Goddamn that backbreaker
Hey xenomorph, you're fuckin out!
I'm sorry.
It looks decent but it probably won't be as great as Muriel's Wedding.
needs more fassbender
looks like a PS4 game
I like how he's not backing down too much from Prometheus from the looks of things
This looks like teen slasher movie shit. You should all be ashamed. Your misplaced hatred of Prometheus, a grand and ambitious scifi epic, caused this.
1:17 lol wtf is she doing?
looks like a remake of a remake, hype killed
the scientist getting facehugged isn't even wearing a helmet this time
People hated Prometheus because it didn't deliver on the mythological shit teased in the trailers, and instead became a weird Alien-hybrid with donut rolling spaceships.
I wish Prometheus had been Prometheus, and I wish this was Prometheus 2.
Oh well.
So, Alien + a little of Aliens
the song sucked
Truer words have never been said.
I did not know based Crudup was in this kino!
fuck you ridley scott im not getting tricked again
did they really need to add that last scene?
this is my feel also
how many times can you make the same fucking movie
you can already tell there is too much action and not enough horror.
>covering music from Moulin Rouge
a new low
Kinda the opposite of your life life huh
Right? I have zero interest in watching this. It's basically just convoluted jump scares. I'd actually like to know more about these aliens, about the weyland yutani corporation, etc. So much could be done but they just rehash the same formula. Mind boggling. Ridley is a fucking hack.
>Ridley is a fucking hack.
He teased with some interesting subjects in Prometheus, but didn't deliver. It seems like he was not up to the task he set himself.
And the alien horror stuff is totally played out
So, I don't see the point in this movie at all
Reminder that if you didn't like Prometheus, you should honestly shut the fuck up.
sooooooooo sorry Ridley san
preese forgive for shitposting
If you want a fucking expanded universe then watch fucking Avengers.
Oh noooo...
>tfw I liked Prometheus and this trailer
Fuck the fuck off.
>Ridley is a fucking hack.
He's 80 years old. What the fuck is he even doing this for anymore? It's not like aliens 6 is his magnum opus.
Looks pointless as hell. That last scene was like the most generic horror movie bullshit ever. Any hype I had is gone.
It doesn't give any feel of its precedent, thought. I seriously thought Ridley Scott started working on new project by a glance.
Is McBride in this?
Not really sure how to feel. My favorite in the series is definitely the first, so I might be a little biased in saying that this looks more like a action-suspense movie. Not that that is a bad thing at all. I guess I could have predicted this with the backlash of Prometheus, but maybe I thought that it would spawn something like a spiritual successor to Aliens. Will I ever get my quiet and dark Alien 2?
What a genuinely, hilariously bad trailer.
Yep, Franco too. No seth though.
>Visually looks cheap
>Plot beats look like shit
>Looks like a shitty slasher flick.
Alien franchise is dead.
>Biologist sees some kind of alien cobra and tries to pet it
>Guy in charge of mapping the facility somehow gets lost
>Guy Pearce in the worst old person makeup of all time
>Android puts black goo in that guy's drink for absolutely no reason
>Guy Pearce keeping his presence a secret for absolutely no reason
>Chalize Theron's character is entirely pointless
>Nobody just runs to the side to avoid the donut ship
The list goes on and on. One of the worst science fiction films of the century.
The Alien franchise died when it became a franchise in the 80's.
They just won't stop raping my childhood franchise
>million dollar HEV suit build to withstand alien environments has a built in bong
This was a movie that people expect you to take seriously
Raping your childhood franchise produces a lot of money
>slow female cover of an old song sans music
I just want to see the new type of alien. Too fucking bad it will get spoiled before I see the movie. So fuck it.
If the new trailer is any indication it looks like the stupidity wont stop, where it shows that strange life form about to do something bad to the explorer without any environmental protection on an alien world.
They could make a lot more if they made a decent fucking movie
Don't worry the second trailer will have Bohemian Rhapsody and Ballroom Blitz.
>Guys get freaked out in the room with the black goo
>End up having to say the night
>Decide to go back to the black goo room to sleep even though they're in a huge facility and could sleep anywhere
Was the screenwriter literally retarded?
>give yourself an alien abortion
>next scene go to your crew and act normal
>nobody is asking wtf
>you're not freaking out that you just aborted yourself of an alien
>absolutely no believable reactions or dialogue about the situation at all
Is it dare I say, /KINOOFTHEYEAR/?
>Guys get freaked out in the room with the black goo
they left before everyone entered the goo room. They freaked out when they saw the dead body.
it was the body, not the room, that scared them
they were not afraid of the room.
most prometheus criticisms make no sense
I got the exact opposite feeling -- it looked much like a conventional Alien movie with very little of what Noomi and the robot are up to.
Are you seriously defending this jump scare thriller trash? If he was what he's reputed to be, he'd make something more substantial than the formulaic trash that this series IS. If anything it should take cue from Half Life.
looks boring as shit, pass
>not Riduri
Anybody else kinda' disappointed they show a normal xeno in it?
I thought he was going to show us more interesting shit we hadn't seen before.
Remember this, Sup Forums?
>getting away from gods and dragons and shit. If I see one more dragon I’m going to shoot myself. Stop the dragons
This sounded a lot better.
What the fuck happened?
That whole scene itself screamed pro-choice propaganda too.
>Machine is only built for male users (hurr see audience, what happens to women if you ban abortions!)
>all the pregnancy terms from Assbender and woman in the scene before
if hollywood gave a shit they could hide it. So many people sign NDAs in that place that you'd get sued to the ground if it happened.
That's hilarious.
>shower kill scene
Alien franchise is kill.
even better
>shower sex kill scene
worse than a marvel movie.
It's one of the best scenes in the movie, though.
old man lost his touch
or mind
name me one good thing he did in the last 5 years
>Was the screenwriter literally retarded?
My dissapointment is undissapointed. Fuck Ridley, what do you need to make us smile?
>james franco is in this
The Martian
I hate this fucking hack, so glad he seems to be back to writing TV trash.
>have to suffer through james franco and unfunny trailer park boy bullshit to see QT porpentina in tight shirts
Are you serious?
i hate the way most modern digital films look
slightly desaturated, heavy on the blacks but somehow lacking in contrast
there is just no life in the image
franco is essentially a glorified cameo.
he plays a corpse.
>Need to use Charlize Theron's personal medical pod thing
>Even though it's for her use, it's male-only
>Even though it's male-only, it has a c-section program
>The c-section program works, making the male-only warning entirely pointless
Seriously, what was the point of that? The movie stops for 10 seconds to introduce two plot holes in rapid succession for literally no reason. Was Scott deliberately trying to make a bad movie?
Do you think he'll smoke some dank xeno weed that ends up being fungus that goes into your brain and turns you into a zombie that explodes into spores?
>subpar masculine Brie Larson
I hope this is bait
>The Leftovers
Fucking fight me mate, I agree he fucks everything else up but god damn is this a masterpiece
Look up the writer and all your questions will be answered. Ridley is too fucking old to know wtf is going on.
Miss me yet?
The whole thing makes perfect sense if you imagine the future where the film takes place is somekind of SJW post-apocalypse where the trannies win.
it wasn't a c-section program. it has a procedure for removing foreign objects, which is what she uses to simulate a c-section
i used to think people who thought themselves smarter than prometheus were misguided, but honestly you're all just a bunch of retards.
>brie larson
plebbit fucking shit
It had to be a pro-abortion reason, its so stupid and contrived I can't imagine it being any other reason other than Scott wanting people to connect all the pregnant and fetus talk to the fact that she's getting an abortion and something is stopping her from doing so.
>astrophysicist uses weird medical station she's never used before to give herself a c-section which is not its intended purpose at all
cool movie
>seth rogen bursting out of his stomach to grab some munchies
I don't remember prometheus ever being marketed as anything but what was released
he's going to get his turn next. They're Cinematic Universing this shit.
Looks like shit. Retire already.
What are you a prude? Obviously he'll burst out of his asshole and it'll all turn out to be a dream Franco had from smoking too much xeno weed.
Looks pretty bad to be honest. Just a shadow of former self...
why no pulse rifle