It won't even pick up where prometheus left off. It will be an aliens remake so retarded nostaligic fans claiming it was great *aham the force awakens aham*. He'll jut pretend that prometheus ever happened.
It won't even pick up where prometheus left off...
Other urls found in this thread:
>be ridley scott
>pitch "ancient aliens" movie to studio
>mindless studio pukes hear "ancient alien: the prequel" and greenlight
>set about making your "ancient aliens" movie
>studio pukes constantly butting in asking where the xenomorphs are and shit
>think they're joking, proceed along "ancient aliens" production arc
>studio starts getting producers to generate "alien" franchise sets and CGI
>realize they aren't joking. They aren't joking at all. you're six months into production and the studio thinks you're making a completely different film than the movie you're making and they're actually angry about it.
>studio pukes call in damon lindelof
>movie does okay considering, studio pukes demand actual "alien" prequel sequel.
I'd feel sorry for scott if he wasn't a millionaire.
It'll show what happened through a flashback
>This will just be Prometheues: Part 2
Wasn't that the plan even after the name change to get more monies by having xenos and Alien in the title?
Arrrggghhhhh thissss
Jesus christ
nows your chance to make an impact too. While theres only 500 views on it...VOTE THAT SHIT THUMBS DOWN AND START THE BALL ROLLING.
Send another message and put another coffin nail in the casket of Hollywood like Ghostbusters 2016
Good. Prometheus and less so Aliens were garbage and I'd love to see Ridley Scotts take on more of an action/aliens type film.
It's bad and he should feel bad.
this looks awful, I hope he dies on Christmas day
>TARS, set androgyny to 99%
well I though it was junk but no one needs your faggot opinion before watching the trailer.
epic reddit meme xD
Weren't they going to the Engineer's planet at the end of Prometheus? Is this that? Also, this trailer looks terrible.
No, read the blurb under the video. The Covanent is a colonist ship, they're settling a new planet.
So is this a sequel to Prometheus? Im a bit lost on the time frame of this.
It seems to be pretending Prometheus never happened.
I hate when a trailer pretty much just spoils tons of the film for you.
Now I know whoever becomes the love interest to that girl is going to be killed in the shower.
Danny Mcbride is going to be one of the last ones to live, near the end
There's that bit with the ship being blown up by the girl with the grenade launcher
And a whole lot of other bits spoiled. It's like the Prometheus trailer that shoes the derelict being crashed into and falling.
Looks like it, Naomi and Fassbender are credited as their original Prometheus characters.
not sure why people keep saying it isn't
Ridley ruin it in 3...2...1
>Sup Forums hates Aliens now
The fuck?
I was confused cause Fassbender was just a head at the end, and Naomi is just gone i guess, unless the ship they showed in the trailer is the one they took and Fassbenders character is just pretending not to know about it cause plot.
This is gonna be grade A kino boys. Probably has a chance to do star wars numbers. Maybe Fassy gets an awards nod too. THANK YOU BASED SCOTT FOR RETURNING THE FRANCHISE BACK TO THE TRUE FANS!
>firing explosives at rocket fuel
Congrats, you killed it AND yourself.
100% this
>There will be classic xeno and spore xeno
>They will fight
>Normies will eat up the five minute monster battle with nothing but CGI on the screen
contrarian is the word of the year
It's hardly the best trailer I've ever seen, but it does a good enough job of advertising a return to form "slasher in space" that made Alien popular in the first place. Promethus was a good movie with a bad screenplay and it's been 20+ years since we've had an actually good Alien film, this looks at least like its getting the basics right and with Scott behind the camera it's guaranteed to be very well shot.
you mean fuck
cowboy hat guy is gunna be funny as fuck
Maybe that was the plan?
there is no way in hell he can unjust himself now..
Cinematic universe confirmed?
He's not, Danny Mcbride said his character isn't a comedic one
I was looking for some ore new Prometheus style creatures in this one.
Some of the alien concept art for the first looked incredible. Sad to see they dropped the creature from the end of the first film, the engineers and everything else it seems.
We've already seen alien, aliens, alien 3, alien resurrection and both AVP movies. The xenomorph we know is hardly shocking anymore.
Also, the lead character in this is waaaay too much like Ripley
I know it's popular to hate Prometheus, but this looks like nostalgia loving bullshit. At least Prometheus was creative.
Its possible that might happen.
What was creative about Prometheus? Bongs in HEV suits? I'll grant you that.
>disliking yet another sequel/prequel/cinematic universe movie is the same as hating a good movie
did you watch all the Matrix sequels too, out of some miss-guided fan loyalty?
Space Cobras, tentacle beasts, the black goop, the eyeball worm + other body horror shit, the deleted scene of the warped face dude and the most original take on the "alien" for a very long time, inspired by baby foals and fetuses.. Say what you will, the monsters we're really fun.
you know that the new monsters, the Neomorphs, aren't in the trailer? they're probably going to be very similar to a lot of unused prometheus creature designs.
the backburster isn't a real giger xenomorph, it's a different animal.
we're going to see creatures that result from unchecked exposure to black goo in an environment (neomorphs) along with creatures specifically cultivated to be the giger xeno.
>Alien series reduced to shower sex scene jump scares that could be straight out of a Friday the 13th sequel
>Guys this time it's spores not black goo it's completely different
>The aliens come out of people's backs instead of their chest, putting a whole new spin on things
>Daniels is original character not a Ripley recolor DO NOT STEAL
anybody who gets suckered into paying for this, especially after Prometheus, gets what they deserve. i wish i could sell these same retards predatory loans too.
Of coursh.
That's the only way for a director to get an expensive project (that isn't award bait) greenlit these days. Not even joking. Ever tried pitching a business idea to investors? They're not just interested in if the initial idea can be successful, they want to know how the idea can be expanded five years down the road and make more money.
Am i the only one that actually liked Prometheus.
Mainly because of the Engineers, they are mysterious and interesting.
Ridley teased with some interesting subjects in Prometheus, but didn't deliver. It seems like he was not up to the task he set himself. He exposed himself in Prometheus.
Thanks for filling me in on this, user. Your description sounds a lot better than the trailer- and I DID see the spore/backbuster critter.
I'll keep positive. Thanks though, really!!
Prometheus is "Good ideas with dumb execution: the movie"
But nice reddit opinion though. There is no need to like or dislike anything. A product must only be appraised, and the value taken from it. Nothing more. 100% serious right now, not even memeing. If you feel like you need to like or dislike movies, you need to stop posting.
it all looks so boring
not even pirating this one desu
No, I work in conceptual art and I thought it looked incredible. It's solely a favorite just because of how it "looks".
what the fuck are you on about
sounds like you had a minor stroke
>Star Wars released in 1977
>Alien released in 1979
>Star Wars was ruined in 2015
>Alien was ruined in 2017
How much closer to poetry can you get.
>but muh aliens/alienCubed
Ruined by the studios, not Ridley himself. Prometheus meanwhile, only directly hurt Alien in the last 30 minutes.
This one will kill it.
Holy fuck that looks like garbage. Scott has really lost his ways. The Counselor was shit, Prometheus was shit, Exodus was mediocre
You need to go back. Your tastes are so surface level. You don't belong here.
>mfw the alien franchise becomes the fast and the furious tier with 19-some episodes nobody cares about keeping track of anymore
Fassbender was a mass-produced robot called David. Likely, Naomi and Fassbender from the first one will cross paths with the new ship.
Literally wat
This guy pretty serious about dick headed aliens
The sex scene being in the movie let alone the trailer seems ridiculously gratuitous.
He was not mass produced in Prometheus actually, he was the first and only of his kind at that time.
The first mass produced ones were the ones causing issues in "alien", which is much later.
there were cut sex scenes in the original alien
I'm more excited for Spoony's drunken rant about the film than the actual movie.
It's there for a reason.
"Predatory" loans, if you know what I mean.
Comparing Alien shit to Fast serious is an insult to Vin Diesel and co.
The sexual subjects in Prometheus were even more important than in alien, one would argue.
Though, the was one which was in there for no reason perhaps comedic value as well.
You just described the ending of Jurassic World.
Neat. I guess it's just a staple of the movies I never paid much attention to. It seemed to make sense in Prometheus and gave a fresh spin on the infestation process. Here it just seems out of place, not having seen it in the original.
lolwtf. Man, everyone injects their own personal biases into movie deconstructions. There's almost no real science to it - just self-reinforcing rants.
I did always feel the medical machine being for males only was a powerful message about the wage gap.
Also alien 3 had nothing to do with aids metaphorically.
Care to explain? Please don't "reach" to prove a point though.
Also, noomi had sex with the infected dude and couldn't give birth naturally, but she got to bear the child of her partner which was also a monster. "That's not possible!"
It's very much about sex and what it means to bear life.
I'm certain the sex scene in the trailer is there for the purpose of having the backbursters/neomorphs/whatever new monster spread as an STD.
The pic is from some nutcase who really got my neurons firing.
Yep. Alien was about rape, as we all should be aware.
This is Ridley Scott we're talking about. Giger is only part of it.
> I don't watch Rogue One
In alien, the shower scene from this trailer is very similar to a deleted scene where a crew member is literally raped by the creatures tail offscreen too. It creeps up her pantleg, then as she stands crying, It breathes harshly and "orgasms" as ripkey is running through the halls as the last survivor.
It wasn't until later the canon in AVP changed for the alien to have a "venomous tail".
why no pulse rifle
>Rogue One
I saw it user. I was underwhelmed.
Thank you for buying packaged nostalgia.
>let alien kill me then bugger off to kill my homeboys on the ground or go out in style taking alien out with me
Good goy!
Okay, talk me about a 100% original and good movie of the last years.
It follows
Wtf? Go watch some pg-13 movies if sex is so scary.
Fucking americunts
Rogue One filters another pleb
The Witch.
>doing anything but tweet about wrestling and non sense.
>making a video that isn't just live streaming silently.
I held out hope for way too long, but he is surely done.
So the message is that men have no place/right to go off looking for their creators as the act of creation/fostering life is a uniquely feminine one?
Damn. That actually explains why the Engineer flipped out on the dudebros getting in his face.
Jokes on you, I enjoyed Black Hat, and Robert Pattinson is a great actor.
I've been mad since Aliens III.
Now I feel nothing. Let pigs roll in shit.
>fucking shitty ending: How stop the curse of that thing? We try to kill it. Oh, don't work, well at least tried to.
>an intense sex scene between two nightmare creatures
Make it happen, Ridley.
be serious, user.
The message is an endless one. She was a creationist, so she didn't necessarily understand herself, that's why she was brought on board.
I think the engineer flipped the fuck out fir a reason that was left unexplained on purpose
If you're going to nitpick at every movie I put forward, there is no point in bringing forth movies I find cool.
Your cup is simply half empty
Sorry, forgot the movie was too deep for this webzone.
Try Room on for size.
I'm still confident that giger xenos are the result from unchecked exposure to the black goo/spores, it's just that the events in Prometheus didn't last long enough for it to reach its final form. My guess is that the Engineers stumbled across the xenos, became enamored with their insane versatility, and genetically retooled the spores so that it would work with Engineer DNA.
The planet in Covenant is either the origin of xenos or the planet that the Engineers first found them on. Shaw and David #1 will come to the planet because they mistakenly thought that it was the planet that the Engineers originated. When they get there they find the settlers trying to survive against spore xenos and fully formed, "indigenous" xenos.
This is tinfoil hat levels of hope.
Nobody knows how the black goo works except that it creates life, simply put.
the most typical and predictable witch tale is deep, okay.