If Gun Control works in Australia, why wouldn't it work in the USA?
If Gun Control works in Australia, why wouldn't it work in the USA?
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>Implying Aussie gun control works.
White gun crime is lower in the USA than Australia, USA only has so much more gun crime because of blacks and Hispanics disproportionately killing. If Australia had the same percentage of blacks and Hispanics they'd have just as much gun violence regardless of their gun laws.
Australia is an island and there's no crazy nigger gang culture there.
Riding a preexisting decline in homicide is not the same a decreasing homicide.
>1 post by this ID
You must think we are dumb or something. Your proxy is showing.
Entirely this
Also, aren't they having issues with homemade machine guns?
durrrr op.
Also better datasets suggest that gun control laws don't do anything measurable in the aggregate.
Because I won't give you my funs.
Strangest thing, I had all my weapons on my friends boat and the boat sank a bit ago, luckily my friends and I survived unscathed but the weapons are somewhere at the bottom of the ambiguous body of water officer... Also all of the ammunition was also on that boat as well. I know, it's a shame
Yeah look at the map of shootings here. It's all in areas where there are high concentrations of nogs and beaners. White areas are practically violence free.
we are not cucks
Because we have 350 million people here
Implying they wouldn't just use a different type of weapon like they did in China where private citizens can't own a fire arm
29 dead 130 injured with a knife
50 killed with knives
You now realize that Australian gun control is an incredibly well orchestrated shitpost on a global scale.
It just works.
>laws strictly controlling the guns that nobody has work
The US is a country full of poor, violent people with no hope of a better existence. It is why they are all on pharma smack.
Because US citizens would not comply with the buyback.
It doesn't
Because NIGGERS, that's why not.
>remove nigger on nigger and nigger on "Other" gun crimes from the equations showing our "epidemic of gun violence"
>INSTANTLY, the US gun violence stats now rival (and beat in a few instances) many European countries wherein guns are outright outlawed or heavily restricted
>pic related
also reference the DOJ/FBI stats and adjust for Race using the racial crime breakdowns.
Do it yourself so you know you are not being lied to.
Poverty doesn't correlate very strongly with homicide and statistical poverty in the US is a joke in which most of the people have HD tvs, multiple modern computing devices, air conditioning, bigger apartments than urban middle class Europeans and high speed internet. In my state we don't even have sales tax which massively increases purchasing power for poor people.
>ring 50,000 people at home
>"have you been raped in the last year?
>"have you been robbed?" etc
>rig them again next year, repeat questions
>disregard results under 10
>make crime "statistics"
Why are you posting that utter fucking dross? Why? What kind of a mind would think that worthless dogshit would have any value?
>pic with no sources
Here's the thing that does strongly correlate with homicide per state other than racial demographics.
Gunncontrol doesn't and hasn't worked in Australia
Because we are not a nation of respectable white people like Australia.
We are tainted by niggers and beaners who take the things that Lil Wayne says seriously.
Violence is literally glorified here
It's actually starting to fall apart a bit. We destroyed half the guns in the country after Port Arthur, but they've been slowly trickling back in. Probably doesn't help that so many bikies have military connections. It's probably easier to get a gun illegally than it is to get one legally at this point.
why don't you scroll down to the bottom off the list and reference the other 2 dozen or so government sources used to compile the data points?
Why don't you do what I said and reference the DOJ/FBI stats YOURSELF and adjust for race?
I've got a good idea why you'd be so incensed over such claims...
>have a rare black person to soothe your flaming anus
It doesn't work if it defies the 2nd amendment. We need to roll back gun control laws, not add more.
It never has worked.
I wouldnt stop at not complying. I would actually go out of my way to get a mill and polymer 3d printer to start manufacturing.
Then Id get serious.
>11 million guns vs 300+ million
>willingly gave them up
>cuck genes
It hasn't however.
Because Australia is an Island Nation
Whereas the US shares 2 of the longest borders on earth
One is A Thousand Miles long with Mexico
The cart controlled murder capital of the world.
The other is 3 times that size with a nation that also has easy access to firearms.
And very limited border control on those Three thousand miles.
And this is ignoring the man Gulf islands.
It would never work.
Australia is an island.
Think about how much money the cartel makes off of meth and coke. They'd just start shipping guns into the U.S. and add a few billion to the bottom line they make.
Drugs are illegal, yet more available on a high school campus than alcohol. Making something illegal, doesn't stop it.
The crime stats are from the NCVS survey. Which is ringing 50,000 people up, at home, and asking about crime. They then take the results and multiply by 4,000.
Stop posting worthless bollocks. Never mind posting more bollocks trying to justify other bollocks. Do not post worthless dogshit on this board, go play on the cartoon section if you are struggling with real life.
Australia is an island, you fucking retard.
>Liberals claim we can't round up 10 million illegal immigrants
>liberals seem to think we could get 300 million guns out of private hands
Stay deluded and self contradictory.
Because gun control and ownership has zero correlation with crime rates. Crime rates are more heavily tied to poverty, income inequality, population density, and ethnic diversity. A bunch of poor people of various races living together in a city with no access to guns will kill more people than a racially homogenous population living in the country in mansions and ranches where each person has their own rifle, pistol, and shotgun.
your impotent rage amuses me niggerfaggot
Shoot down (or...throw a crude flint-tipped spear at it???) this one too ... please.
I want to see some more Special Olympics-tier mental gymnastics!
apparently they trust their government
>Crime rates are more heavily tied to poverty
Not really see: >population density
The P-values suggest a causal link here but if it is causal the effect is incredibly small.
>impotent rage
GTAV faggot spotted
If you posted this crap, without any irony, you might not understand the topic at discussion. If you think surveying 1.6 x 10-4 of a population over the phone is going to produce anything worthwhile in any context, you are probably not able to think about this stuff properly.
Nobody with a brain would do that.
Citation on it working?
>works in Australia
>If Gun Control works in Australia, why wouldn't it work in the USA?
How the hell a gun control would works?
How the hell doing the equivalent of making cars illegal because of the people that will use it to kill people, is considered a working thing?
>"look I removed eveyone hands, now the amount of people punched to death decreased to zero"
Firstly define Gun Control.
Secondly define works.
> 4 for every 100K
That's pretty fucking low if you ask me. Also that reminded me of this guy.
>what is Mexican border
this desu
We have a massive unprotected border with Mexico that the pro gun control people are dead set on abolishing all together.
Didnt ausfags have that sydney shooting and that recent one?
The criminals still manage to get guns and ammo here, there's just less criminals in general because of higher living standards, this is a trend all over the world.
It doesn't work in Australia.
Australia has almost no niggers. You can't compare America to Australia and European countries because they have so few niggers in comparison to us.
Because guns are already in circulation in the United States
This. What the fuck? You are significantly more likely to be shot now than in 1996. Victoria has had its worst year in shootings in a long time this year despite having perhaps the strictest gun laws in the country.
Dangerous minorities are the problem, and American has a great deal of them than Australia. Banning guns would just make them more dangerous.
That's the only correlation between the ineffective and effectiveness of gun control
>Dangerous minorities are the problem
Noticing any patterns here?
>General violent crime
>Steadily going down since the 70s irrespective of gun control measures, which simply rode the wave of declining violent crime
>Massacres of 10+ people in a single incident
>Was and still is a rarity
>Post Port Arthur at least two such incidents were done via arson
>Pre meditation and psychopathy will lead to disasters no matter how many methods are regulated
It works by making their people slaves
I dont want it to work
>1 post
btw it didnt
Work? Work at what? I'd rather have an armed society with occasional murders than an unarmed society with still occasional murders. The problem isn't guns the problem is urban criminals.
lotta this.
Australia (and the UK) didn't get around to having a huge gun culture. Didn't take too much to get existing guns out of circulation.
In America, there are just too many guns. Ban them today and you would literally need 100 years to see a difference. The following 20 years after the ban would be literally no different because there are so many guns out there. Collecting them won't be practical so you'd just have to ban future sales and wait for them to wear out. Over 100 years. Or more.