Thoughts on this guy?

Thoughts on this guy?

Was he important in any sense or just memetic material?

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the addams family started when uncle fester farted, then they all came out retarded.

The ultimate degenerate

He was nuts, and wouldn't be surprised if he acted as some sort of collaborator with the bohemian groove Satanists.

His part of the reason Satanism is still alive in mexico and supposedly is barbaras Bush's father.


Yes but he was also a deceiver who kicked the ladder down with his lies so you can't achieve what he achieved.

Degenerate or just edgy? I find him calling himself 'the great beast 666' to be more of an edgy attention whore nature than an actual believing of him being the devil.

This is pretty spot on. IMO he acted edgy to keep normies away.

He is important but you will never know why.

Great thoughts are against all doctrines of conformity.

Whatever the case he was a top level mason and had a very serious following.



I only know about him because Jimmy Page bought his house. I don't actually know what he did or thought or whatever.


Barbara Bush's father

He is important to the depraved

Practically the western world.

A very very evil man

Explain, I was only aware he had a large hand in creating Thelema, made a tarot deck and was a practitioner of magick.

Weirdly enough in the gym today they played the song Mr. Crowley by Ozzy.

heard of google? it's a great site where you can search things

I wanted his opinion, I am already rereading up on Thelema and Crowley as we speak.

Do we live in the Aeon of Horus now, Sup Forums?


Tell me how Crowley is nothing to do with politics.

see yeah, I'd say the father-in-law and grandfather of two US Presidents is pretty Sup Forums related

He cheated at the 33rd°, went to Mexico City and bought the title with a Mexi 33rd° for a OTO degree.

I mean, he knew everything needed for the position, just didn't properly earn it.

His "magic" all boiled down to him getting butt fucked in the desert while he prayed to demons who never answered him. He even molested his own daughter in the hopes that would impress the didn't.

A based motherfucker

I read of an account where Crowley met Gurdjieff in London and they talked for a while. I forget who was doing the telling but anyway they said that Gurdjieff came across as benevolent, wise and intelligent, and Crowley came across as heavy, ignorant and dull.
Probably accurate and due to his debauched lifestyle.

>Was he important
no, not really. but still, he left a mark

all morons, all know nothing

haven't thought of that rhyme in ages.

A man who swallowed any pills he came across, a mess of both truth and delusions

he knew things many would kill to keep a secret.

he knew how to edge soo hard that apparently he can tear dimensions, so edgy that even Ayy lmaos and the devil himself wanted to know.

He was a groundbreaking mountaineer and like him or not he did blaze a trail culturally, he was one of the pioneers of yoga, vegetarianism for what it's worth and obviously new age and spiritual movements. Remember in his time all of Europe was happy to murder all its young men for no reason whatsoever just because it was the right thing to do and he was one of the first to tell the world to go fuck itself and that you can do what you want with your own life.

From political point of view Crowley was libertarian (one could say left-libertarian, since he had no regard for conservative values). He was essential to modern counterculture as he sought freedom from social norms and conventions (he's mentioned as inspiration for hippie movement several times, ie by Beatles). What happened later though is completely and undeniably against everything he believed in and taught about. Thelema was and still is about personal freedom, self-realisation and most importantly - responsibility. I remember reading Crowley's opinion on people who were his followers in his late years and he was disgusted with how weak-willed, opportunist and primitively hedonist they were, so he rather wouldn't praise current gibsmedat-oriented culture.

When Paul McCartney died they reanimated his corpse by summoning Crowley's soul into him

An egomaniac. I like the tarot deck he commissioned though.

Through studying ancient sources such as those of Ancient Egypt, he rediscovered the art meme magic, which we still use to this day.

Bump for interest

Not new age desu senpai. Nothing in common. Scientific illuminism is an application of scientific method to religious / mystic experience, while new age retards are allergic to anything even resembling science (with small exception of sci-fi ramblings about "quantum conciousness" proving "The Secret").