surely they're not actually going to get away with this?
Surely they're not actually going to get away with this?
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cant wait till cg gets good enough that we can have feature length star wars films with young luke, han and leia omg yaaaaassssss
>star wars movies starring a cgi pre-car crash Mark Hamill
yeah okay
>Sir one of our top scientists leaked info to the rebels and may have been working with them all along
>Sir the rebels have risked their entire fleet getting the full specs
>Sir we are not fully operational and vulnerable.
>Sir there is a danger
Why didn't he listen?
The movie's been out for a week and it's almost as half a million bucks. They already have gotten away with it.
>out a week
>only made half a million
That's fucking abysmal considering stuff like Jurassic World made 217 million in its opening weekend or something preposterous like that.
it made 323.5 million USD according to google
Am I the only one who didn't think it looked bad? Maybe I just had low expectations because I had heard so much about how awful it was, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I think Tarkin had the benefit of darker sets to hide it.
Leia on the other hand was horrifying to me.
you guys are fucking retarded.
Nah, I thought it looked pretty good especially considering Cushing died but I guess it helps when you've got someone who looks and sounds strikingly like him.
I mean it's definitely progress in terms of technology but as far as the film is concerned I hated it. Especially considering the scenes almost always had an actual human to contrast with. It's not simply a problem with the effect, it's primarily bad editing/directing.
it looked fine, but its facial movements looked very unnatural, like someone imitating a robot. You can definitely tell its not human.
Of course not. It is obvious that using CGI steals your soul. Carrie Fisher is in coma because of that.
i dont even care how it looks
what i am more surprised about is people hating on the movie and him coming back
even with the main cast of rebels being shit it was a great addition to the series that fit snugly into place
not every movie needs to break records retard
Inflation kinda dictates the opposite.
I watched it without my glasses and was impressed. I knew it was an effect obviously but he had a physical presence thanks to the actor and the face looked mostly okay. I assume they mo-capped the actors face?
How many people in the audience who don't recognize this character would have noticed? Some would have for sure but I think the majority didn't.
>"Since Helen passed on I can't find anything; the heart, quite simply, has gone out of everything. Time is interminable, the loneliness is almost unbearable and the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that my dear Helen and I will be reunited again some day. To join Helen is my only ambition. You have my permission to publish that ... really, you know, dear boy, it's all just killing time. Please say that."
Two successful low-power test blasts on Jedha and Scarif and the total destruction of Alderaan.
At the point where he is killed, they have located the rebel base and are seconds away from firing on it. He thinks he's won.
He died believing he had won. Good for him.
my sister didn't even realize it was CGI until I told her afterwards
Its not bad, but too uncanny especially compared to a live actor on screen.
On the night his wife died, he had a nervous breakdown and ran up and down his stairs all night trying to give himself a heart attack.
I wonder if they would be better served by having had his scenes be him communicating through a hologram.
I guess they wanted to show off the tech. I thought it was glaringly obvious it was CG. It was well done, but still obvious...still, both the people I saw it with and two other friends thought it looked real.
>He died and there was no afterlife
LMAO what a cuck
>implying it matters and that there's literally no way he would ever know he was wrong
I think some people are just more susceptible to it.
How poetic. Tarkin died seconds from destroying the rebel base and his death was instantaneous.
Is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all, lads?
On one hand life long loneliness, on the other
After seeing the prequels I could not take Darth Vader seriously anymore in the originals nor the Rogue One scene where they try to make him look all "badass". I mean it would've worked perfectly if the prequels were never mad; I absolutely admired how complex and mythical of a character Darth Vader was before George Lucas fucked it up with his emo-rage background story.
>inb4 muh Shakespearean tragedy
>inb4 too complex for you to understand
I will never be able to connect in my mind the idea that Hayden Christensen supposed to be who Vader is under the suit.
I don't know who could've plausibly portrayed a young Vader but Christ, that was not him.
>guy with no backstory
>complex and mythical
>now he's actually fleshed out and shown to be a tragic hero
>not complex anymore
Nigga, if anything, the prequels made Vader more complex.