys think this girl would be interested in you or an African?

It's obvious. I really wanted to like white guys, but they're such manchildren. They just sit around and want to play video games. One time a black guy was saying how he wanted to fuck me infront of my boyfriend and my boyfriend didn't do anything, pathetic.

Emilie is Norwegian and her boyfriend is white.


>L-Look at, s-she is a white girl with a nigger in a pic, s-sure they are fucking


fucking asphalts.

Pretty much can whoever she wants, but like you, wants a real man...

This girl is from Norway.

pic related, average Norwegian family.

Nice shoop.

He is Swedish after all. But he's been great. Even when I was young and rough housed with my sister (his biological daughter) he would just tell me to be more gentle. Even when I gave her a compound fracture.

Have pet monkeys become popular in Sweden?


She just flushed all her beautiful genes right down the toilet.


arab muslim blood is doing what arab muslim blood is doing.

>african american studies

wait what? is that a thing?




STFU Tyrone


Look at that fucking niglet...


>African American studies

Jesus fuck you niggers really are piles of shit, doesn't matter how much white blood you got.

Holy fuck.

Why do women prefer the BBC?

Are you the enemy of shitposting or something?

Ever hear how a woman can't cum from intercourse? It's because they've only fucked a few guys with small dicks. Think if the roles were reversed. You could never cum from sex, but with black girls it would be the most intense orgasm you have ever had, every single time...

>EU family
>highest rate of racemixing in the world.

she has no kids and her boyfriend is white
pure cuckposting

quick question

>be swedish
>be retarded in history
>punished by becoming cucked
>look west
>you see a black cock on the horizon
>look east
>you see a slavic cock on the horizon
>look north
>the north sea, like made to jump in it and end your miserable life
>look south

wat u choose?

Press F to pay respects

Get out.

ITT: Sup Forums neckbeards are jealous they can't get girls


I almost threw up. Romania for fucks sake. Enough with the niggers.

That's a norwegian and that is not her family. Her name is Voe.

I think you mean average Norwegian family.

That's Voe, famous blogger. The black guy is a rapper. The bottom pics are from some kind of charity thing in Africa. She does not have a nigger babby.

>That's a common EU family.
>Posting a Russian girl (probably escort) with the son of a Nigerian millionaire (oil and gas company).

Bad shitposting even for a nigger like you.

Those aren't together, you fucking retard. The one on the right is Voe, who's a Norwegian blogger or something. She's dating a white guy.
The faggot on the left is a "Norwegian" musician, part of the group Madcon.

I don't get to use this pic enough. We need more of these types of pic btw.

It's everywhere. I just got matched with this girl on Tinder and I'm white.

niggers arrived in Germany as well.
>meet female friend in club
>blonde, cute and little bitchy looking
>has one hungry somali type nigger following her

>on the way to university
>meet at least 2 women pushing a stroller with a lil niglet in it

They aren`t even trying to get a better looking nigger. They literally just want ANY nigger.
fuck this white men hating world.

Jewish media actually succeded

How much time of your life do you spend making these things?

the only solution is to leave this garbage civilization and bulid new one in new place.

I bet they fucking hate that dude.

Goddamn son, you have shit genes

Maybe hubby is Bi
It's 2016

Hubby is a chubby chaser.

Stop lying.

What's with all the shill/distraction threads today is something being slid?


There's nothing wrong with it.

Only Finland and Norway have the duty to seal off the borders with Sweden and shoot anyone who tries to cross them (Denmark should have no problem watching the traffic between them and Swedistan).

It's like a containment zone for the commie zombie infection.


None, it's all real. I sent her a pic of my big white dick, waiting for a reply.
Maybe, I think it's the first time a gf has ever wanted to date him so he's too scared to let her go and she loves spending his money.
She's not chubby?

Bottom right is a fake
Her bf is white
and it was just a photo shoot

Daily reminder.

Sweden is over 90% white and you're all retarded.

Only thing I'm wondering about is what the fuck is wrong with this woman's shoulders and neck? Are they here or WTF? Super wide shoulders and tall pencil neck or dafuq if up?


why do you care btw. she's just some random whore and probably a feminist
do you want that kinda genes in your future children?

Basically this, le Reddit strikes again, or 'How I learned to stop worrying and love the race mixing'.

A femanon wouldn't talk so vulgarly and like a pol nightmare

yes i am sure the average noreigian supports roma

I guess it's easier for you to hide from the truth than the reality. If you're decent looking and have a big dick you'd realize how unfaithful and slutty girls are. Check out this whore I just got matched up with. Wtf is she doing on there? It's disgusting and woman are whores.

forgot the pic

that post is definitely a dude. no chick talks like that .

>probably helped

Did the dumb white faggot miss the part where he mentioned his real biological father was Arab?

Kill yourself you abomination.


They talk like that with other girls.

>Kaplan University
You know she makes bad life choices at one time if she is doing online courses.

Shit b8



I'd kill him if that was my sister. No other option, but my family isn't Scandinavian, so we have balls.
