Last night a brave Janitor who did it for free ended up proving that /r9k/ are the ones who are raiding us. We need mods to immediately take action against them and curve the constant raiding
/r9k/ is raiding us
Other urls found in this thread:
Shill thread.
so, ure saying hes a shill that's trying to drag attention from his side towards /r9k/, but you could be an actual shill doing otherwise. i could be a shill too, and by saying that proving myself to try to put attention on /r9k/.
>1 post by this ID
I'm keeping this alive
Fuck off /r9k/ you've been busted
and but why
this is the sauce of the shilling for hillary and the atheism threads. fuck r9k
fucking BUSTED. We need to fuck these pieces of shit up. and they've alied with the fags. some serious building throwing is in order
I hope they keep it up, their efforts expose more normies to our counter-propaganda.
This has nothing to do with /r9k/. It is one of the most genuinely misogynistic places on the internet, and is well-known for being politically apathetic. (((OP's))) image contains no actual evidence of a raid. What would /r9k/ have to gain from this? Shill harder, Hillary. This could not be more obvious.
i doubt its effectiveness as people come here after being told repeatedly that we are nazis and whatever, so they won't listen to arguments or try to think. i was being told Sup Forums is a shithole too, before i came here and figured it's a very nice place.
reverse shilling? that email sounds like a 1980s cartoon supervillain wrote it
Just how many boards have been lost to failed normalfags now?
It's like a quarter of them now, and the rest are nothing but shitposting by post 2010's anons
>It is one of the most genuinely misogynistic places on the internet
They still seemed to be dwarfed by Sup Forums in that regard. /r9k/ is sad because they have no girlfriend, yet they desperately hold out hope for one. Many Sup Forumstards believe modern women deserve to either have all civil rights revoked or else they deserve nothing less than genocide. Pic related is spammed here constantly.
Because /r9k/ is for neets and wanted bernie to win so they can get their neetbucks. Instead Donald wants to bring back work and they don't want to work.
>Sup Forums
The jantior confirmed a majority of the IPs that were shilling were mostly posting in /r9k/
A thread about /mlp/ existed on Sup Forums half the morning.
What the fuck do you think the mods are going to do?
We seriously need to strike back. Mods are doing nothing right now. They know what's going on and they simply refuse to help, or they just aren't doing their jobs
jerking off to
Janitor note: OP is full of schizophrenic shit and Australian.
Why take a photo of your screen? Do people think it makes it seem more legitimate than a screenshot? Without archive links, there is no way to prove any connection whatsoever.
Note, shills have been trying to D&C Trump General pol and r9k for a while now.
>implying /r9k/ userbase isn't almost the same of Sup Forums
>implying /r9k/ isn't inherently superior to Sup Forums
But it is confirmed from an actual Janitor that /r9k/ is involved with this and might be working with others.
Because I didn't take it. The guy who took it did it like this because it's harder to fake, thus it's legit. The thread the rogue Janitor posted in got archived
Is it because of Orlando? "Robots" are really really into traps.
And you believe this janitor can be trusted? Even if /r9k/ is being used somehow, I refuse to believe it is actually the board's userbase carrying out these attacks. Hillary may be retarded, but she is powerful and has a large staff. We must be wiser to her tricks than we are being.
That might explain why every single time I try to post on Sup Forums from my phone I'm banned because of what's usually interracial porn posted on either Sup Forums or Sup Forums. Obviously it's not /r9k/, but the coordinated porn spamming makes sense.
Here is the proof you need
Take a look at you cannot fake what he did
It's getting so much worse now. The shilling spam and porn spam is non stop
Start spamming Hiro's twitter. he needs to get his ass on this. At this rate Sup Forums will be lost forever
Keep this alive. Don't let the shills win.
I post on mobile most of the time now, from work (IT). I'm using an old Clover app and I'm pretty sure every app closure is another IP generated, I've tried posting so many time and have had random IPs being banned for CP and non-boardlike conduct (off topic, etc), on board I never visit.
Most likely it's just Clover users, and a lot of them.
>raiding Sup Forums
Bumping this shit
Page 6?! BUMP
have a bump
those fucking tendy eating no girlfriend having mother fuckers!!! *Zod Voice* I WILL FIND THEM
Isn't /r9k/ full of betafags and permavirgin neckbeards? Worst board on Sup Forums.
Like pissing into a river of shit
Mobile posting would make the most amount of sense for all the shills.
Still, they are using foreign IPs now
And they despise us since most are hardcore liberals
>/r9k/ is raiding us
Trips tell the truth
/r9k/ is the hive of MGTOW and degeneracy
Yeah I was banned this morning for something posted in /vg/ or whatever the board is called. I've never been there.
Yes, because they're raiding both boards.
wow really makes you think
This doesn't really surprise me, most degenerates also just so happen to be liberals.
Pure coincidence I'm sure.
>willingly removing yourself from the gene pool
I always found the idea ridiculous myself. I want white children, and a lot of them.
god damnit dude why is fucking in our fucking way, were trying to fucking save them
Why are these fags raiding us?
Is it just cos they want more "gibs me dats" and shit skins in their country, and /pol points out the problems with that or is there some other shit tier rational?
Hi, I'm Sarah McLachlan.
Each day, thousands of Islamic terrorists are denied entry to the United States because of xenophobic immigration policies. They're forced to decapitate, dismember, explode, shoot and throw to their deaths hundreds of people a day
in places like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iran. For just $80 billion a year, you can import countless Islamic terrorists and provide them more than enough American infidels to wage jihad against, instead of their own people, of whom 99% already support sharia law.
Please. Just a $80 billion donation. It can make all the difference in the world to these wonderful, barely inbred, creatures. Pick up the phone and call your secretly muslim president or democratic congressional officer right now.
Clown pussy.
Man, we should help them get girlfriends or something. They need a hobby.
Do you think they'd be spending their days shilling for Hillary and cuckposting if they had anyone who wanted to fuck them?
I don't give a goddam where the shills come from. They will tire and fail. Sup Forums is my home, my sanctuary, I will not cede it to anyone. I'm not fucking going anywhere. Gas the kikes, race war now.
/R9K/ isnt raiding us, a group of shills infiltrated there and posted for long enough that they look like regular users to the mods. Then when this raid is happening they agree with the raiders and argue and report the real user base, like what they do with anime on Trump gen. The janitor showed that they dont post in Sup Forums regularly, but they came here for the raid. Mods are very hands off on Sup Forums so they cant recognize the shills like we can, we even know when they take lunch breaks, because its the same time every day. They are also constantly pressuring /qa/ and hiro to delete Sup Forums and they have been trying to becone mods and janitors, they may have already since mods can delete posts from any board, the shills and one mod can bypass janitors by abusing the report system and disrupt the board. Notice there have been no nigger or jew threads this week?
/r9k/ fags are fucking with their own board and ours
They must be purged.
We had Jew threads this week, we always do.
Also these shills, whoever they are, have been doing this shit for months now and I do agree they have connections to the janitors and the mods
It's also apparently rumored that it's a subreddit that's behind all this. Some think it's Shit Reddit Says, or its a pro communist Subreddit. Either way they have been planning this for months now.
Also I'm screen capping this for the future. We cannot fucking let them win
Bump. Shills exist. Propaganda isn't some make believe fairy tale. This is what it is.
reminder that Sup Forums is on the front lines of the cyberspace front of the American Reclamation Campaign.
Nobody is shilling for Hillary. It's a corporate-funded lie and a blatant attempt at ruining her campaign.
cool, /r9k/ folks, I just made you this picture just for you
Heard that there are SRS threads hitting Sup Forums as well
It's SRS. /r9k/ has nothing to do with it, in fact the "/r9k/" thing is just a divide & conquer tactic to divide Sup Forums boards, like they did with Sup Forums and the rest of the site.
This guy is a shill. He posted the same image in another thread like this.