Posts chart

>posts chart
>no one makes fun of it
I made it.

thats when you know its terrible

well, what's your chart?

up my as

If I post it now you'll just make fun of it to be contrarian.

That just means it was so mediocre that nobody even cared enough to honor it with a response

do it anyway
what a pussy u r

Look, my feelings are fragile, okay? It was stressful enough deciding to post it the first time. I don't want to keep tempting fate.

post it
face ur fears bucko

Ugh fine. Here you go.

theres no picture there

gee I wonder if that was on purpose

I wonder as well pussy

>he still thinks I'm the OP

no one except for OP would be this much of a faggot.
Of course you are OP/

No really. I'll prove it. Watch me continue to not post the chart because I don't have it because I'm not OP.

its because your a dang yellow belly, not any of this "I don't have it " faggotry.

I'm going to make an awful flowchart then pretend to be OP so everyone thinks OP has terrible taste and laughs at him

yeah ok dude just post your chart and then fuck off.

how about you fuck me


beating around the bush are you?
Well I guess you are just a coward.
False alarm guys. We all knew this a guy who wouldn't have a good chart anyway.

how about you beat my bush faggot

I'm sure you would like that more than if we got to see your chart

damn straight i would


this is the most homoerotic thread i've seen on here in a long time. thanks for the orgasm guys.