So we're voting for this guy, right?

So we're voting for this guy, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


again, yes

who the fuck is that?

of course

if you didn't vote for him in 2012 (or couldn't), then you need to get out


>Open borders

Nice try juden

don't worry, you'll grow out of it mate.

>antigunner VP
>open borders



Yep, most of Sup Forums is either voting for Gary or Hillary.

We're just being overrun by Trump shills at the moment.

I voted for Johnson in 2012 but likely won't be voting for him again.

If I liked him as much as Ron Paul, I wouldn't have to think about it. Truthfully, Johnson just happens to share some of my views but illegal immigration is a major issue right now and Trump is the only person willing to talk about it.


Trumpfags trying real hard to meme this, all while their own candidate wanted to ban assault rifles.

>pushing for gun control
>throws guns in the garbage
>picks a rabid antigunner as his VP

>hurr it's just a meme guys vote for Johnson!

Peterson would have been acceptable, Johnson is a faggot.

McAfee is a cuck

ANCAP elf would never win

And the silly sleepy gas jew could barely function during the debate.

truth ain't a meme you retarded negro.

if you hate guns so much, vote for Shillery instead. voting Libertard is beyond idiotic.

>muh image with no source makes it true.

He has always confirmed a Zero gun control stance in every interview.

no fucking thanks.


But I wrote in the Paul!!

Ewe need approval from the flock?

>realizing fascism is more efficient AFTER being libertarian
>still thinks the health and progress of the "collective" outweighs individual rights

I guess I'll see you on the battlefield you fucking commie tier faggot

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's my plan. I'm an independent and Johnson best reflects my views.

But he threw some old gun away or something! ! !

His solution to illegal immigration is simply to make it legal.
just a reminder.

>literally called for gun control on libertarian debate stage
>VP is a well known antigun governor

>give me a link or I can't figure out where to procure publicly known data!


yeah lets vote for the guy that wants open boarders.

Kill Yourself.

Johnson is anti gun its no meme

The land of freedom isn't your private boys club you fucking Nancy

Was until Orlando.

Trump is more anti-gun than Johnson. Trump is going along with these new proposed restrictions and Johnson has openly rejected them.

Pretty low on my list of very important things, especially when he doesn't want a welfare state.

>run for the Libertarian Party
>be completely opposed to the most basic tenant of libertarianism because "what if someone is mean?"
what did Gary Johnson mean by this?

I was going to until I saw this nonsense answer

fuck that open borders cuck faggot and fuck every cuck who votes for him

Fucking libertarians are as dumb as Republicans.You realize the only people who are gonna vote for you are white people right? Why the fuck would you have open borders? Eat a bullet.

Having to ask who to vote for is a clear sign that you're not intellectually equipped to vote. That should be as embarrassing as finding your mom working the street corner.

If you can be replaced by a dumb mexican who can't speak English that's your problem.

Yes but why do you need the approval of anons on a Sudanese yodeling forum?

Yes. Split the Trump vote pls.

>Split the Trump
Johnson is going to take more democrat votes than republican you dumb leaf

nice try shillarybot

Really? I don't remember voting for open borders.

Debatable. I'm voting Johnson instead of Trump.

Sure. And Trump will take all the Berners.


move to somalia if you don't want to live in a nation. if you live in a nation you need to look out for your countrymen and support policies that improve their position. immigration is bad for everyone in a country. deracinated, pro-trade, pro-immigration "individualist" libertarians are the lowest of the low, worse than the worst leftists.

Turns out that not everyone in a democracy has everything work out the way they want. Sorry that dumbass Miguel can take your job, maybe you should've went to college.

Lol does Libertarianism involve abolishing the nation-state? Maybe you should read a book user.

there is something too it. you should not take away the responsibility of raising children right from the parents.

COL. SANDERS is still in the race. Vote for him.

Libertarians like to accuse the left of being emotional and appealing to emotion. But the left is actually consequentialist, which is not a formally invalid position to take. It can still be wrong, but it's not formally stating "we can't emotionally handle X if X is true, therefore X is not true." Libertarianism is fundamentally based on a fallacy of this form, doe.

>You think you're better than me? No one's better than me. Only I know what's best for me. Fuck you, thinking you can decide what makes me better off for me. That can't be true. Because I'm too much of a proud, irrational, emotional manybaby to handle that if it's true. And thus it isn't true.

What about this lovely lady

No stein's gate pls. Don't split mother Hillary.

>Doesn't want a welfare

>Dems propose bill to give amnesty to all illegals and completely stop enforcing the border
>President Johnson signs it into law

>President Johnson gets congressional allies to propose a complete removal of welfare programs
>Everyone (Democrat and Republican) laughs in their face and doesn't even bring it to vote

Congratulations, you got your open borders and the welfare state stays intact because reps would never risk their seats on removing welfare.

You are short-sighted and retarded.

i would let her regulate my emissions, ifyanowutimean

>Libertarians appeal to emotion because look at my retarded straw man.

Strong argument, leaf.



>ban a gun that's already banned

Libertarians do think this way. I am correct. It is not a mischaracterization. I almost word-for-word copied and pasted the things they say. The only thing I added in was the implied reasoning motivating such statements. Another common thing you'll see on Sup Forums: cucks. "Cuck" is thought-terminating buzzword that immediately transmits the message to other like-minded people on the internet that "we shouldn't think this kind of thing because it violates our fragile notions of manliness and things that emotionally compromise us in such a manner must be untrue."