>"b-but global warming is a hoax by the ch-chinese!!!"
We'll see if you still think that when you're underwater.
>"b-but global warming is a hoax by the ch-chinese!!!"
We'll see if you still think that when you're underwater.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would that presumably southern farmer has an ostrich on his farm?
chem trails on top, subliminal message
The coasts are full of libekeks, let it flood.
>Why would that presumably southern farmer has an ostrich on his farm?
they grow ostrich as a luxury beef substitute. its better for the enviroment and for you.
1 post by this ID
> drought: it's gw!
> tsunami: it's gw!
> isis is caused by gw goys
How is that any different from just blaming the jews for every ill in the world? The scientific credibility of both views is pretty much the same. Or maybe, these things that have always happened just happen and there isn't much you can do about them.
emu's are a pretty good substitute for beef and chicken
california is already a desert.
the only thing keeping it alive is tons of water from nearby lakes and the kikes get 99% of it for their nut farms.
Climate change is a thing.
Let's assume that all people believe it is caused completely by mankind.
What can we do if countries like China still give off massive amounts of pollution? What good does it do if not everyone on this planet is not on the same page?
They put such a great importance on it so the people who buy into it will vote democrat.
every drought in history and Dust Bowl confirmed caused by global warming
...this is absolutely retarded
Wouldn't global warming act AGAINST droughts?
here it has been raining every single day for over 3 weeks straight
it is below 20°C in spite of being mid june
They used to burn witches, who rode dragons and caused bad weather.
I mean before the XII. century when they made laws about how witches aren't actually real and you should blame the weather on people you don't like.
I dont understand this meme, post ids are thread exclusive, why would there be anything but 1 post from op in a new thread
It's a fancy way of saying "bait" because most bait thread OPs never post in their threads
If ice caps melt we wouldn't be underwater because it's the same amount of water you dumb fuck
If the Op is participating in the thread?
1 post and disappearing OP usually means sliding or CTR posters shilling
do you have a gif to go with that pic?
Was the dust bowl caused by global warming in 1930?
How about the drought of 1887?
You don't understand. Global warming isn't causing drought or high temperature. It's causing weather EXTREMITIES.
Basically anything you don't like.
It's raining too much and the crops rot away? Like how that happens twice per decade?
Global warming.
There's a drought in the desert?
Global warming.
Another hurricane in the hurricane belt?
Global warming?
Is it snowing in a temperate country in the winter and you can't go to FurryCon?
Global warming.
You wanted to go skiing with your gf and her bull, but there isn't enough snow on the mountain?
You guessed it. Global warming caused by cows and other evil animals is ruining the planet.
>have a picture of a qt anime girl in the bathtub demonstrating Archimedes' principle
>can't find it among 12,000 images
>not naming ur pics properly so you can always find the right one
Or the drought of 1954? Obviously droughts never happen naturally, right?
>Drought happens
This is proof of global warming
>Snow happens
Wow, republicans trying to use snow as evidence for why global warming doesn't exist BAKA
bait is such an old meme, its time to replace it
Change what we can in our own country and see if we can advance international efforts.
Ice caps typically describes ice on solid landmasses that isn't currently deplacing water
Can you explain why not? How does it cause dryness?
If a drought means global warming is real, what does an extra cold and snowy winter mean?
Droughts happen naturally, but the past several decades have seen more change than normal.
>1 post by this ID
Climate change is real
where's the evidence?
people always say that everything bad is caused by global warming without ever providing causal evidence
I'm assuming he's talking about the Californian drought which is caused by government subsidies distorting market forces not global warming.
>be the faggot cartoonist for the LA times
>Water my lawn in the desert
This planet has seen more natural disasters in its entire existence than man who has only been around for 10,000 years. The data we use to determine what's 'normal' has existed for merely a few centuries. In those centuries, data we now consider 'normal' only goes back 50 years. These moments in time don't even register as 'seconds' to the planet that's been spinning for 4.6 billion years.
You're somehow telling me in our short existence, we somehow have the ability to cause such changes that global warming alarmists tell us? By that logic we now have the capability of terraforming planets like mars within less than 100 years.
The change in what you consider 'normal' is paltry to some of the real natural disasters in this planet's history.
M8, that cartoon has shown me the proof i need.
> Nice addition to a really important debate user!
I don't know about the specifics and factors of climate change or what will come from it.
Pollution and fuel burning is dirty and causes health problem, radioactivity kills. But what is being done about it and WHO BENEFITS AND WHO LOSES. China and India are not being yoked into this because of reasons. People are getting dumped en-mass into Urban environments reliant on shipping things in from where they are grown.
Not getting shot in the head is a cause i am fond of. If Tony Soprano tells me this is indeed the case and a little money going his way will help that cause there is more to think about than a general sentiment.
I would unironically be happy if california and Jew York (Long Island, specifically) went underwater.
But it's really a hoax I mean haven't you even heard of geo-engineering? Like... seriously?
I mean droughts have only existed for billions of years...
God damn, why haven't we full on Ben Garrison'd that faggot Horsey? He's such a fucking piece of shit and deserves it way more than Ben ever did...
>1 post by this ID
I've done little research into the global warming debate, but what's the opposition's position? That greenhouse gases (which are proven to absorb infrared radiation) don't actually do what they're proven to do when released into the atmosphere?
I'm a national socialist, OP. I think my people deserve clean air and water, whether or not climate change is man made is irrelevant and pointless.
Because of global warming
>Systematically strip nutrients and organic material from the soil for decades while relying on noxious chemicals to keep your crops alive while killing any other plant, fungal or microbial life
>Hurr durr why are my crops failing
Fuck's sake.
>We've been leaving an ice age for decades now anyway
And in such a little timeframe you guys managed to put a man in the moon, create the internet, create efficient ways of transportation such as airplanes and cars, the atomic bomb, a long list of cures for previously lethal infections, cellphones, etc.
Yes, humanity is capable of creating and destroying.