>REMINDER FOR THE 24TH Counts will get under way when polls close at 22:00 GMT Thursday, 23 June at 382 local centres around the UK. These local results will be declared as the counts are completed before being collated at 12 regional centres, which will also declare the totals for each side. There will be a rolling total so the time at which one side reaches the point of being mathematically unbeatable depends on how quickly the vote are counted and how close the results are running. It is a safe bet that from 4am onwards there should be pretty clear picture of which way the vote is going. A chief counting officer will announce the overall result at Manchester Town Hall. There will be no exit poll. vine.co/v/ilBVXpEY2Uw twitter.com/EuroGuido/status/743880850836721664 usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/06/17/exclusive-poll-eu-support-falls-after-jo-cox-murder/86031038/
>Times reasoning is so weak it'll put their readers off more
Most of them have an IQ over 50 so they'll see their reasoning as "stay in and reform" as horseshit because Cameron tried that and got nowt
Zachary Robinson
Thomas Roberts
Jacob Gray
Made some beady eye anglo OC for the lads
Connor Bell
No one but leftards reads the grauniad
Jayden Kelly
My father is very pro-remain. He's a soft socialist and votes Labour, but isn't concerned about immigration (yeah I know). He works in a Latvian owned factory and says that leaving the EU would bring chaos to it. He also thought joining the Euro would be good for Britain. Any ideas?
Zachary Cruz
Levi Rogers
Remember when they rolled out Flash Gordon, and they took a -6 point dip?
Kevin Stewart
They really are milking this too far.
I thought the establishment were supposed to be smart.
Benjamin Price
>Jo Cox’s legacy should be an end to the downward spiral in our politics
What did he mean by this?
Christopher Long
Someone asked for this in the last thread so here it is again.
I'm bored, anyone else want to throw anything are way?
Jonathan Mitchell
Daniel Ramirez
Fine until the third-to-last paragraph
They really just can't help themselves, can they
Xavier Scott
"Our poll shows Leave with a nearly insurmountable lead over Remain."
Explain to him how the EU is pro-corporation and then talk about how the EU got the IMF to fuck over Greece and the workers there, as well as the corporate scandals it has been through.
Evan Thomas
Lefties don't want "division" in politics. What they really mean by this is they want everyone agreeing with them.
>Our poll shows Leave with a nearly insurmountable lead over Remain. Among likely voters, 52% back Leave, with only 37% backing Remain.
David Butler
nth for L85A1
Kayden Davis
Just out of curiosity, what did the killer actually shoot Jo Cox with? A handgun?
John Moore
This will be old news by Tuesday.
Ethan Brooks
Angela Eagle just retweeted it, so there's a large amount of people who probably will.
Michael Rodriguez
Some kind of homemade gun I think
Leo Nelson
homemade handgun
Joshua Hughes
Get adopted?
Joseph Foster
Do his hobbies include watching muslims bang your mum whilst he sits in the corner crying?
Nathaniel Fisher
Would have been read by thousands. Guardian have banned comments on all articles relating to murder.
Carter Lewis
Angela Eagle is fucking disgusting. She was using Jo Cox as a political weapon literally 30 minutes after the shooting.
Jack Anderson
I want the UK to leave. Either they will have success and prove that the EU is not needed or - more likely - they will fall to global irrelevance/become outright US cockslaves and thereby get the rest of the continent back in line.
Andrew Taylor
>any ideas? Yeah Patricide
Robert Gutierrez
wrong about what?
Nicholas Mitchell
She was the first to push the Britain First narrative on a wide scale, yeah.
Cooper Johnson
Carter Martin
It's pretty much old news already as very few people are wanting to make political capital of it. Also, as sad as it is, most people have realised that she was just an unknown MP, not exactly like Osborne or Farage were killed.
Julian Hughes
I never got round to finishing gunslinger girl. Is it worth it?
This. Like I expected, Leave didn't take a massive hit. And people saw through the media's lies.
Dylan Ross
What a time to be alive lads
Owen Adams
It's a good gun; it's just that yanks are too arrogant to admit they're shit with it.
Michael Ross
Whatever the outcome of all this. In coming years this will be seen as the moment all the enemies of God have profiled themselves.
God establishes the borders and the rulers.
Nicholas Mitchell
Go out and get clubbing lad
Jacob Walker
No, that was her sister. Both are ministers.
Landon Watson
Chase Wright
>Jo Cox's death significantly fucked Remain
....the electorate man, sometimes I just don't know
Justin Garcia
Mailonline front page changes to normality
Brody Taylor
Get him really drunk the night before so he's too hungover to go and vote.
Sebastian Sanders
>leigh halfpepe
Jose Harris
Has the false flag conspiracy hysteria finally gone so I can enjoy brit/pol/ again
Connor Sullivan
Nice digits.
Jordan Ortiz
He said this a long time ago, we don't discuss politics much, it was even before the crash. My mother and father are probably both above average intelligence.
Good idea, something I've only recently started researching.
He's more concerned about the effect on his individual factory.
Yup, noted, thanks.
>Live in a rural white family >Parents still together >Both very relaxed and traditional (even if he is socialist) Nope.
He has no particular opinion on Muslims AFAIK, though he hates the Pakistani he works with
He's a good guy.
Christopher Morales
This is what we learned today
Jacob Sanchez
jo cox was his personal friend. she worked for both him and his wife.
He's allowed to be pissed
Robert Richardson
and they thought the England fans were bad
Robert Rogers
Good idea. Likes his gin.
Jose Edwards
Cachau bant pleb
Jeremiah Powell
Also this thing has stopped the scaremongering bullshit from remain right when leave got ahead too. It'll probably go back to normal monday right in time for Juncker to make his intervention.
Christian Harris
Have you noticed that God is watching the events unfold.
During the Battle of Thames, and for a couple of days before that, it was very sunny. As soon as Cox it started to rain and thunder - it's still raining and thundering here. I suspect once our Nige comes out the sun will shine bright again.
which of you fine gentlemen is going to give me a job?
Daniel Allen
>The husband of Jo Cox plans to continue with a project that aims to build an international alliance to combat “the dangerous breeding ground” of economic insecurity on which the populist right has fed across European politics.
>Brendan Cox has let it be known that he is determined to continue with the work in memory of his wife, who was killed on Thursday, but believes this will only succeed if lessons can be learned from why the right has so far taken the initiative on the migration issue.
The Czech minister said it was terrorism... then that made me realise. Why the fuck is everyone calling everything that looks violent or an explosion a terrorist act? That's when I realised that we've become so normalised with ISIS and Al-Quada that we think terrorism is a part of daily life.
Redpill me on TTIP, lads. Is it actually as bad as people are saying it is or is it just lefty cunts afraid of having to work for shit?
I mean, they say it'll be the end of the NHS, however I for one see that as a potential positive, it's been an economic blackhole for at least 2 decades.
Robert Perez
He meant
>go back to the two party political conjob and stop voting for UKIP you bad goys