What does Sup Forums think of bill nye?
What does Sup Forums think of bill nye?
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>Bill Nye the weather guy.
Christfags hate him because he's adamantly against religion. I personally have a lot of respect for him.
He was the speaker at my university commencement. He rambled on and on about how we all came from Africa and that climate change was causing terrorism.
He suffers from Neil DeGrasse Tyson syndrome.
A great children's entertainer turned obnoxious kikester.
>I have a bacherlor's degree in mechanical engineering but am qualified to speak on genetics, evolution, and politics
>Bill Nye the "I'm very relevant" guy
>Bill Nye the "I took one science class" guy
A man that will only be remember from 8th grade science videos that they barley show anymore.
Sircessly the first time i have ever heard of bill was in 11th grade.
An irrelevant faggot who thinks he's important because he starred in a children's show twenty years ago.
Man you guys are butt hurt he doesn't agree with you. Why him in particular?
You can save the bachelor's crap. He worked at Boeing.
well you obviously took none so...
Fucking liberal fraud.
i think he should stick to non political stuff. i dont mind him or the other 2 guys who do the same thing as people. but in regards to politics its kinda sad the left tries to use him as academic leverage. since you know he isnt a geneticist
Bill Nye The Russian Spy
Why would anyone over the age of 12 think of Bill Nye?
I mean, the whole "science is fun and kinda cool" thing was good while it lasted, but the guy is taking himself way too seriously now.
>Bob goy the science boy
Isn't he the American Öveges doktor or smth? WHat does this have to do with politics?
One of his opinions
Milo did a pretty extensive article about him
His head reminds me of a banana
cucked regressive faux liberal shiteater
fuck that caricature of a man
Sounds about right for Bill Nye the Batchelors degree Guy
Really makes you think...
Americans and their illiteracy
Traitor to science.
And he's going to be held to account.
Bill Nye a great guy
The best description I've read to describe people like Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson is that they're science popularizers. They don't directly contribute anything but they manage to capture the minds of children to make them think.
>Not Jewish
Pick one
Wow, now im a #shillforclint
Literally have a degree in biology
Nice try you filthy mongrel, do you also quote DeGrasse Tyson? Kek
He's the Carl Sagan of the 1990s.
Hasn't published any scientific work. He's basically a science communicator. He just parrots political talking points without having the capability of understanding the science that he espouses.
I'd be fine with that.
In truth, their egos have been inflated to the point where they believe they're experts on every subject. I don't dislike them as much as their followers incapable of critical thinking.
A sellout who has made a living regurgitating 5th grade science information to the American masses. Now shills for globalization & pushing "climate change"
Meme Nye the Meme Guy
Honestly he's he best out of the pop scientists. Especially compared to Magic Space Negro and Kooky Kaku
Cool as a science educator.
Couldn't care less about his political beliefs or science activism.
>>What are tenses
Nigga you didn't make it past 4th grade
Why is Nova with a Nintendo shirt and a bunch of Zergs ?
He's a supreme cuckold
Wow, no wonder you guys like Milo. His article reads like a /pol post. It consists of only disagreeing with his opinions and calling him a dummy.
Bill Nye the Science When it Suits Him Guy
>people honestly think they learn from "educational" kids shows
>people get visibly upset when you point that there are no studies that show children learn anything from shit like Bill Nye or Sesame Street
>People think watching Bill Nye will "inspire" kids to become scientists, as if there were no scientists before television
He's a lovely teacher of the mechanical sciences but looks like an absolute idiot in pretty much any other field.
Any one that isn't a huge shit bag would find that high praise.
kike shill
timestamp faggot
you probably won't deliver
But I did learn basic scientific concepts as a child from Bill Nyes show and it kept me engaged in a way a dry boring science class didn't.
I get why people hate bill nyes activism, I mean, even if you agree with him it's just kind of meh. But why do people hate his show so much? I loved that shit as a kid. It was a fun thing after a bunch of classes of more dry education, to sort of break it up with a bill nye video on occasion to keep the kids engaged.
He also doesn't need to be more than a mechanical engineer to teach basic science concepts.
2 days before the day after tomorrow.
He's a jewish propagandist.
Well, I'm a huge shit bag then. I know I wasn't the only person indoctrinated to socialism through Sagan's "educational" material, but at least I was one of the few that broke free of it.
Edginess aside, trying to get young children into science is a pretty great thing and it's hard not to respect the guy for that, despite whatever leftist garbage he pushes.
he was cool when he did his show back in the day, but his fame went to his head and now he thinks he's more relevant than just a popular children's show host.
Terrific and funny as hell as actor/comedian doing occasional science shit on a local Seattle TV station. Tedious and tiresome now though. As things turned out, it's almost as though he was pulled out randomly from the pool to deliver a message. Could have been anybody. Kind of a Johnny Bravo thing.
not awful, he occasionally says something that is right but people will greatly overstate his intelligence
>1 post by this i.d.
Make that two