Was the US Constitution written for white men?

Was the US Constitution written for white men?

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no just by them

But everyone is equal so there is no difference between something written by a bunch of straight white cis men as opposed to a single asexual black transwoman + xir headmates.


Yes. See Federalist #2

> With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.

> a people descended from the same ancestors,

>Needs a few updates.

What are those "amendment" things again?

>you will never see an america without third world niggers bitching about everything


They should only be able to update 3/5ths of it.

What the fuck would it change?
There aren't things like "Only a white males can do X"
poc and wymyn got same rights as "White males" so what the fuck is the problem?

>implying there's any other kind of Man

I assume she needs to be deported back to Mexico.

What they mean is, it doesn't have positive rights specifically catering to women and minorities therefore it must be oppressing them.

They are retarded, nothing new.

Do you realize it if was more than 3/5ths it would be even more racist? The South wanted 5/5th so they could count slaves to allocate senators, the North wanted 0.


This is my problem with femenists. I agree with their conclusion(that the constitution is a reflection of the time it is written in and should be updated).But their reasoning is always insane.

Mmmmm I can just imagine OP getting angry and ready to fight before a poo monster comes in and rapes her to humiliation and she loses the Wil to live.

Bitch, what do you think the 14th amendment was?

The muh gibs and muh vaginer amendments


That's the thing, there are even amendments that explicitly state that rights extend to all citizens and that Congress cannot legislate unequally (even though they do that still).


how do they not realize it was the constitution that became the basis of freedom to allow them to spew shit like this in the first place?

What about needs needs to be "updated"?

somebody call ICE

How great would America be without certain types of people moaning about everything?

>Sup Forums caring about what a randon retarded said on Twitter.

Reminder that the founding fathers never realized Muslims would get out of the dark ages and immigrate to America and practice their religion here.

Er. You could say that about anywhere.

If only all of immigrants could have been like the Irish.


or anywhere there are white men?

The sad truth.

women are no logical and nignogs don't understand what a civilization is that's why

>move to a country where you'll be a minority
>stay in a country where you're a minority
>bitch about being a minority

Yes, now accept subjugation or else get THE FUCK out!


The founding mothers were trans, fuck OFF shitlord.

Women can have a say in the constitution but only if they go out and kill a few natives first.

Kek, thats how its done

We did our best senpai

Tons of shit.

For example their should be constitutional limits to the relationship between the government and the media, along with limits on the media itself.

States with tiny populations shouldn't get equal representation to states 8x their size.

States should be allowed to secede.

Maybe some controls on the judiciary.

Electoral college should be removed.

Some other stuff. I haven't read it in a while so I am just touching off the parts I remember.

Now to concede to your incoming rebuttal. No I don't trust anyone alive right now to modify it. A constitutional convention would be a shit show beyond any imagining and I cant imagine it concluding in the favor of the people.

Was Mexico's current government created for brown men?

Yes, so brown people should move back to their brown countries or assimilate into the white countries they chose to either move to or live in.

>control the judiciary

What is the separation of powers?

Not working so well in current day. Supreme court continues to gain both new powers and cultural influence. This would be a great way to counter balance our worthless legislative branch if they were not life time appointees chosen by the executive branch.

build wall

Gender and race are a social construct, many of those who weighed in on the constitution were both women and people of color

She just wants to justify her racist and sexist ideology

If you want to get technical homie, we're all from African cave dwellers 800,000 years ago.

$20 she's never read the Constitution.

Article V. Good Luck.

Actually its the women and niggers who are the problem, not the document that outlines the country responsible for more freedom, prosperity and innovations than any other in known history. Ok? Thanks.

5th post best post

It was written with a stable society in mind; their opinions weren't needed.

Written by White, Anglo Saxon Protestant men and their posterity, theirs only.