Interstellar 2 when?
If you didn't like this movie then you're a massive faggot
Interstellar 2 when?
If you didn't like this movie then you're a massive faggot
Tars, set OP to faggot.
I don't like bad movies
maybe love, a chemical reaction understood by science, maybe those hormones, maybe they like transcend time and dimensions
Also, the gravity of this artificial black hole (made of bookshelves) is enough to hold plants in place, enough to not let light escape, but not enough to instantly fucking kill you and rip your ship apart miles before crossing the event horizon - never fucking mind going 'inside it'. This is literally as retarded as going 'inside a sun'.
"Science Fiction"
The only saving grace Interstellar has is that Prometheus is a worse movie. Barely
>Interstellar 2
>This time the 'ordinary small town folks' casually talk in complex chess algorithms
>There's a planet where time goes backwards
>The worm hole takes him into the dream of a 12 year old child living with cancer in the 1940's
sorry reddit
I don't care how he ends up saving ane hathaway
>I liked a movie so there must be a sequel
You do know that the tesseract was made by future beings and so was designed for the main character to go into it and do what he was doing right? It wasn't just some random black hole.
I didn't even take that love stuff seriously. The movie makes enough sense without it, it seemed to me like just some sappy added lines to make it even more oscar bait.
why didnt anyone realise how
retarded this line was before they released the movie
Because all the dialogue is retarded. There's supposed to be a filter between the screenwriter trying to vent all his stunted artistic aspirations with linguistic diarrhea and the actual lines spoken by the actor. It just wasn't there for Interstellar.
It was written by the Nolan brothers, so no.
>good movie
>m-muh love can transcend time-space and shieeet
Well that explains a lot.
LOL OP good thread everyone is falling for the bait
that being said i liked this movie enough to buy it on blu ray
>giving the holly-jews your hard earned money
its a 6.5/10 movie at most t b h
eh it was only $6 ill give the jews that
That's not retarded. About 20 years back I raped this 1 year old because I thought I loved her. Then when she turned 10 I raped her again. Then I married her when she turned 18.
I plan to rape her again in a few years.
Our love transcended time and space.
Huh? Is that Rust? When did he became an astronaut?
Soon I hope ;-;
Also you're a dirty pork eating kike
>anne hathaway lands on planet, realise shes the only sole survivor of the mission
>proceeds to grimly proceed with her assigned tasks of raising thousands of test tube babies
>one day walking over a ridge she sees in the distance a bright shining city
>she sees the colony of the future mankind that left earth centuries ago but due to time dilation it never happened for her
Would have been the best tweeest ending
Like with every Nolan movie - you would like it, and maybe even love it, if you turn off your brain at the beginning
>I didn't even take that love stuff seriously. The movie makes enough sense without it, it seemed to me like just some sappy added lines to make it even more oscar bait.
Pretty much. The ending few lines were stupid tacted on stuff for that reason, and everything else was just stupid people trying to comprehend future humans and failing.
>ending few lines
This. To be honest, when I heard it I just heard the desperate grasping of straws of someone who missed their lover. Not some transcendent idea about love.
so much truth in one post
>mfw plebs don't understand Love as a signpost to God
This. It's like people complaining about the love thing has no idea what being figurative means and thought that it works literally because of love. Come on, that shit is like high school english.
it's a Christian theme. When the characters in the movie practice selfless love, they are saved, or could have had better outcomes if they did practice it. Cooper leaves his family to go look for a way to save humanity, a huge personal sacrifice. Hathaway's character wants to go investigate her boyfriends planet because she love tells her too, they ignore her, and it turns out that was the best planet after all. Cooper sacrifices himself to save Hathaway's character which winds him up in the tesseract and saves everyone.
The antithesis is the aptly named Dr. Mann, who represents humanity, who selfishly seeks to preserve himself and almost dooms mankind because of it
When the movie tells you love is the path to ascension, this is what it means
Yeah, if was one of the most powerful films of the 21st century
Absolute kino in every way.
Pleb will never understand
>He thinks it was a black hole
Wew lad, do you even pay attention to what you watch?
I didn't like it at all. Inception was great though