legit one of the saddest movies i've seen in my entire life.
Why did the Lisbon girls kill themselves?
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congratulations, you fell for the jewish bait
Are you the same user from the last thread?
Also I always thought the reason for them killing themselves was supposes to be ambiguous
probably i just wana talk about this movie since it hit me so hard
how old are you?
So much feety goodness in this film.
Also it was filmed in my hometown.
The movie didn't really hit me as hard as I thought it would. It all just felt "hollow".
Based soundtrack btw
I know what its like to obsessed over a movie so I get what you mean.
The one thing I never got about the film was the boys obsession with the sisters.
Sure they were really pretty but they I felt like they barely even really knew the sisters enough to care about them.
Sofia has great taste in music. Just look at LiT
this movie is /footcore/ as fuck
i dunno, i guess it hit me really hard because feel alone and i even have to work tonight, I have, so many ambien saved up. It would be so easy to take 10 of them and sleep forever...
that is because sofia is a shallow filmmaker who thinks her upbringing is the most profound thing in the world. I kind of feel bad for her because she tries to be a great filmmaker but there is nothing inside. marie antoinette is great though, if you are going to make the same movie over and over she chose great costumes and shit.
>Working on Christmas
I'm sorry user.
Also Little Man Tate is the probably the closet I came to movie giving me 'feels' I guess.
>gets Air to score Virgin Suicides
>gets Kevin Shields to score LiT
>puts in anachronistic shit like Gang of Four in Marie Antoinette
Based Sofia
Sofia makes pretty looking films but shes not a good writer.
I wish she just try to work with good script writers or something.
Then you'd feel really Ambien-t!
i wana kill myself so bad, but it's just too fucking selfish. My parents don't deserve the pain it would cause them and the bullshit they would have to explain to relatives and their friends. I gotta wait until they die before I can finally do it. I love guns, I have a great pistol to blow my brains out easy. But i don't deserve that. I have to wait until they're gone first. I don't want to hurt the people that actually care about me. It's either death my hanging or ODing on sleeping pills put in the middle of the woods for me. So I have no way out.
Just keep looking at the good things.
If you die that means you can't watch anymore /footcore/
i just took my xanax and read this, and God im fucked up. i gottta get help. I want to live now (since the xanax they pumped into me)
im planning on watching Into the Wild before work. Shitty movie. But jenna malone and kstew (barefoot and horny obviously) it's redic how good she looks in this movie despite being a trailer park trash girl. (i doubt real real park trash girls look like kstew and sit on their porch with their barefeet looking as good as kstew's)
the movie is worth watching just because it has barefoot kstew and jenna malone being normal qt AF jenna malone . kstew legit tries to get the protagonist to go pedo on her since she's so horny, but he resists her( no one on Sup Forums would have had a chance to resist)
again into the wild is worth watching just for jenna malone and kstew
Malaise honestly.
I actually kind of like Into the Wild cause it was kind of comfy at times even though I hate everything the mc was doing.
Also Welcome to the Rileys is a decent movie and kstew actually act for once while being barefoot most of the time.
I don't know people praise Lost in Translation when this movie is far superior. Anyway, to answer your question, do you not remember your teen years? They don't feel like they're ever going to end. It feels like those are the most important days of your life. The bad moments seem to be never-ending. The Lisbon girls were basically jailed, and cutoff from the rest of the world. Their mother was an insane cunt. It's pretty obvious why they killed themselves.
again, this movie was worth watching for Jenna malone and KStew. yeah Jenna is a nobody, and yeah, Kstew is mostly washed up unless she's doing a movie where she is guranteed to be barefoot... Both girls have amazing barefeet and deserve some attention and money for showing their toenails and perfect arched soles off to us normies...
I had depression in my late teens / early 20s.
I was really weighing my options for killing myself. Well, not "killing" myself. That sounds too angsty and harsh. I could never kill someone. I just wanted to back out of life. Life was like knowing you have to fight someone who is 100 lbs heavier than you, a foot taller than you, and more experienced in fighting. I couldn't do it. I could never do it. I would lose 10 times out of 10.
I was really into the idea of walking off the top of that big 15+ floor apartment a few blocks away. It would be like walking out of life. Just all "goodbye, folks!" and I hang up my metaphorical hat and quit before I embarrass myself and make everything worse somehow.
But I didn't do it.
Oh, that felt even worse. Too much of a pussy to take an exit the easy way. Like who the fuck was I? Like I'm some special snowflake who is so important to the world that they just couldn't do without me? Like I wouldn't be forgotten by the world in 100 years even if I was alive? I failed at failing, good show. Typical.
But that was depression.
To me, I whole-heartedly believed- no, KNEW then that everything really was as bad as I thought. That life was the real hell. I realized people all wore masks, some many more than others, and behind more of those masks than I could imagine lay faces terrifying and unbelievable. That the strong eat the weak, and it will never change. While mostly true, it came as such a shock to know these things.
Depression's heavy, it weighs you down. It causes a downward spiral the longer you think about anything. It even extends out, pulling downward at those around you until they have to get distance. It reminded me of those models of gravitational fields in space. The more that gets pulled down, the heavier the pull, which pulls more down, and so on.
And that's just one stage of it.
But know this: While it is the worst one, it's near the end.
please cont(1/2)...
(actually 1/4, forgot post length limit)
Yes, there's an end to depression, and no, it's not death.
Death won't get you free from anything. Death makes you keep it, locks it in.
I realized that I didn't get into the elevator of the apartment, not because I was too scared (quite the contrary at the time), not because of "muh famly so preshus" or "all my friends and alll those friends and oh so many sooo many friends", or any of that other bullshit that everyone tries to feed you when you're depressed.
For me, I knew, that if I ended my life there, that would have been me. That would be the story. Saddy "who?" McSadpants amounted to nothing and lived an unremarkably brief life of not dying until he stopped doing that. Here in this empty room we see everything he made and accomplished: There's kind of a tiny old thing there in the corner but we don't know if it's actually part of this gallery or not. No, spiders made those, those are cobwebs. Well I mean maybe he made some of them, who cares, he was a nobody who both lived and died briefly and unremarkably before he could even see how history played out.
If I was going to go out, if life was going to crush me, I would at least see how it did it. So I could at least think to myself "I knew it", and have that one tiny piece of satisfaction.
>pretty looking films
Because she had Lance Acord, Spike Jonze's cinematographer, do her first three movies.
it's really hard to like Chris when so many guys told him what NOT to do in the wilderness....regardless...he was able to enjoy KStew's sweat hippie barefeet : )
god i love jeweses that renounce jusaism to become american-bred and leave their son intact despite the fact the ADL tries as hard as fuck to get any female to hurt her baby body within 48 hours of his birth by taking a knife to his genitals....
>pic is my gf
she plays outdoor freelance soccer
she feet get roughed up
>but luckily our cuckquean Gisiele loves to recomment other females to help out my female helpers...
And I admit, I was curious. I was always curious. I Still am. I think that's what's always kept me going. I always wanted to see what happened, out of pure curiosity and analysis. If a train was crashing, it would be the "horrified, but can't look away" thing without the "horrified" part. I would want to see exactly how a train crashes in real-time, just to see/experience it. If life is just a big trainwreck and I'm thinking of dying, I might was well watch this thing go down and see what happens. Maybe try to enjoy myself and/or do something productive while I watch. It's even easier than walking away from it all, and certainly more exciting. Yeah, everyone onboard the crashing plane is panicking, but is that helping at all? Might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
But that's pretty much at the end of depression.
Just before the end, and just after the worst parts, there's kind of the nothing part.
It's better than the "everything is worst" and the "I should go" parts, but that's just because it's nothing instead of negative. I don't want to spoil it because you have to ride it out and work through the experience yourself to get out the other side (I am legitimately sorry I can't predict your experiences for you but it is the only way and it's worth it), but basically you don't have any strong feelings toward literally anything. It can be a bit of a slog on its own, but the end is right after that.
I guess I just wanted to tell you that it ends.
There's a way out the other side. Some day you can leave it all behind and start to use life to your advantage. You will find things that make you want to go on. Maybe someday you can even do things that make people happy, to MAKE reasons for others to live, just so that those reasons exist in the world.
You just need to keep at it. Think of depression as a task. It's shitty, no one likes doing it, no one understands the work it involves even if you could explain, and no one will even thank you for it, but just see the job through to the end, and piece by piece, your efforts will start to pay off.
Honestly what keeps me from killing myself.
>Alright, I should probably jump off a bridge today.
>But I haven't seen everything in the Criterion Collection yet...
One day.
Are Criterion Collections really worth a damn?
I'm trying to get more into movies and I was wondering if I should start with the movies in Criterion Collection
That very reason is why I'm here. I left all my family and friends a few months ago. They've all stopped calling, and I think a few more weeks should do it, then I'll go out to the deep, deep bush and just walk off a cliff I have picked out.
Instant death and no one will find my body for a good 20 years. By then my parents will be dead and no one will remember me enough to care.