>dude only the last third is good lmao
>needed more vader
Is this movie the ultimate pleb filter?
>dude only the last third is good lmao
>needed more vader
Is this movie the ultimate pleb filter?
A.) All the rebels (Except the main chick) are a team initially so you can skip their introductions and get more into a Band of Brothers style feel
B.) More inter-Imperial politics
C.) Vader killing most of the main cast
>I liked it.
>It wasn't all bad.
Yes, filter the plebs that couldn't see through this market garbage.
>C.) Vader killing most of the main cast
Is this thread the ultimate veiled RLM criticism?
For Star Wars it absolutely is.
>OT tone
>OT pacing
>action style closer to OT
>no lightsaber battle
>just enough fan service that total plebs will latch onto them as their favorite parts
>Is this thread the ultimate veiled RLM criticism?
For some perhaps. RLM are enjoyable and had some good criticism for R1. But considering R1 to be bad and TFA to be good to great shows they can be dead wrong sometimes. Judging by that review it's like the only thing they were looking for in R1 was snappy upbeat characters.
>What's your favorite part of the movie?
>Can you name the characters?
>"Chewbacca, Luke, Han Solo..."
>No, in Rogue One.
Yeah, nah.
the ending is the worst part. it's just an all out action orgy to distract the fans from remembering that they already know how the movie ends.
i was watching Rogue One and when Darth Vader started fucking up niggers i realised. This is why anything post 1983 wont work, Star Wars needs Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker or atleast the equivalent
That review was bullshit and they looked like fucking idiots doing that shit. Not because they're wrong. But they could have just as easily done that for TFA. Both movies are full of fan service and shit we've all seen before. The difference being that it made sense seeing a lot of the same stuff in R1 since it takes place at the same time a ANH whereas TFA should have been far more original since it was 30 years later. And at least R1 didn't lift it's entire fucking plot from a previous installment in the franchise.
Can you guys really defend how shitty the first act of the movie was?
>Jyn gets into a firefight in Jedha
>cliche "kid stuck in the midlde of the battlefield crying"
>never does anything of the sort again
>dead wrong
I seriously wanted it to be a caper film. Was that shot of her in the black armor even in the final film?
What I don't think they realize is TFA and R1 are both equally terrible and they shouldve been more critical. its on the level of the new ghostbusters or the emojis movie, jack and jill, identify theft, etc. corporatist garbage, complete with male bashing anti white subtext. theres no way around the politics in these films, they are so mean spirited and derogatory towards pretty much everyone, like theyre made by aliens or something
The last third was enjoyable, I really didn't care for most of the characters and it did need more Vader but not visually. Since the movie was announced, I heard that Vader would be a straight savage in it. I imagined him throwing people with the force, light saber throws and his movements to be fast like force unleashed. What I saw was so ducking basic. Also a side note, Vader seemed to be hunching when he first appeared. He is always massively tall and stands straight with power. It really took me out of the experience.
The difference being that TFA was the first Star Wars in 10 years and R1 was the first Star Wars in 1 years
kind of? she did wear the tie pilot suit (at least that is what i assumed) and i was disappointment she didn't steal one.
People like you are worse than the "Vader/Yoda kicked ass" fanboys
One of the things that annoys me about this movie is that everyone views killing off all the characters as Disney having the balls when really they only did it so it explains why none of these characters appear in future movies.
>dude only the last third is good lmao
This is true. First two-thirds of the movie are trash.
>needed more vader
This is false, it had the perfect amount of Vader.
Ya I think for most people that's accurate. RLM's criticisms were valid and well founded specially when it came about the laziness of fan service, but they can't apply that same shit to TFA.
The characters being flat were right too, but TFA characters just consisted of quips and equal amounts of underdevelopment.
>we don't really get to know about Jyn, like at least with Rey we get her cool intro
Shit was literally her just eating bread and scraping for a couple a minutes, never understood why people thought Rey's intro was so profound.
I heard he was supposed to be super violent, not a slice and choke. I imagined force unleashed type of shit. Not what he did. I was really let down.
>"you're going to see Vader in a way you've never seen him before"
I guess I did but it was crap
>dead wrong
Yeah exactly
Don't be a little bitch
Not profound, it just shows she has a life outside of the plot of the movie and a specific goal in mind.
The original script all he did was impale Cassian and kill Jyn after they had given the plans over to Leia's ship and they got off Scarif and that was it.
Exactly. The characters in both films needed more fleshing out to really be solid characters. It's just that in TFA they're cartoonish and upbeat quip machines and in R1 they're drab and serious the whole time. At least Jyn had clear motives unlike Rey who meets Fin and within 5 minutes is has the first order trying to kill her but decides to steal a ship and fly off with him.
I also hated how Rey is so forcefully introduced into the movie. In Star Wars Luke doesn't show up until the droids arrive at his home. TFA just randomly cuts to Rey out in the desert before BB-8 shows up.
Another life sure, but it never showed her goal. I've read other people say that being her reason leaving Jakku but she only leaves because Finn and BB-8 ran into her and she's forced to flee and only goes on an adventure just because Han just so happened to cross paths. Rey and Jyn were both underdeveloped characters.
Almost every line from the original is a quip
>Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?
>After you, your highness
>We're doing fine, how about you?
>Somebody get this walking carpet out of my way
etc etc
And as far as the intro goes, BB8 doesn't talk and doesn't have C3P0 to speak for him, so a 10 minute silent BB8 roaming the desert wouldn't make a great beginning, assuming you even want to remake the same movie again anyway
Galen, Krennic, Jao, Jyn, K-S2O, Cassian, Baze, Bolphi,
It came out a year after TFA and they're bitter hacks at this point.
She's not forced, she's the one who takes charge when she meets Finn. She was given an opportunity to leave, when previously she couldn't afford a ship or a ride out (the intro set this up)
>She was given an opportunity to leave, when previously she couldn't afford a ship or a ride out (the intro set this up)
Nope. All she says is that she's waiting for her family. Did you just dream up a scene where she said she couldn't afford a ship or ride to leave? That's not even implied. If anything is implied it's that if she really wanted to leave she could have walked on board the falcon or some other ship any time she wanted and blasted out of there right away.
>everyone says the movie is shit until the last 20 minutes
>they also say it's the best Star Wars film
Them Star Wars flicks must really be shit, glad I never gave a shit about them.
Its like muh d&d games
No doubt, if someone says this nostalgia piece of trash is good he is a 100% certified bottom of the barrel pleb
>glad I never gave a shit about them.
Gr8 b8 faggot
Difference being that this movie means Disney is going to shit out paint by numbers "I can't believe it's not Marvel!" nostalgia pandering SW flicks every year until the day we all die. Those are good reason to hate this movie, besides being boring and the characters being shit
The stuff you listed was much more tamer than the meta humor we got in TFA. No ones saying Star Wars was and has to be serious but it shouldn't be tryhard like Marvel
>so who talks first
>you got a cute boyfriend?
>that's not how the force works
>is there a trash compactor xD
Maybe I'm projecting, but that's what the character is designed to do.
What's it like to be both too young and too old to like Star Wars, and to then be upset about it?
>Vader, the only thing good in the movie
>this is somehow bad
>The movie provides nothing else
It is definitely a pleb filter, in that those who liked it or defend it are plebs.
It's like opposite BvS.
No soul
are you incapable of enjoying a story if you already know how it ends? 300 must have been really boring for you
>but that's what the character is designed to do.
>implying there's anything rey CAN'T do
Lol good one user xD
Why are people praising this movie? It was quite bad tbqh
that's a sweet poster
You're not wrong. But all those reasons still apply to TFA as well. We've known for like 3 or 4 years now that we were gonna be getting a new SW movie every year.
She is doing everything she can NOT to leave
>needed more vader
this is the worst fucking criticism, it's usually from people who obsess over lightsabers and shit
there's such thing as too much of a good thing, if something shows up too much or too often it can A. overshadow the entire movie and B. ultimately become mundane as we get more and more exposed to it
No b8 queer, never seen them, never had the want
People who say it's the best film are memeing.
>a 10 minute silent BB8 roaming the desert wouldn't make a great beginning, assuming you even want to remake the same movie again anyway
Could have been amazing if they had balls and pulled it off desu but jj would never do that.
>don't like star wars
>don't care at all
>gotta go on Sup Forums star wars threads to anons know
You should probably kys
Ok and? That doesn't disprove the difference between the OT and TFA. Surprise but there are people who don't care for meta humor being unnecessarily shoved into franchises like Star Wars, marvel, ghostbusters, etc.
I liked them both....
I feel like the only people who didn't like it were the people that expected to see the greatest movie of all time.
Then why are you in a star wars thread on a Taiwanese hentai board? I'd say watching a classic of cinema is a better use of time than coming here to discuss something you hate and haven't seen. Even if you do end up hating it.
>I feel like the only people who didn't like it were the people that expected to see the greatest movie of all time.
Or people who expected a competent action flick with decent characters and not a nerd porno packed full of fan service and references to shit we've seen before.
>I guess I did but it was crap
kill yourself
TFA was the a franchise starter (or continuer?) so people can forgive them for being safe, boring and nonsensical. They needed a hit and that's why they made ANH all over again and spent on marketing more than the next three highest grossing blockbusters of the year put together. But R1 was a tie in movie and they were supposed to make something different.
And they didn't. As I said the movie was bad on itsefl, but in the context of the franchise, it has more than enough to be hated like the prequels or worse
>TFA was the a franchise starter (or continuer?) so people can forgive them for being safe, boring and nonsensical
no, people should not forgive the movie for being boring and nonsensical.
I just think you're pretending to debate Star Wars when in reality you want to talk about something else that's keeping you up all night
ON the contrary. It's full pleb movie. Only fanboys love it, every fanboy on my newsfeed loves it.
>nerd porno
>fan service
Nice buzz words. Should I be taking notes?
>C.) Vader killing most of the main cast
Nah, that shrinks the universe.
>nerd porno
>buzz word
In what fucking world m8?
>it's a buzzword
>therefore it doesn't really count
Is this how you excuse this shit in your feeble mind? If you can classify a critique as a buzzword then it's not really an issue.
I want you all to know how much I don't care about SW, how shit the movies are, how retarded you are for liking them, and point out the clear idiocy of the viewers who say 90% of a movie is shit but is also the best in the franchise.
100% on point criticisms you shilly boy
>how retarded you are for liking them
Ok. Not nearly as retarded as you for poking around on fucking Sup Forums about shit you don't like on goddamn Christmas no less.
In all honesty I assume you're just shit posting but I really hope you're genuine because the idea of someone doing that is delightful.
>I just think you're pretending to debate Star Wars when in reality you want to talk about something else
??? What else would I be debating about. Are we not talking about Star Wars? All I did was point out the differences. Enlighten me what else would I be debating about it?
I was loling to myself when they criticized R1 for being a fan film, yet thought the rehashed, apology tour known as TFA was good.
>posting on Sup Forums
>on christmas
>so pathetic
You own a mirror m8?
TFA was a great example of fan fiction desu
Difference is I like Star Wars and therefore I go into SW threads and discuss it. I don't go over to Sup Forums and tell them they're all fucking stupid faggots just because I don't enjoy sports.
I don't know, I had pretty low expectations, I just wanted to have fun but the completely empty characters left me with nothing.
They're not just buzzwords, he's right, sure it may be exaggerated by people. but outside the fanservice and nerd porno, the movie has nothing of its own.
>I don't go over to Sup Forums and tell them they're all fucking stupid faggots just because I don't enjoy sports.
Sounds like a fine idea to me m80
I rebel girl was terrible. equally terrible as Rey. at least she had some nice DSL.
felt more sympathy to the 2 chinks and to the robots than with i rebel
during the beach battle i just can't stop imagining hearing it ain't me in my head
>during the beach battle i just can't stop imagining hearing it ain't me in my head
Someone has to make this happen
>"Admiral Krennic, I'm a farmer"
>"If we blow the reactor, will it self destruct?"
>"It would be extremely difficult"
>"It's a big trench"
>"For Luke"
>"what's your call sign?"
>"Rogue One: A Star Wars Storyâ„¢"
jfc Disney c'mon
Well you keep comparing SW to Marvel, and even Ghostbusters, as if they could be classified in the same way at all. Marvel at least makes sense, but did you even watch Ghostbusters? SW is not nearly as bad, and isn't part of this sjw/millenial bent that your on.
>SW is not nearly as bad, and isn't part of this sjw/millenial bent that your on.
Hahahaha fuck off m8
you sound really jaded my newfriend.
I get the feeling if the original trilogy were released today, people wouldn't think it was good.
Every movie these days needs to have deep themes, hugely developed characters and everything needs to be perfect before you can say it's good.
Movies can't be just simple fun anymore, they need to MEAN something.
The only reason the last third was so good was because it didn't have to depend on nicley written characters.
>SW is not nearly as bad, and isn't part of this sjw/millenial bent that your on.
Are you serious now?
>Is this movie the ultimate pleb filter?
Yes, because only plebs like this trite shit.
literally the opposite is true. vader's scene was fan wank and the first third was the best part.
A movie needs to break evem in first weekend or so.
Afterwards interest thus profit dwindle.
Thats why advertisers spam boards / sites / forums with fake opinions. To try and flood and drown honest but negative reviews / opinions away.
We live in an age of disinformation
If you're young, didnt grow up with internet or uneducated it is hard to notice but it goes like this.
>honest review yet negative score / concensus is presented through logic rather than emotion
>Like vultures who i.e. ones who are payed to browse Sup Forums they sort on creation date to get firs5 reply
>Insecure bodies will read the critic and start shaking realizing what mongs they are but since the advertiser dismisses the review the kid/fanboy neckbeard has again his horrible taste validated
Sry to burst your bubble but yes. You are manipulated from all sides.
You didn't think an empire like disney, marvel etc would just stick to commercials and respecting honest opinions/reviews right?
>Is this movie the ultimate pleb filter?
Absolutely. It's a generic action movie that's only redeeming value is >Star Wars. Even the fan-pandering was weak.
Killing off characters is bold when you kill fleshed out characters people feel something for, like they do in GoT (to an extreme, even). Killing literally whos who do their shit just because, basically plot devices and foreign market pandering tokens, isn't bold at all.
Killing Solo also wasn't bold because other people fleshed him out and he's only there to be killed off. It's like buying a cow and then sacrificing it, not the same as raising the cow at all
it is one of the better pleb filters
i think one out of 4 "professional" movie reviewers made similar comments
Nice amateur 'movie poster' man
You got a deviant art page?